UPDATE: PM me, I got to talk to my wife and we have a last price or you can text or call me at 09223817831.
UPDATE: PM me, I got to talk to my wife and we have a last price or you can text or call me at 09223817831.
UPDATE: Added two more pics for WHINGZ_WORLD
Kong pwd paki post ang pcci, pila ang red nd green marks?
PMs and Texts answered For those who want to see the dog, PM me so I can give you the number to call. Then we can talk directions. Or you can call my Sun number. Thanks!
Yep, no marks. It's not clear on the pcci paper pic I sent you but if you were here in Cebu I could show you or show whoever your contact here is. Much better if you could see her in person, I don't want to let her go but we don't have enough time to care for her and we don't use cages.
but honestly, I don't even now what you are looking for on the papers so I can't really tell you you should see the papers or have someone look at them for you.
Just researched and I know what you mean about the marks now nope, no marks on the papers so I guess she is not from a champion line thanks!
Reserved only until tonight for Yuri, please hold. If he doesn't get it tonight, she will be back on the market
Hi Istorya! Please close this thread, the Belgian Malinois has been sold to Yuri.
Thanks for keeping your word and do enjoy your new family member I am sure that she will be happy in her new home with you guys. Please send me pictures of her whenever you can so I can still see her because she will be missed!
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