View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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Results 721 to 730 of 1380
  1. #721

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Simple two words
    Free Will

    You can not say one one hand I want absolute freedom, then on the other hand say lead me, guide me, protect me. That is like living at home with the parents, when the child wants too much freedom from his creators, they kick the ungrateful kid out of their house so he can make his own way in the world. 5 billion little ingrates and thousands of generation all wanting to be catered.

    I am amazed he just not kill us all off and start all over again. oh yah, he al most did that all ready and we still wound up here. We are all worthless monkey-boys, just one big dysfunctional family.
    Free will? That's an over used words james! In fact those are old and outdated words.

    Absolute freedom? c'mon james... you were in the military [I doubt if you are], do you think there is absolute freedom? You must be living a fantasy world that there is only one population, you.

    When someone murdered a person... you call that free will? When someone had been raped, you call that free will? When some politician is corrupt, you call that free will?

  2. #722
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    well its a pity for evolutionist to discredit a designer...

    Evolution is a process... i think God did the right thing with evolution... and i agree with him... see evolute gives human an opportunity to adapt with nature...

    if he just made humans that did not change and adapt with nature.. we could be extinct right now...

    see that is why there were animals that are extinct dili sila dayon naka-adapt ug naka evolved...

    ang crocodile lang siguro na since sa una pa ingon an ang itsura.. pero bisn sial ni evolved from big crocodiles nigamay ila size...

    and to answer your question on reality... we all have our definition of reality or what we conceive as real... but i think we have to settle (at least so that we can have a common ground) for something that
    is accepted by most as real or as a fact.
    Actually it's pity to those who think that they didn't evolve. I seriously think that their lives are unchanged and stagnant. For those who believe in evolution... we'll just like to ride what evolution provides us.

    OT: EVOLUTE? why the heck is this word got into this discussion! Can you explain why evolute is involved in the topic? I'm getting confused with your choice of words.

  3. #723
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    I am not buying a car or going to see a movies. That is the same advertizement style they would use. We are suppose to be debating theories. The list I submitted the names, positions, and instatutions of many members from those groups whose headlines you used. So is this support what? That the list of scientist should be ignored because of your headlines? or The headlines have little substance because they are supported by all members of those groups?
    -good james, now you are aware that we should be discussing theories instead of names and titles in a list.

    - you lied james, i made a peek at your list and most of them are not from the organizations listed in my previous post. tsk tsk...very manipulative james, bad so bad of you.

    let me introduce you to the them...

    National Academy of Sciences<--- see how many members are there.<-- classes and section of studies

    National Center for Science Education
    Genetics Society of America | NCSE<--- this link will lead you to different scientific org. that supports evolution
    and don't forget to read their statement

    IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE LINK just copy and paste them in your add bar.

    There is no links to the sites showing the documents where these headlines could have came from, who said them, and if they were taken out of context. How is that variable and serves as a starting point for debate? My list at least listed names where internet searches could be conducted to find posted works. I offer variable names who say you are wrong, and You offer Advertisement with no verifiable names attached. I can hold up bible passages and you would quickly disregard that as evidence because you what facts, then you use obscure banners and want a pat on your head.
    OK here is the pat on the head: "Nice try, but no, try again: em and weep...

    This only supports the theory that you know how to cut-and-paste, and are still unable to quote actual theories. I use to be a member of two of those groups, and most of the members from my list are still active members, and we do not support your claim.

    My heart is fine especially after the laugh you just gave me, because you made me realize that no superman will ever live in your house, unless you take on renters
    well, we don't support your claim as well. Stop this "scientist feeler" i don;t believe you.

    no superman? hahaha that was meant to be a joke because you made me broke out in laugh when you mentioned how you are a member of NASA and these scientists ate bbq in your house.
    Last edited by Malic; 10-01-2009 at 02:15 PM.

  4. #724
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Glad to here it that you have a business and I hope it honest work and helps your community.

    I always enjoyed working for myself, but found I was the hardest boss I ever worked for. It is nice to be independent on your own abilities.

    I am surprised I pictured you as a 23 year old Shabo head still living at mama's house adicted to video games and Sci-fi. I am glad I am wrong. What type of business are you in if you do not mind me asking.
    Don't be surprised james, its part of your nature to be judgmental and critical of others. just go down on your knees and ask God's forgiveness. im sure he can hear you.

  5. #725
    alright , lets respec each other.

  6. #726
    im sory if ill be rude . im sure u dobt god when u were young.

    but at ur age , u cant stop but to think about the horizon ur going.

    as like any other being there is depreciation. it all makes u tend to hold on to something safe for the last time. and like most people do especially old ones their the most religious.

    and not just that , this is only my opinion from what i understand. we have gap in generations.

    young ones are now brought with most amount of exposure to science. unlike the old times, where
    people are sorrounded with unexlained phenominon.

    how u see the world before age 6, is what tends to be ur self image the rest of ur life.

    but in contrast , among many other religious devotee here in the forum . ur the one who seem more interesting . but still we apologize since bible illogical reasoning iritates our CNS(central nervous system).

  7. #727

    what do u think about parallel universe ?

  8. #728
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    Actually it's pity to those who think that they didn't evolve. I seriously think that their lives are unchanged and stagnant. For those who believe in evolution... we'll just like to ride what evolution provides us.

    OT: EVOLUTE? why the heck is this word got into this discussion! Can you explain why evolute is involved in the topic? I'm getting confused with your choice of words.
    sorry sa typo sir.. daghna man gud gibuhat... so magdali-dali ug type.. hahhaha maskapan nya sa amo.. hahhaha

  9. #729
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    -good james, now you are aware that we should be discussing theories instead of names and titles in a list.

    I have never seen you apply a single theory, just insults

    - you lied james, i made a peek at your list and most of them are not from the organizations listed in my previous post. tsk tsk...very manipulative james, bad so bad of you.

    Sorry I had done like you and just quickly dismissed your post as worthless and started posting. Sorry I did not pay much attentions. I had assumed they were members of (AAAS) The American Association for the Advancement of Science which at the time I was paying yearly dues had a membership of over 150,000 active members and over 275 Scientific Societies. I still think it is the largest Scientific organizations in the world. Sorry it was a honest yet stupid mistake. I have never once claimed to be perfect. I will double check next time before I post.

    let me introduce you to the them...

    National Academy of Sciences<--- see how many members are there.<-- classes and section of studies

    Group with 2,100 members the National Academies have redesigned its evolution resources Web page, a collection of books, reports, statements, papers, and articles about evolution. This new site organizes materials for groups such as educators and attorneys.

    National Center for Science Education
    Genetics Society of America | NCSE<--- this link will lead you to different scientific org. that supports evolution
    and don't forget to read their statement

    I checked in to this a small grope of about 1,900 - 4000 total members including those that donate money, many who are not scientist, but you did not mention that. That they state that their only purpose is to support and defend the teaching of Darwinian Theory in American public schools. They are a Legal political strong arm group pushing evolution to be taught in Public schools. It is funny because if I were trying to use a creationist legal group you would claim foul and demand it not be used. Typical That is how you work. You get to choose what facts are accepted. Do not take the High ground on this, it is simply a double standard you persist to employee.

    IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE LINK just copy and paste them in your add bar.

    No the only problem is that both Associations are Darwinian Theory promoter legal wings and are bias websites with only have a total of 6,100 members that include teacher, clergy, lawyers, and those that donate money. This is based on the "About Us" sections on both Association's Websites. You try to make the views of 6,100 individuals to sound like the majority of scientist. em and weep...

    I read it, and I do have tears.....OF LAUGHTER because you would not accept any creationist Legal wings or information from bias websites, and then you go and do the same then strut like a rooster.

    well, we don't support your claim as well. Stop this "scientist feeler" i don;t believe you.

    I do not care if you belive me. Your believing does not change one thing that I have done in my life. I also shook President Marcos's hand (twice), Corry Aquino (once), Fidel Ramos (once) and I do not care if you believe that either. The fact that you believe is dependent on your bias and predigest. I have not told you half of what I have done and accomplished in my life. You think the world evolves around you to the point to really care what you think or believe?

    no superman? hahaha that was meant to be a joke because you made me broke out in laugh when you mentioned how you are a member of NASA and these scientists ate bbq in your house.

    It was meant as a joke but now I am beginning to wonder.
    Well people in Houston, Texas when you work beside people year after year you develop friendships. Texas people do cookouts and friends and associates visit eat, drink, and watch TV. Our kids develop friendships, and wives socialize. We go to the Oilers football games at the Astrodome(they had not moved back then), NBA Rockets games in the old Summit, and Astro baseball games in the Astrodome go to the beaches of Kemah and Galveston. I guess you do not do this in the Philippines? What you do not think Scientist eat bar-b-que and watch Sports? What we are not suppose to have normal lives like everyone else

    Sure Kano has nothing better and come on a forum tell big lies and spend all this time devoted to having to explain and answers stupid question to a smartmouth that still has not quoted one theory.
    That show the limitation of your own mind and your natural skeptic mind, probably because so many member on this forum probably lie and big talk on a regularly basis. I believe you have lied to me since you started responding to my post. You complain, scoff, insult, and do not answer direct questions. You are evasive, use double standards, and back no claims with verifiable truths.
    You are still a monkey-boy

  10. #730
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    Free will? That's an over used words james! In fact those are old and outdated words.

    Free will is complex Free Will (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) This covers the issue better than I can.

    Absolute freedom? c'mon james... you were in the military [I doubt if you are], do you think there is absolute freedom? You must be living a fantasy world that there is only one population, you.

    Yes I was in the Marine Corps 1982-1987 I was injured in Beirut 1983 and the injury never healed. I achieved the rank of Sergeant(E-5). But the rules in which I encountered in the Marines were man-made rules. government are man-made rules. Our whole life we are weighed down by layers of man-made rules.
    Man says he wants freedoms from God, church, governments, and rulers. I only used "absolute freedom" do to the lack of a better word. The term "to live free" means absolute freedom
    in how you live your life.

    When someone murdered a person... you call that free will? When someone had been raped, you call that free will? When some politician is corrupt, you call that free will?

    They are all acts of people going against the laws of the land, You can say it is the personal will of the perpetrators of these acts. Some will still argue it is still free wil. mans desire to be free of the laws of man, to do what ever they want. What word would you use? I will be glad to use it. I am always looking for a better word.
    I for one agree with you the term free will is used too much.

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