View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1321

    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    now u tell PRE-MARITAL S3X right? is promiscuity correct?

    if you love ur GF|BF|wife, wud u want to have her borrowed?

    are you living in an island? where u will not affect someone else life?
    s3x between two consenting adults is never wrong.

    my loved ones are people, as such I would never label their past, their experiences and decisions as being "borrowed". I will accept them for who they are and love them unconditionally. Isnt this what love is? of being able to accept people for who they are no matter what and where they come from?

    Besides, kung di na mo magka-sinabot nganong ipugos man, mangita diay ug lain nga parihas nimog pagtuo?

    I actually do live in an island. I still dont understand why things I do in the privacy of my own home and bed affect your life. how is that? unless kung nanglili ka.

  2. #1322
    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    then lets also kill people who aren't capable of reasoning.
    the people in mental hospital.the mongoloids. the elderly people.the people in the comatose stage.and a lot more. ato pud iapil ang mga nagsige lang ur pabug-at sa mga ginikanan nga mga minyo na | hinkud nag edad. freedom is for everyone and so is rights of choice.
    serious ka ani? you just labeled the elderly as incapable of reasoning? some of the smartest people I know are in fact elderly.

    The people in mental hospitals were capable of reasoning before na sila nabutang diha. poverty, social injustice, abuse are major reasons in the first place nganong nabutang sila diha. mao gani mo undergo sila therapy.

    Even the people in the comatose stage were capable of reasoning before sila ni abot ana nga stage. Even the ones you called the “mongoloids” are capable of reasoning, i.e. thought process. please do not underestimate them.

    sayop jud ka aning statement nimo nga “ato pud iapil ang mga nagsige lang ur pabug-at sa mga ginikanan nga mga minyo na | hinkud nag edad”, hello capable mana sila tanan ug reasoning. commit nakag murder ana.

  3. #1323
    whewwww... this is a tough question though... ammmm i'm notin favor with legalizing abortion... it's a life that is at risk...." we should give all a chance to live in this world" let them witness the world... aheheheh

  4. #1324
    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    are unwanted babies are made for adoption?

    wrong answer to the issue...

    first and foremost..

    AYAWG ENTER if dili pa kabarog sa kaugalingong tiil.

    paeskwelahun gani. eskwela ang buhaton, dili bilangkad.

    rape is a just a minute cause of pregnancy in the Philippines.

    it's most of the time LACK of THINKING!

    can morals feed those babies?
    wrong question..
    can morals stop the making of unwanted babies?


    Can a child be a happy one if it's *unwanted* depends on how'd u raise it.

    .. you talk as if those babies haven't been made yet. that's why it's called abortion coz there's already a baby. No need to ask the reason why women wants to get an abortion, there are tons of reason and you'll just say, HEY, DON'T DO THAT COZ IT'S BAD. Who are you to say that to a person ?? For sure, you'll gonna ask me, who am I to promote and accept abortion, well, if a person wants to do abortion, I will allow it. It's their lives, it's their decision. The cause of their pregancy maybe be due to lack of morals, but hey, it's their freaking lives.

    .. it's this stupid society's understanding of things that society tends to dictate the lives of a person.

    Can a child be a happy one if it's *unwanted* depends on how'd u raise it

    .. look, it's simple logic. UNWANTED, meaning, you don't want it and meaning you'll hate it coz you don't want it. How can a child be happy when you hate him/her ??

  5. #1325
    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin View Post
    Who are you to say that to a person ?? For sure, you'll gonna ask me, who am I to promote and accept abortion, well, if a person wants to do abortion, I will allow it. It's their lives, it's their decision. The cause of their pregancy maybe be due to lack of morals, but hey, it's their freaking lives.
    It's NOT only their lives. It's also the baby's life. They have no right to determine whether an innocent person should be murdered. Their "right" ends where another person';s rights begin.

    UNWANTED, meaning, you don't want it and meaning you'll hate it coz you don't want it. How can a child be happy when you hate him/her ??
    That's because you're using the WRONG term. The correct term is unplanned or unintended pregnancy.

    In case you haven't noticed, the vast majority of mothers who carry their "unplanned" pregnancies to term and have babies actually end up loving the baby. I know of many such mothers who had unplanned pregnancies and later on were vwery happy that they had the child. The claim that every "unwanted" (actually unplanned) child will be unhappy is absurd. You are not a prophet. You really don't know the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by moving
    The people in mental hospitals were capable of reasoning before na sila nabutang diha
    The innocent unborn children MURDERED through abortion will also be capable of reasoning. So following your logic, it is the capacity for reason at some point in time that is important. Whether it is a part or future capacity is irrelevant. You are contradicting yourself.

    s3x between two consenting adults is never wrong.
    Really now? Suppose they are committing adultery (they are married to other persons)? Would you like your spouse to have *** with another "consenting adult"? The claim that such *** is "never wrong" is totally out of touch with reality.

    Let's stick to reality. No one has the right to determine that an innocent child's life is not worth living,

    And let's not forget that increasing the use of contraceptives will only INCREASE the incidence of unplanned pregnancies and demand for abortion. That's all the more reason why we should reject the RH/Abortiion Bill.

    October 20, 2009
    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-10-2009 at 12:53 AM.

  6. #1326
    patuyang mga barako ani hehe

  7. #1327
    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    wrong solution for the problem.

    its like the water tank overflowing, because the waterpump is still running. you're solution is to plug the overflowing water ..

    solution is to off the motor..

    solution to the unwanted pregnancies is a bit includes sanitation of

    the media of communication. and internet.
    that's because you don't know the problem of the problem. that's because your analogy is way off logic.

    The problem is plain and simple: Filipinos, even if they want to, lack access to family planning methods, services, and information thereof.

    and the solution is there right in your face.

    and btw, ur revo suggestion could turn the country into a Vatican. or perhaps a communist country.

    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    in arab countries , this is not a problem. try rape and have urs cut off. try to touch a woman and have your arms cut off.

    bare some skin and be caned or stoned to death.
    we are not living in an arab country my friend...besides, in arab countries, our Pinay domestic helpers jump from buildings just to get away from sexual abuse from their employers.

    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    contraception will only add-up to the degradation of public will eventually destroy the family.( as many of the cases today)

    populace will have no fear of AIDS.partner swapping.adultery. pre-marital *** and even prostitution because of it.

    it will be then like Pompei, italy | sodom and gommorah. where population have no

    fear of whatsoever as long as S3X is possible in paid or free
    that's a fear tactic that has been hatched a long time ago. it is not working...brayt na ron ang Pinoy dili na gullible parehas sauna. dili nana motuo ana...


    YouTube - Time is Running Out! Pass the RH Bill!!!


    NO to Abortion!
    YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-09-2009 at 08:22 PM.

  8. #1328
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The innocent unborn children MURDERED through abortion will also be capable of reasoning. So following your logic, it is the capacity for reason at some point in time that is important. Whether it is a part or future capacity is irrelevant. You are contradicting yourself.
    There's a difference. they're existing processing thought human beings. ang fetus never had/does not have present existing "processing thought" capabilities. It is not the capacity for reasoning at any future point in time ang basihan sa rights. kundili unsay existing.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Really now? Suppose they are committing adultery (they are married to other persons)? Would you like your spouse to have *** with another "consenting adult"? The claim that such *** is "never wrong" is totally out of touch with reality.
    see, so dili ang s3x ang problema. ang pag relate diay sa usag-usa sa spouses. kung ingon ana ang sitwasyon naay porblema ang relasyon. better find out the root of the problem sa relationship. besides whose reality you talking about here? urban poor reality? reality? patriarchal church reality?

  9. #1329
    Quote Originally Posted by moving View Post
    There's a difference. they're existing processing thought human beings. ang fetus never had/does not have present existing "processing thought" capabilities. It is not the capacity for reasoning at any future point in time ang basihan sa rights. kundili unsay existing.
    But they NO LONGER have any thoughts. So what's the difference? All dead people were also capable of thought in the past. Are they now living? Your logic is absurd.

    The bottom line is that there is no logical or scientific reason for denying that the unborn are living human beings. If you justify the murder of the unborn, then you also justify the murder of other human beings.

    see, so dili ang s3x ang problema. ang pag relate diay sa usag-usa sa spouses. kung ingon ana ang sitwasyon naay porblema ang relasyon.
    So you are STILL CONTRADICTING YOURSELF. There IS something wrong with s3x between consenting adults in such a case. Your claim that s3x between consenting adults is NEVER wrong is therefore FALSE.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-10-2009 at 12:53 AM.

  10. #1330
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    The problem is plain and simple: Filipinos, even if they want to, lack access to family planning methods, services, and information thereof.
    They ALREADY have access to it. Condoms can be bought everywhere. The info is all over the internet and in the propaganda leaflets of the pro-RH fanatics. What Filipinos need is good governance and moral leadership. They don't need contraceptives that will only make their problems worse. You are out of touch with reality.

    that's a fear tactic that has been hatched a long time ago. it is not working.
    Telling the truth is not a scare tactic. And it's a lot better than the SMEAR CAMPAIGN against the Church being conducted by pro-RH fanatics.

    Now THAT is a scare tactic! And you complain about such things? What a hypocrite!

    Another scare tactic the pro-RH fanatics use is citing figures about maternal mortality and then pretending that contraceptives will lessen it. What they don't tell you is that the real cause of high maternal mortality is lack of obstetric facilities and trained attendants. The RH/Abortion Bill -- which will flood the health centers with useless artificial/abortifacient contraceptives -- will NOT address this need.

    The RH/Abortion Bill ignores the real causes of maternal death while wasting resources on a non-problem. It is as if the pro-RH movement and the authors of the bill are intent on treating pregnancy as a disease (which it is not).

    There are many other preventable and treatable diseases for which the poor cannot afford medicines. These include heart and vascular diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, and diabetes. But the RH/Abortion Bill wastes the people's money on contraceptives which do not treat any real disease (since pregnancy is not a disease),

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

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