murag dili man sad gud kay naa story katong mag-asawa si robert stokes ug iya misis...umm barbiturates diay ila gi-use pang suicide...
BBC NEWS | UK | UK couple die at suicide clinic
in an article titled:
Bishops asked to stop distorting truth on reproductive health bill(The Philippine Star) Updated September 19, 2009 12:00 AM
Bishop Rodrigo Tano of the Interfaith Partnership for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood said he was “disturbed that some Church people are threatening presidential candidates.”
“That’s quite a misuse of religious authority,” he said.
“I don’t think religious authority should be used to intimidate candidates concerning their stand. I hope our presidentiables will not be cowed. There may not even be such a thing as a Catholic vote.”
full article:
Bishops asked to stop distorting truth on reproductive health bill | The Philippine Star >> News >> Headlines
around 130 lawmakers are already in support of the RH bill. Unfortunately, they are discreet somehow about their list of supporters as they are afraid the church will gang up on them.
correct me lang if im wrong, here's some entities who publicly confirmed as supporters of the RH Bill:
Edcel Lagman (principal author)
Darlene Antonio-Custodio
Gilbert Teodoro
Chiz Escudero
Noynoy Aquino
Pia Cayetano
Janette Garin
Fidel Ramos
Joseph Estrada
Loren Legarda
Rodolfo Biazon
Panfilo Lacson
Jinggoy Estrada
Miriam Defensor-Santiago
Eduardo Angara
Jamby Madrigal
Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel
Mark Llandro Mendoza
Lea Salonga
Jim Paredes
Marian Rivera
NO to Abortion!
YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
Last edited by giddyboy; 10-12-2009 at 09:05 PM.
kining mga pari kay dagko kaau mga ulo.. they use the name of god para sa ilaha political influence.. there not actually interested on the RH bill itself.. they just want the publicity and hype they will make from it so that they will have an increase in thier so called prestige..
in short.. puro ra pa gwapo nahibalan anang mga paria.. kanang mga bishops nato mura na sila mga pari sa dark ages.. abi nila powerful na kaau na sila.. thats one of the reasons why i never respect wolves in holy cloth..
question... unsa nahimo sa mga pari sa para sa victims sa ondoy and sa pepeng? sa kadaghan2x ato love offerings nahatag nganu mangau man sila separate donations? why not kadto ato tithes nlang ila gamiton diay.. hinuon.. para nila, mas importante man gani ang papintal sa simbahan kay sa operation sa orphanage, masdako gud budget.. mas importante jud gwapo ang image..
hahay.. the bishops and their BS again.. luoy lang ang mga pari and madre nga nagtarong..
Unborn children ARE existing human beings. Did you just relegate an entire class of people to non-human status? Just like Hitler did?
No comparison was made between a building and a woman's body.. I made an analogy of the LOGIC involved. You should be able to tell the difference.did you just compare a woman's body to that of a building? is a building even human? does it have rights? or don't you have regard for women at all? relegating our bodies as buildings?
Alternative for what? Population control? We do NOT need it. The Philippines is NOT overpopulated. Overpopulation is a myth. You just think the country is overpopulated because you are just assuming (without reason) that population growth/density causes poverty. But economists.,demographers, and scientists have already DISPROVEN that assumption.Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
Now if you want a moral means of birth spacing then you have the safest, most effective, and cheapest means available: Natural Family Planning (NFP). it has zero side effects, is 99-100% effective, and is very cheap: all you need is paper and pen. if you want to be a little more sophisticated, you can also buy a cheap thermometer. That's all you need. No need to keep buying drugs or devices which is the case for many artificial contraceptives.
Of course NFP won't make money for the big drug companies and corrupt congressmen. That is why they want to push abortifacient contraceptives instead. We shouldn't be fooled by their hidden agenda.
Time to get real. Overpopulation is a myth. And NFP is the safest, most effective, and cost-effective means of family planning available.
By the way, we are inviting all Istoryans to stand up for life by joining in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity on October 20, 2009, Tuesday next week.
Here's a video about the event:
Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
hmm.. i notice lang ha. cge ta talk about population growth, RH-bill, abortion. etc..
i think naa ta wala na consider... and that is S*X!.. kung wala pa S*X, wala ni nga mga topics.. agree mo?
S*X is the most beautiful thing GOD allowed a man and a woman to do... it also serves the purpose of reproducing our species, lets face it, if he didnt want us to enjoy the good thing, then how come he made it feel good dba.. im sure agree mo tanan nga if wala ni S*x, wala ta dire sa kalibutan..
now, who says we cant enjoy S*X without creating a baby.. what if gusto ni mister og ni missis mag loving2x pero di sila gusto another child... maau kay naa na condom, and contraceptives para kaenjoy sila sa ila s*x life.. marriage is strenthened by S*x or weakend by lack of it..
and another point, do you know nga si misis ganang-gana during her most fertile day?
it is a sin if such wonderful gift from God is taught by some people to be evil.. people should not be ingorant about it.. because of that ignorance, evil arises.. such as rape, adultery, etc.. and problems such as unwanted pregnancy occurs, and overpopulation...
the RH-Bill will surely improve the S*X lives of couples.. he who says S*x is not good is somebody who is s*xually frustrated or is not good at it.. (ex.. baog), and wants others to suffer his/her misery and doesnt want others to enjoy one of GOD's gift..
lets support the RH-bill.. glorify human sexuality.. thank God he allowed it....
Well said sir!
We must remember that Jesus told us not to judge PERSONS, but He allowed us to judge ACTIONS and BELIEFS. There is a huge difference.
Actions and beliefs can be objectively right or wrong. We must use our judgement and evaluate actions and beliefs or else we will be totally unable to live moral lives at all.
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