View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1251

    Cardinal Rigali: "Contraception and Abortion" Have Created a "Cultural Hostility to Children"
    By John-Henry Westen

    WASHINGTON, October 1, 2009 ( - In a statement to mark Respect Life Sunday, October 4, Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia said: "Since the advent of widespread contraception and abortion, a cultural hostility to children has grown." Children, he said, "are often depicted as costly encumbrances who interfere with a carefree adult life." In response, however, he pointed out that: "In fact, if married couples were to have more children, Medicare and Social Security would not be hurtling toward bankruptcy."

    Cardinal Rigali, who chairs the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), referred to abortion as "killing," and decried the funding of abortion in Obama's healthcare overhaul. "Despite the opposition of 67% of Americans to taxpayer-funded abortion, all current health care proposals being considered by Congress would allow or mandate abortion funding, either through premiums paid into government programs or out of federal revenues," he said.

    "It bears repeating: Abortion - the direct, intentional killing of an unborn girl or boy - is not health care," he added. "Abortion robs an innocent child of his or her life, and robs mothers of their peace and happiness. Abortion funding can only increase the number of dead and grieving."

    Of note, Cardinal Rigali said, "It should not be surprising that the neglect, and even the death, of some people are offered as a solution to rising health care costs. Population control advocates have long espoused aborting children in the developing world as a misguided means for reducing poverty."

    He added: "Some environmentalists now claim that the most efficient way to curb global climate change is to make 'family planning' more widely available in the developing world." He warned also that "as used by population control advocates, the innocuous term 'family planning' includes abortifacient contraceptives, sterilization, and manual vacuum aspiration abortions."

    The Cardinal expanded upon the dire consequences for social security of having fewer children. "Since 1955, because of fewer children and longer life spans, the number of workers has declined relative to the number of beneficiaries, from 8.6 to only 3.1 workers paying benefits to support each beneficiary," he explained. "Without substantially more young people to enter the work force as young adults, in 25 years, there will be only 2.1 workers supporting each beneficiary."

    Driving home the point he said, "Eliminating our young does not solve problems even on pragmatic grounds. It adds to them."

    He concluded: "Death is not a solution to life's problems. Only those who are blind to the transcendent reality and meaning of human life could support killing human beings to mitigate economic, social or environmental problems."

    To read the complete statement, click here.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  2. #1252
    ^^I am against "abortion" but THIS IS MISLEADING INFORMATION

    Hey! RH BILL is not about abortion... this is very misleading. don't put slash /Abortion Bill.

    Why you catholics keep pressing yourselves to the government? Don't you know that you're not the only religious group in the country. Though you're the largest but most of your members are even pro-RH. Teach your doctrine inside the church, if you can't teach them, meaning you're failing.

    Please... respect our constitution as much as we are respecting your institution.

    "There is separation between state and church."

    What about muslims, protestants, born-agains, budhist, taoist and other religious group? Inyo nalang gusto tanan masunod?

    "There is separation between state and church."

    - CLIMATE CHANGE, it is human who is contributing to the distraction of the environment
    - FOOD SHORTAGE, more population, less food
    - POLUTION, more population, more waste
    - POVERTY&UNEMPLOYMENT, more population, less job

    If you priests has the right to speak, so as the majority of Filipinos... Even members of the catholic church are PRO-RH BILL. Be educated and don't let the church mislead you.

    "They will just be happy to collect for another CHRISTENING FEE." More babies, more christening fees.

    We have rights to speak out... This is democracy.

  3. #1253
    Double post deleted. Sorry about that!
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-03-2009 at 02:36 AM.

  4. #1254
    ^^I am against "abortion" but THIS IS MISLEADING INFORMATION

    Hey! RH BILL is not about abortion... this is very misleading. don't put slash /Abortion Bill.

    Why you catholics keep pressing yourselves to the government? Don't you know that you're not the only religious group in the country. Though you're the largest but most of your members are even pro-RH. Teach your doctrine inside the church, if you can't teach them, meaning you're failing.

    Please... respect our constitution as much as we are respecting your institution.

    "There is separation between state and church."

    What about muslims, protestants, born-agains, budhist, taoist and other religious group? Inyo nalang gusto tanan masunod?

    "There is separation between state and church."

    - CLIMATE CHANGE, it is human who is contributing to the distraction of the environment
    - FOOD SHORTAGE, more population, less food
    - POLUTION, more population, more waste
    - POVERTY&UNEMPLOYMENT, more population, less job

    If you priests has the right to speak, so as the majority of Filipinos... Even members of the catholic church are PRO-RH BILL. Be educated and don't let the church mislead you.

    "They will just be happy to collect for another CHRISTENING FEE." More babies, more christening fees.

    We have rights to speak out... This is democracy.

  5. #1255
    Quote Originally Posted by rye736
    "There is separation between state and church."
    It seems you DON'T understand what separation of Church and state means. Read the Constitution. It means that the government cannot impose a state religion and that the government cannot interfere in or prevent the practice of religion. That's ALL it means. It does NOT mean religious institutions cannot participate in legislation or in politics. Why do you think the U.S. has pastors who are senators?

    This is what the Constitution says: In Article II, Section 6:

    The separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.

    In Article III, Section 5, the Constitution also states:

    No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.

    There's nothing there that says the Church cannot participate in legislation or politics.

    Do you disagree? Well then kindly show me the Constitutional provisions that suppiort your claims. You CAN'T because there aren't any.

    Hey! RH BILL is not about abortion
    I encourage all Istoryans to please read the Bill and read the evidence posted about ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES at:

    The RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043) directly funds the use of abortifacient contraceptives. This effectively legalizes a form of silent abortion.

    Protect your rights! Reject the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043)!
    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

    No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition

  6. #1256
    ^^I am against "abortion" but THIS IS MISLEADING INFORMATION

    Hey! RH BILL is not about abortion... this is very misleading. don't put slash /Abortion Bill.

    Why you catholics keep pressing yourselves to the government? Don't you know that you're not the only religious group in the country. Though you're the largest but most of your members are even pro-RH. Teach your doctrine inside the church, if you can't teach them, meaning you're failing.

    Please... respect our constitution as much as we are respecting your institution.

    "There is separation between state and church."

    What about muslims, protestants, born-agains, budhist, taoist and other religious group? Inyo nalang gusto tanan masunod?

    "There is separation between state and church."

    - CLIMATE CHANGE, it is human who is contributing to the distraction of the environment
    - FOOD SHORTAGE, more population, less food
    - POLUTION, more population, more waste
    - POVERTY&UNEMPLOYMENT, more population, less job

    If you priests has the right to speak, so as the majority of Filipinos... Even members of the catholic church are PRO-RH BILL. Be educated and don't let the church mislead you.

    "They will just be happy to collect for another CHRISTENING FEE." More babies, more christening fees.

    We have rights to speak out... This is democracy.

  7. #1257

    RH BILL is NOT about Abortion.

  8. #1258
    i support the RH Bill and oppose abortion. so there!

  9. #1259
    Quote Originally Posted by rye736 View Post

    RH BILL is NOT about Abortion.
    also the one who made the poll question is misleading us too...
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-04-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  10. #1260
    Quote Originally Posted by rye736 View Post
    RH BILL is NOT about Abortion.
    Bro, many people already know that the RH bill will be promoting and spending money on many artificial contraceptives that can also cause ALSO CAUSE AN ABORTION. So it is really about abortion.

    Daghan na all the evidences posted here about abortifascient comtraceptives. Just read and be infomed bai. Don't be close-minded.

    It's not just the Church informing us about this truth. It is also the doctors and scientists. Don't just swallow everything the corrupt politicos say.

    Don't be like the RH peepz who no matter how much evidence is given just won't listen. Grabe fanatiko!


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