View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1261

    no to abortion...

    yes to life...

  2. #1262
    Amen bro!

    We must defend the most basic right, which is life. No to the RH bill that promotes abortion through abortifascient contraceptive that can cause abortion! These types of contraceptives attack life. The RH bill promotes these, so it also attacks life.


  3. #1263
    watching on tv during typhoon...nakaingon dyud ko...YES to this bill

  4. #1264
    Quote Originally Posted by wakkanakka View Post
    Amen bro!

    We must defend the most basic right, which is life. No to the RH bill that promotes abortion through abortifascient contraceptive that can cause abortion! These types of contraceptives attack life. The RH bill promotes these, so it also attacks life.

    I shall rephrase that for you.

    No to abortion.

    Yes to the Reproductive Health bill.

    The bill is not about condoms, pills, contraceptives, nor is it about abortion. It is pro-life; and pro-quality life.

  5. #1265
    hmm.. can someone post the RH bill here para we can see what it really kay it seems both sides cant agree what it is..whether it is pro life, pro abortion, pro whatever and anti whatever. this way, everyone here could read it and come up with their own conclusions on what the bill really is. or perhpas we could see some loopholes in the bill..and we would have a better point of reference for discussion.

  6. #1266
    Quote Originally Posted by blacksky View Post
    The bill is not about condoms, pills, contraceptives, nor is it about abortion. It is pro-life; and pro-quality life.
    I think you have not even read the bill, bro. The bill has mandatory funds for IUDs and hormonal pills. But it does not even put aside funds for health facilities and training of health workers. So it is really about artificial contraceptives.

    But some of these contracetpives are also abortifasceint contraceptives. Just look at the previous posts. Daghan na studies showing that these can cause an abortion. So the bill is also about abortion.

    Bro, there are previous posts with links to the text of the bill. There are also posts where they name the specific parts of the bill that are objectionable. Check lang, bai.

    There is one post by @mannyamador a few posts before this that has a link showing evidences about abortifasceint contraceptives:

    I encourage all Istoryans to please read the Bill and read the evidence posted about ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES at:

    The RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043) directly funds the use of abortifacient contraceptives. This effectively legalizes a form of silent abortion.
    Let's read it bai, so we don't have to keep posting the same info all over again.

    So, when I say not to abortion, I must also say not to RH bill!


  7. #1267
    lets keep it real...

    daghan mga babae dha gusto jud mgpaabort.. because wala sila kabalo aha, and ulaw pud.. adto sila sa mga manhihilot... the bottomline is, there putting their selves at risk here..

    if they should do it, atleast they should do it safely... maski pa himuon illegal ang abortion, naa jud mag-paabort. thats a fact...

    luoy ang rape victims.. thats it.. dili gud na ila nga bata.. why should they take responsibilty..

    morality is just a set of accepted norms by humans... it is no way of divine nature... what is acceptable here in the phils might not be in other countries..

    crime is only something that is not in accordance with other peoples accepted behaviour... and also, naa kriminal kay naa balaod.. balaod nga gihimo2x ra sa tao..

    we are not to judge people.. if they kill a fetus.. they have a reason for it.. besides.. its theirs naman pud.. i dont think they would abort a child just for fun..

    DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS because you are NOT A JUDGE.. we are all human beings..

    the greatest failure is to conform to the lofty ideals of others.. .. KEEP IT REAL!!

    __________________________________________________ _____________-
    again.. it would be immoral if naa masuki nga cge nlang pa abort..

    -it would be better na ang mga tao, ma educate about their sexuality...

    -murder, with justification, is acceptable.. for fun of doing it.. thats evil...


  8. #1268
    share lang nako ni nga qoute ako na pulot sa net..

    The biggest fashion mistake men make is to follow the rules of other men. ' -Gianluca Isaia

    kamo na sabot ani

  9. #1269
    Let's keep it real by acknowledging reality:

    • HB 5043 promotes a form of abortion.
      The Bill funds hormonal contraceptives and IUDs. There is growing body of evidence proving that these types on contraceptives are abortifacient. Even if one chooses to deny reality and refuse to believe the evidence, there is still no evidence to the contrary: no one has ever proven that such contraceptives can never cause an abortion. At best, those in favor of such contraceptives can only claim the issue is UNRESOLVED. Given the grave stakes involved (destruction of innocent human life), we are morally and logically obliged to take the SAFER APPROACH and reject the use of potential abortifacients.

    • HB 5043 violates human and civil rights.
      The Bill forces doctors, and health workers to dispense artificial and abortifacient contraceptives (under the guise of "reproductive health services"). If a person objects to this and refuses to do so, he/she is still required under the Bill to still refer the requestor to another person who will perform the objectionable act. Thus the Bill forces persons top become formal cooperators in what they believe to be an immoral act, violating their right to conscience,.

      The Bill also forces employers to distribute such contraceptives, even in violation of their conscience.

      Parents will be forced to send their children to attend a SINGLE and MANDATORY s3x-education curriculum created by the government, regardless of whether this curriculum conforms to their beliefs,. Thus parents will lose their right to determine the moral education of their children.

      Schools will also be forced to teach this government-mandated curriculum even if it contradicts their institutional beliefs. Religious schools, in particular, will therefore be denied their right to freedom of religion.

    • HB 5043 wastes scarce resources.
      The Bill allocates large amounts to provide free/cheap artificial contraceptives that do NOT cure any disease, but does not mandate any funding for measures and medicines that will cure or treat real killer diseases. Thus it diverts funds that could be used to save lives and wastes it on useless, elective treatments that will not save anyone. It is as if the Bill's authors are treating pregnancy like a disease (which it is NOT).

      The Bill does not even provide funding for measures that will address maternal mortality, namely proper health facilities and trained attendants,. Instead it will flood health centers with contraceptives that will NOT treat pregnancy-related complications.

    This there are very grave reasons to reject HB 5043 and to give it a more realistic label: the RH/Abortion Bill.

    Now THAT is keeping it real.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  10. #1270
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Let's keep it real by acknowledging reality:

    • HB 5043 promotes a form of abortion.
      The Bill funds hormonal contraceptives and IUDs. There is growing body of evidence proving that these types on contraceptives are abortifacient. Even if one chooses to deny reality and refuse to believe the evidence, there is still no evidence to the contrary: no one has ever proven that such contraceptives can never cause an abortion. At best, those in favor of such contraceptives can only claim the issue is UNRESOLVED. Given the grave stakes involved (destruction of innocent human life), we are morally and logically obliged to take the SAFER APPROACH and reject the use of potential abortifacients.
    thats the purpose of contraceptives right? to prevent unwanted pregnancy... i dont see any problem here... as long as safe ang gigamit nga contraceptive for the mother.. the fact nga nagamit sila contraceptive means dili sila gusto maghimo bata.. killing and denying life is just the same
    dapat pud naa safe drugs pam pa abort...

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    • HB 5043 violates human and civil rights.
      The Bill forces doctors, and health workers to dispense artificial and abortifacient contraceptives (under the guise of "reproductive health services"). If a person objects to this and refuses to do so, he/she is still required under the Bill to still refer the requestor to another person who will perform the objectionable act. Thus the Bill forces persons top become formal cooperators in what they believe to be an immoral act, violating their right to conscience,.

      The Bill also forces employers to distribute such contraceptives, even in violation of their conscience.

      Parents will be forced to send their children to attend a SINGLE and MANDATORY s3x-education curriculum created by the government, regardless of whether this curriculum conforms to their beliefs,. Thus parents will lose their right to determine the moral education of their children.

      Schools will also be forced to teach this government-mandated curriculum even if it contradicts their institutional beliefs. Religious schools, in particular, will therefore be denied their right to freedom of religion.
    what is immoral to somebody is moral to another... ka nindut naa ***-education.. para ma aware ang mga bata about this... naa mga parents dili mo teach sa ila children because it is immoral according to religion daw..(what a BS by the way).. ma curious hinuon mga bata.. daun we know what happens next.. if they do it.. atleast they should know how to do it safely.. ignorance is a greater evil.. besides.. not all parents are "moral" (for your standards), how do you expect "immoral" and ignorant parents to teach their children.. but para nako.. maau tana nga ang churches and the government cooperate on this education part. besides.. people should be educated about aids ang stds..

    for the health workers, its not their body, they cant dictate on what the mother should do.. but its their job to keep it healthy.. just like a car mechanic.. the mechanic's job is to fix a car.. but the owner decides where to drive the car..

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    • HB 5043 wastes scarce resources.
      The Bill allocates large amounts to provide free/cheap artificial contraceptives that do NOT cure any disease, but does not mandate any funding for measures and medicines that will cure or treat real killer diseases. Thus it diverts funds that could be used to save lives and wastes it on useless, elective treatments that will not save anyone. It is as if the Bill's authors are treating pregnancy like a disease (which it is NOT).

      The Bill does not even provide funding for measures that will address maternal mortality, namely proper health facilities and trained attendants,. Instead it will flood health centers with contraceptives that will NOT treat pregnancy-related complications.
    pregnancy is not a disease.. it is a blessing.. for those who want it..

    for Unwanted pregnancy.. its like a disease.. they dont want it.. i believe it would save a lot more resources.. a large population is very hard to sustain.. you admit it yourself that there is scarcity.. scarcity is due to high demand.. and high demand is due to "HIGH POPULATION" or possible OVER-POPULATION..

    basically, this is a measure for population control.. we all know there will be a population boom, where the production of basic goods arent enough to sustain a very high rate of population increase.. which will lead to over-population.. basic law of supply and demand apply here..
    over-population happens when the population density of one area is too high that there will be adverse effects on the environment, and the general quality of life within the area.. overpopulation happened over and over again in history.. no wonder the plague spread so fast and killed so many in the past in europe..

    the evil here would be for us to impose our SELF-RIGHTEOUS beliefs on others.. what may be wrong in your understanding is correct for others... your intentions maybe noble.. but imposing your own beliefs on others is selfish.. let them decide their own fate.. afterall.. GOD gave us free will... it would be a violation to ones free will to force him/her to your standards and beliefs..

    morality is just a set of beliefs percieved to be correct by a group... it is not universal..

    again.. LETS KEEP IT REAL.. qoute lang nako usab ni:
    "the greatest mistake of men is to conform to the rules made by other men"

    hitler imposed his beliefs on people on what he "thought" was the right thing.. if you impose your belief because you think it is the right thing, then how are you different from the madman you abhor..

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