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Using common sense, we can easily determine if an action is good or evil, those who say that killing other people is justifiable because of religious differences, they can say that to their fellow men but not from God, not from His Universal Laws. And this is not even limited to the Catholics, Christians, Muslims (suicide bombers) but to everyone including vigilantes. Using our common sense, killing other people is an evil act. For you, yes or no?
The opposite of Good is Evil and they co-exist. How can you say it's good if there is no evil? and vice versa, just like up and down, left and right, hot and cold, male and female, dark and light, and many more. Now killing other people, what do you think it is? Good or Evil? It must take just one side.
A man who performs things beyond the normal capability of man, already possess a supernatural power. When you ordered your men to go envade a country and to kill even non combatants like women and children, you already have a super natural power and using it for destruction which is evil. When you have talents like you play musical instruments and people like to listen because they will feel happy and relaxed, you already possess a supernatural power and using it for good. Not all people can play musical intruments, not all people appreciate music. If Emperor Hirohito was a weakling, d unta mo follow sa iyang command iyang mga soldiers. If Hitler did not have a supernatural powers, he could not have envaded countries and committed genocide. A great master, could not open a mystical school and have his students follow his teachings, if he doesn't possess supernatural powers.
Now, all of us have open third eyes. Remember, when we were still a child, we appreciate very much colors and anything we can hear including the sounds of birds singing, inig meow sa iring and when the dogs bark, lipay nata kaayo. We also love music. Adults admired and loved us very much. It is because our third eyes are open. Then mohinay hinay cyag kawagtang as we grow older. That is because our mind are fed with many things as we grow older then the third eye is forgotten but still fully functional sa uban specially sa katong mga buotan.
So maybe there are more things to appreciate when our third eyes are fully opened. Maybe we can fully remember and experience again all the untainted happiness that we had during our childhood years.