Well the Holly books I have read state that he is. Am I sure? Well no, but who can actually answerer that question honestly? I think of him as a stern Father who practices tough Love. interpPersonal retations is why their are 1,000's of different regions; but I believe there is only one God.
you just answered it for us james.
I am sure he knows it, but I am not worthy enough to be on his mailing list. I am sure Satan has it too, which is why I get so much Spam mail.
if satan has it then maybe there's something wrong with your security (God).
Please feel free to ask if I have an answer I will answer, if I do not then I will say so. I am no Preacher, because I do not want anything from you. Just free exchange of ideas. I may be cleaver, but I am far from being a smart man. I make mistakes everyday. Please question, it is how we learn about ourselves. You will never disappoint me as long
I will have to then answer that question, Yes. But it is not my attentions to try to be better than another. I am but a bug, and small in the schema of everything. I do know that I am confident and being raised in Texas was taught to bow to no man, and no man is better than another. I am confrontational by nature and by upbringing. Have you been exposed to many Americans of Texans who will actuall talk to you as an equal, be blunt and honest and tell you things about themselves that are intiment? Could some of that feeling be cultural differences. I know I hope so. We can learn form eachother if common ground can be established.
pls no excuses.
Well that statement can not be truer. And please do not confuse confidence with conceit, there are bid differences. You can be confident and not be conceded. If I was conceited I would feel I was wasting my time with this forum, because I would be too full of false pride. I have encountered False Pride and conceit on this forum, but try to get beyond that. If it is the Holy book that is the core of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity that that can be coincided blasphemy and that is a dangerous topic. I have no desire to blaspheme, please feel free to engage in it all you want, God is a big boy, I am sure he want mind...hehehe
confidence? haha. my goodness, go to sleep james, your statement is getting weird.