View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1281

    lets legalize abortion.

    but also....

    lets legalize hanging of drug dealers and pushers : one of the root of rapist ego boost

    lets punish rapist by cutting off their genitals : one of the root of unwanted pregnancies

    lets punish show-off girls by 100canes : one of the root of rape

    lets legalize cutting off of sexual harassment offenders.

    lets penalize pre-marital *** ( like in ARAB COUNTRIES ) by stoning

    PARA FAIR...and be not just whimps who kills unborns but cant stand to fight for what is right.



  2. #1282
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    to echo my same opinion from one poster in a forum:

    "I am sick and tired of hearing that more that 50% of all pregnancies in the Philippines are unwanted.

    I am appalled by the fact that 1 out of 4 of these unwanted pregnancies result in an illegal abortion with complications that end up in the deaths of mothers and their babies.

    Put the bishops in their place. Show congress that there is truth to the survey that 90% of Filipinos (Catholic) want access to ARTIFICIAL BIRTH CONTROL METHODS."

    NO to Abortion!
    YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    wrong solution for the problem.

    its like the water tank overflowing, because the waterpump is still running. you're solution is to plug the overflowing water ..

    solution is to off the motor..

    solution to the unwanted pregnancies is a bit includes sanitation of

    the media of communication. and internet.

    in arab countries , this is not a problem. try rape and have urs cut off. try to touch a woman and have your arms cut off.

    bare some skin and be caned or stoned to death.


    For RH stand, Noynoy is bad news for Church
    By Philip Tubeza
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 06:50:00 09/17/2009

    MANILA, Philippines—While the Catholic Church was all out in its support for the late President Corazon Aquino in the 1986 snap elections, some clerics say they may not do the same for Cory’s son, Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, in the 2010 presidential contest, because of his support for the controversial reproductive health bill.

    Speaking at the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) national convention Wednesday, Msgr. Gerardo Santos said Aquino should rethink his support for the bill, which he said contained “anti-life” provisions and promoted a “contraceptive mentality” that runs counter to Church teaching.

    “We have been questioned about Noynoy’s presidentiability. We can simply say it has to prove itself. It has to speak out. It has to stand up for what is true, what is good; then we can see,” said Santos, the CEAP president.

    full article:
    For RH stand, Noynoy is bad news for Church -, Philippine News for Filipinos

    contraception will only add-up to the degradation of public will eventually destroy the family.( as many of the cases today)

    populace will have no fear of AIDS.partner swapping.adultery. pre-marital *** and even prostitution because of it.

    it will be then like Pompei, italy | sodom and gommorah. where population have no

    fear of whatsoever as long as S3X is possible in paid or free

  3. #1283
    Quote Originally Posted by reibac View Post
    In our overcrowded world today, there are countries that abolish the death penalty for the criminals but approved the abortion.

    So does this mean that it is better to kill a child than to kill a criminal?

    very complicated though.

    Genesis 9:1
    Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth."

    is it killing if 'abortion' as u call it takes place on or before a month of missed period?come to think of it if mag cge ta ug base sa bible wlai mahitabo nato. bear in my mind that god also once said 'lihok taw kai tabangan tkaw.' and besides fruitful na gpasabot is not thru mag populate ka as in mag dghan ug taw sa kalibotan. it simply means to become fruitful sa pagtuo kaniya. inshort magdghan ta sa iyahang guide ug dli sa populasyon lang! if you know how to interpret his words its not meant verbally. mao na dghan misguided tungod sa sayop na interpretasyon.... mag hisgot daun biblically unya wla diay to makatarung ug pamalandong...

  4. #1284
    no to abortion of course

  5. #1285
    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    wrong solution for the problem.
    its like the water tank overflowing, because the waterpump is still running. you're solution is to plug the overflowing water ..
    solution is to off the motor..
    solution to the unwanted pregnancies is a bit includes sanitation of
    the media of communication. and internet.
    Very insightful comments! You're right. Contraceptives WILL NOT solve the problem of unintended ("unwanted" is a painful term) pregnancies. They will only make it worse. The solution is to get to the root cause of promiscuity. Contraceptives will only encourage promiscuity.

    contraception will only add-up to the degradation of public will eventually destroy the family.( as many of the cases today)
    Agree 100%! All the more reason to reject the RH/Abortion Bill!

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-10-2009 at 12:56 AM.

  6. #1286
    Quote Originally Posted by butitoy View Post
    lets legalize abortion.

    but also....

    lets legalize hanging of drug dealers and pushers : one of the root of rapist ego boost

    lets punish rapist by cutting off their genitals : one of the root of unwanted pregnancies

    lets punish show-off girls by 100canes : one of the root of rape

    lets legalize cutting off of sexual harassment offenders.

    lets penalize pre-marital *** ( like in ARAB COUNTRIES ) by stoning

    PARA FAIR...and be not just whimps who kills unborns but cant stand to fight for what is right.


    totally agree! this is what is needed in the philippines.. i may be a christian, but i strongly support these practices..

    also propose pud ko nga right-wing Islam extremist ang chief sa MTRCB, para wala sexual content (hidden or overt) ang naa sa TV.. maau pa ang islam kay strict about morality.. most mga katoliko (especially the bishops) puro ra storya, pahumot sa ila pangalan para ingon nga buotan or bright..

    the practical solution sometimes or often doesnt seem humane, only the enlightened person (wise men) can appreciate such acts.. the folly (the ignorant) will use morality as an excuse for inaction.

  7. #1287
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Like St. Mother Teresa said, her order will accept ANY and ALL children given for adoption. There is no reason for abortion as a way to avoid raising these kids. There never was any good reason for abortion to begin with.
    yeah.. thats what mother teresa said... how come it didnt come from you? your not mother teresa.. and its not your order.
    this is what i mean by lofty ideals.. practice what you preach.. take action on your ideals, rallying or protesting will never accomplish anything.. be an example so others will follow.. do what mother teresa said..

    as i expected, somebody qouted a famous person instead of simply saying yes or no..

    if tanan tao parehas ni mother teresa, abortion wouldnt be necessary.. sadly, not all people are like her.. naa jud mag pa abort..

  8. #1288
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    totally agree! this is what is needed in the philippines.. i may be a christian, but i strongly support these practices..
    The writer's sarcasm seems to have been lost on you...

    thats what mother teresa said... how come it didnt come from you? your not mother teresa.. and its not your order.
    Why does it have to come from me? Those are the facts. She said it and her order follows it. It proves my point. The Church and its organizations DOES take in the children for adoption. Abortion is never necessary.

    Some relevant news

    • Noynoy and the dignity of life

    • Millennium development goals being hijacked by pro-abortion lobby

      The millennium development goals (MDGs) are being hijacked by pro-abortion groups, anti-life governments and politicians in order to undermine the primary right of parents to educate and to protect their children and to promote pro-abortion laws.

      This is the warning issued by the International Right To Life Federation (IRTLF) after their meeting at our SPUC offices in London this week.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-10-2009 at 12:55 AM.

  9. #1289
    Quote Originally Posted by business_guy View Post
    since we all know as a catholic, abortion is not a solution it is a crime.
    i agree to this, Plus
    It's always goes down to morality. Morality is subjective for humans. That's why we have the Bible to have a common ground. It's like the foundation of all the rules that exist. If human minds would be the mere basis for morality, then only the the person with the strong personality and the skill to conduct a debate would always win.

    We must also consider, the main difference between human wisdom and divine wisdoms is where it leads. Human wisdom teaches us how to live life, but it never teaches salvation. Divine wisdom does.

    Though there are many religions now, they forming from other major religions, it still has one goal - that is salvation. ^^ Doctrines may differ, but there's no Bible that has allowed abortion (whatever version that is).

    If we don't stick to the Holy Book, there is no clear basis for right and wrong.
    Thus, now, abortion has become a choice. (tsk. tsk.. tsk..)

  10. #1290
    im not an athiest ha..but the problem is our interpretation of the holy book.. the holy book is not perfect.. we all know it was edited by humans..

    i really dont like to use the holy book as an excuse for my action or inaction.. for me good and evil depends on the effectiveness of the action.. if many people benifit from it, even at the cost of a few.. then its good..

    because we live in an imperfect universe.. evrything has a cost

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