I think this should be address to all employees in general. deli lang sa call agent. murag pangdaut naman ni sa mga call agent. I was once an employee (not a call agent) and resigned to start my own. But I never look down to anybody who is in their carreer as i had been in their shoes before. In fact I admire them for at young as they are now earns a salary of P50K. In operating ur own business (new), that net 50K is not easy to earn. one has to have enough revolving fund (not unless networking ka hehehe). In reality, self owned business has high risk the same as working to a company that you will never know you might be affected in economic crisis.
Im sure the thread starter is a businessman. but how stable? what if the door next to you opens the same business, or every corner has the same type of business you have. is your business stable? My point is, as a businessman we are also full of risk. either way, employee or businessman, one has to be financially educated and we should manage our income wisely. not all businessman/ self employed retires with lots of money. there are lot of businessman also retires poor. there are also executives/employees who retires at 50 and doesn't have to work..
I understand both side of the wall. i've been there on both sides. depende ra gyud ni sa diskarte. para sa mga young who are their career, and earning a good salary, just be wise where to put your money.