this is not right...abortion is not the answer to these problems...
this is not right...abortion is not the answer to these problems...
What about keeping it safe for the unborn child?
Some contraceptives can cause an abortion. These are called ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES. They do not only prevent pregnancy, they also kill unborn children. The safety of the unbiorn child is at stake, not only the mother's.
That's moral relativism, a sure recipe for disaster. If we follow that logic, then we can justify anything and nothing is right and wrong. All laws would therefore be useless. That is the kind of logic that has led to the worst atrocities in history. Hitler and Stalin thought that way. Sorry, but that kind of thinking is absurd and very dangerous.what is immoral to somebody is moral to another
I agree that ignorance is not good. But by claiming something is evil, you are contradicting yourself because you just also claimed that morals are relative. So what is it really?ignorance is a greater evil.
Exactly. But birth control is MEDICALLY UNNECESSARY. Contraceptives do not cure any disease (pregnancy is NOT a disease, no matter how unintended it may be). Therefore, birth control is an ELECTIVE procedure. Health workers cannot be forced to administer it without violating their human rights. In the same way, you cannot force doctors to perform cosmetic surgery or perform unne4cessary amputations, even if the patients may want it.for the health workers, its not their body, they cant dictate on what the mother should do.. but its their job to keep it healthy.. just like a car mechanic.. the mechanic's job is to fix a car.. but the owner decides where to drive the car.
The person who requests for birth control is NOT being denied any rights if the doctor or health worker refuses. The requestor can always go to someone else. If the RH/Abortion Bill is really as popular as the SWS claims it is, then they should not have any trouble finding doctors who will administer birth control.
Health workers are only obliged to provide what is medically necessary. They should provide what the patient needs, but NOT everything the patient wants. There is a big difference.
That is a myth. Scarcity is due to economic mismanagement, bad governance, war, indiscriminate debt servicing, and other factors. Population ghas nothing to do with it. In fact, population growth is needed tos ustain economic growth.scarcity is due to high demand.. and high demand is due to "HIGH POPULATION" or possible OVER-POPULATION..
That is a self-contradictory statement.the evil here would be for us to impose our SELF-RIGHTEOUS beliefs on others.
So let's keep it real by acknowledging reality.
- HB 5043 promotes a form of abortion.
- HB 5043 violates human and civil rights.
- HB 5043 wastes scarce resources.
Now that is keeping it real.
Correct, sir! Abortion isn't an answer to ANY problem. And since the RH/Abortion Bill promotes a form of abortion, we should reject it as well.Originally Posted by chinody
Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
SOON-RUIZ, murag ka dli ginikanan.
ikaw unta gilaglag!
since we all know as a catholic, abortion is not a solution it is a crime.
I agree. That is why we have to be careful with things like the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043). The Bill says abortion is a crime but it also promotes a form of "silent abortion" through contraceptives than can cause an abortion. Very deceiving!Originally Posted by business_guy
The item below reveals the hidden agenda behind the terms "reproductive health" and "sexual and reproductive rights". Like HB 5043, it is all about eventually legalizing abortion. We have to be careful.
Council of Europe Pushes Abortion as Part of Cairo Conference Anniversary
This week, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will vote on a resolution that calls on European states to achieve "universal access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services" including "safe abortion" by 2015.
See also:
Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
cge, assuming nlang nato nga illegal jud ang abortion and contraceptives...
unwanted pregnancy.. kay mga katoliko man jud diay mo so pro-life jud..
balik ta sa rape victim, kinsa lagi mo buhi sa mga bata? ang babae? family sa babae?
moingon daun mo nga ang government... wat a joke..
pro-life man mo.. pro life of misery... kaluoy pud sa rape victim.. dili nya kagustuhan, extra burden pa jud sa iyaha and sa iya family..
practicalay lang gud.. lisud bya jud ibuhi og bata.. especially if unexpected..
i dont know ngano mka ingon man ni sila nga overpopulation is a myth.. when it stares at them at the face... maybe cguro they dont know what overpopulation is... this is what i call BLIND FAITH..
question.. willing ka mo adopt and mobuhi sa mga anak sa rape victims? (dili lang nako iapil kadto sa other unexpected pregnancy cases)...
grabeha oi..gibold jd o..hihihi..kalma lng bros..
lisod sad jd bitaw na if ang baby kay from a rape victim..
imagine how would a mom feel when she stares at her baby
and the father of that baby is the one that molested her.
pero i guess abortion is not the answer. i guess for me lng ha (ayaw
pd ko dukduka maau..pls.) kay it worsens the situation.. after
i abort ang bata it gives a much heavier psychological effect sa
mother than having the baby.
abortion just gives a thin solution-like solution to the problem.
but in the long run, it cripples the life of a mother
to echo my same opinion from one poster in a forum:
"I am sick and tired of hearing that more that 50% of all pregnancies in the Philippines are unwanted.
I am appalled by the fact that 1 out of 4 of these unwanted pregnancies result in an illegal abortion with complications that end up in the deaths of mothers and their babies.
Put the bishops in their place. Show congress that there is truth to the survey that 90% of Filipinos (Catholic) want access to ARTIFICIAL BIRTH CONTROL METHODS."
NO to Abortion!
YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
this is a good youtube vid! (pero nag nosebleed ko sa tagalog...hehe) hear what Lea Salonga, FVR, etc has to say...
YouTube - Time is Running Out! Pass the RH Bill!!!
For RH stand, Noynoy is bad news for Church
By Philip Tubeza
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 06:50:00 09/17/2009
MANILA, Philippines—While the Catholic Church was all out in its support for the late President Corazon Aquino in the 1986 snap elections, some clerics say they may not do the same for Cory’s son, Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, in the 2010 presidential contest, because of his support for the controversial reproductive health bill.
Speaking at the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) national convention Wednesday, Msgr. Gerardo Santos said Aquino should rethink his support for the bill, which he said contained “anti-life” provisions and promoted a “contraceptive mentality” that runs counter to Church teaching.
“We have been questioned about Noynoy’s presidentiability. We can simply say it has to prove itself. It has to speak out. It has to stand up for what is true, what is good; then we can see,” said Santos, the CEAP president.
full article:
For RH stand, Noynoy is bad news for Church -, Philippine News for Filipinos
Last edited by giddyboy; 10-09-2009 at 08:20 PM.
Like St. Mother Teresa said, her order will accept ANY and ALL children given for adoption. There is no reason for abortion as a way to avoid raising these kids. There never was any good reason for abortion to begin with.
That's right. Abortion solves nothing and creates even more problems.Originally Posted by nerimaru
Same with artificial and abortifacient contraceptives. Numerous studies have shown that contraceptive usage actually encourages risky and irresponsible behavior, resulting in more unintended pregnancies and greater demand for abortion:
- Habit Persistence and Teen ***: Could Increased Access to Contraception have Unintended Consequences for Teen Pregnancies?
The persistence in sexual activity is such that policies that affect access to contraception will have very different effects in the short run than the long run. Our results suggest that increasing access to contraception may actually increase long run pregnancy rates even though short run pregnancy rates fall. On the other and, policies that decrease access to contraception, and hence sexual activity, are likely to lower pregnancy rates in the long run.- Contraception – It’s time to stop ducking the issue
According to the study Trends in Premarital *** in the United States, 1954-2003, the increase in premarital *** amongst a group of teens turning 15 during the years 1964-1973 “may be partly due to increased availability of effective contraception (in particular, the pill), which made it less likely that *** would lead to pregnancy.” (Finer, 2007)
As for the SWS, we all know the RH surveys are based on very dubious methods that introduce bias. After all,, they are paid for by pro-RH radical organizations. My detailed analysis of one of the SWS surveys that reveals how biased it was, is at:
The Deceptive SWS Survey
Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
Last edited by mannyamador; 10-10-2009 at 12:56 AM.
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