View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1241

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    @manny actually i do have high regard for adolf hitler... ) his war strategy is pitiful but his pol strategy was very good... its called being a realist...
    It's called INSANITY.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    lofty ideals or only good for politiko's kay hapit na election.. maau daun mag preach og morality para mohumot..
    This is just as insane.

    Now we can understand what's behind the nutty pro-RH fanaticism,

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    regarding to my morality... mas daghan pa namatay in the name of jihad or crusades
    Please do some research before making such inaccurate comments.

    Get your history straight. More people have been killed by abortion than by all the religious wars in the last millennium. And communism/totalitarianism (which has the same nutty utilitarian "non-morality" you espouse) has killed more people than all the religious wars in all of history.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say
    then a crime was committed against my daughter killing the infant inside the womb will not change anything, it will even make me a criminal as well, a criminal of a very innocent being far more worse than a rapist itself.
    You have a good point there, sir. I'm glad to see that you are thinking rationally. That is not like the RH/abortion fanatics. They will hurt anyone, kill anyone, and justify even the most despicable crimes just to have their way.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo
    first abortion is not the answer to prevent rapist nor discourage rapist from raping others.. rather its mechanism is to give the women and children who are victims of rape their life back.
    Wrong again. The rape victim is NOT being killed here. It is the unborn child who is being MURDERED.

    After the rape, the rape victim will experience much hardship, but that is NOT the same as death. So it is not proper to equate the MURDER of the innocent unborn child with the hardship fo teh mother. The two are very different.

    The mother's life is NOT ever being taken away. So her life is not being "given back" through abortion. At most she will experience hardship. But that is not as bad as losing one's life (which is what happens when the unborn child is MURDERED).

    Two wrongs do not make one right.

    October 20, 2009
    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity

    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  2. #1242
    Youth groups to promote pro-life way of life

    The past years have been eye-openers to the plight of people who love life. There have been constant attacks and obstacles to promoting life and family as important. There is a continuous barrage of media messages pushing contraception, pre- and extra- marital ***. There is a non-stop push for the legalization of abortion and other such methods of terminating life at its early stages; and there is also a global decline of those who care and fight for the sanctity of life—in all its forms.

    While the proponents of the Reproductive Health bill try to convince the House of Representatives to pass the much debated legislation, the advocacy group Pro-life Philippines will hold a similar session that will discuss the demerits of the proposed law in a congress attended not by lawmakers but by interfaith youth who were reared to value life and practice morality.

    Pro-life Philippines planned the congress in the light of certain anti-life issues that have been making news in the country.

    An afternoon learning about the pro-life way of life awaits the 500 participants of Pro-life’s youth congress, which will be held from 2 to 8 p.m. on October 24, Saturday at Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Amphitheater, Quezon City.

    Aside from a series of talks and workshops orienting young people to being pro-life, a concert featuring live bands and various performers will also be staged at the end of the event. All these exciting activities are absolutely for free. No registration fees required but it is also a benefit drive. We highly encourage attendees to bring canned goods which will all be donated to the victims of recent calamities..

    The youth congress will be attended by Environment and Natural Resources Secretary & Pro-Life Philippines President Jose “Lito” Atienza, Jr.

    “It is time to show our youth what it means to be pro-life. Teach them the values of keeping life precious. And empower them to bring this message and lifestyle to their own daily lives,” – Xavier Padilla (Pro-Life Board of Trustee’s Secretary)

    For more information, please contact the Pro Life Philippines office at or via fax at 734-9425. Interested attendees may call the organization 733-7027 or 0919-2337783 and look for Ellen or Malou.

    Download reservation form and program:


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  3. #1243
    Guys the only way for mannyamador to see your point of view, is kung ma rape siya og ma mabdos. Apan tiguang naman siya og dili guwapo, walay mo rape ana imbis bayot.. inya kai lalake man siya, dili sad siya mamabdos. So in conclusion, save your breath, the only way he will see your point of view is for the impossible to happen. Hence, the dillemma and the round and round going about in circles like headless chickens you folks are doing by engaging in "debate" with him in this thread...

  4. #1244
    In Washington, the issue of abortion and its rights was raised just as the committee worked on healthcare reform.

    A U.S. Senate panel rejected a Republican effort on Wednesday to further restrict abortions in a sweeping healthcare overhaul as it inched closer to finishing work on the bill.

    The Senate Finance Committee defeated two attempts by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch to strengthen the measure's anti-abortion provisions, with Democrats arguing the amendments would create new limits on a woman's right to an abortion.

    Source - U.S. senators reject stronger abortion restrictions | Politics | Reuters

  5. #1245
    no to abortion!

    yes to contraceptives!

  6. #1246
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    Guys the only way for mannyamador to see your point of view, is kung ma rape siya og ma mabdos. .
    Oh well... It's typical of you to resort to ad hominem attacks since you don't have any rational arguments.

    I can understand that it's frustrating for you to see all your cherished (but unfounded) assumptions so easily cut down by reason and evidence, but you really should learn how to handle defeat in a mature manner.

    Senate Panel Narrowly Votes to Restore Abstinence-Funding in Health Reform Bill

    WASHINGTON, D.C., September 30, 2009 ( - Lawmakers on a Senate committee tasked with health-care reform narrowly voted on Tuesday night to approve the restoration of $50 million in annual federal funding for *** education that only promotes the practice of abstinence before marriage among youth.

    The Senate Finance Committee voted 12-11 to restore the Title V abstinence-only funding by approving the amendment proposed last week by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to the health care reform bill: the America's Healthy Futures Act of 2009.

    Hatch's amendment would allot an annual $50 million in federal funds through 2014 for abstinence-only education. The funds could only be used for abstinence-before-marriage *** education and could not be siphoned off to fund contraceptive-projects.

    October 20, 2009
    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1247
    Study: Religiosity and Parental Involvement in S3x-Ed Protect Youth from Risky Behaviors
    By Peter J. Smith

    WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2009 ( - A new study from Marquette University has found that religious attitudes toward sexuality, parent-based sexual education and intact two-parent households have a positive influence upon youth in their sexual practices and the onset of first sexual intercourse.

    Researchers took a nationally representative sample of 3,168 men and women ages 15-21 years old from a 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and obtained the data from 60-90 minute interviews with participants from the 2002 survey.

    The study's findings confirmed previous research literature, which suggests "religiosity" - defined by the authors as a set of institutionalized beliefs, doctrines and rituals, and ethical standards for how to live a good life - is "a protective factor that appears to contribute to decreased sexual risk behaviors."

    According to the study, those who viewed religion as "very important" reported an average of 1.9 lifetime sexual partners and on average began sexual activity at 17.4 years. In contrast, those who viewed religion as somewhat important or "not important at all," began their first sexual activity at 16.9 years and had an average of 2.9 lifetime sexual partners.

    However, researchers found that high religious attitudes toward sexuality (RAS) "appeared to be the most protective religiosity variable in terms of decreasing sexual risk."

    RAS had the greatest influence for youth remaining virginal by 21 years - an effect greater than just frequent attendance of church services or religious values.

    Among those who valued religion as "very important" 20 percent were still virgins by age 21; among those who attended church services frequently, 25 percent of participants reported they were still virgins by 21 years.

    But those who had high "religious attitudes on sexuality" reported the highest rate of virginity by 21 years and the highest rate of delayed first ***. 34 percent of these youth remained virgins by 21 years, and the average onset of *** began at 18.8 years.

    By contrast, researchers found that only 8 percent of those with low religious attitudes toward *** were still virgins by 21, and began their first *** on average at 17.0 years old - just about the same time as those who did not value religion (16.9 years).

    However, parents and an intact two-parent household also have an enormous effect on children and the choices they make in regards to ***, researchers found.

    "Those adolescents who lived in a two-parent family from birth to the age of 18 were 14 percent less likely to ever have had *** compared to those who did not and had significantly fewer lifetime sexual partners" researchers reported.

    Of youth with parents who raised them with a "just say no" attitude toward pre-marital ***, 31 percent remained virgins until 21 years, and the mean age of sexual debut for the group was 17.4 years. For youth, who "did not learn to say no," having their parents involved was also beneficial: 29 percent remained virginal until 21 years, although the average age of first *** for this group was 17.1 years.

    Just parental involvement in children's sexual education and voicing their expectations for their children in regards to *** was superior in reducing the rate of risky sexual behaviors and onset of first *** than formal *** education. Researchers found that the topic most brought up by parents with their children was "how to avoid having ***," but the study found primarily that "speaking with parents about abstinence was associated with decreased sexual risk behaviors."

    Youth who had only formal-based sexual education were far more prone to engage in sexual behaviors than their peers who had the involvement of their parents in ***-education. Of those trained in "abstinence and abstinence-plus" ***-education 26 percent remained virginal by 21 years, and on average began their sexual debut at 17.6 years. Those without any abstinence-component to *** education had only 25 percent remain virginal by 21 years, and began having *** at 17.1 years.

    "It is important for parents to make it explicit that they do not approve of adolescents engaging in sexual activity," researchers concluded. "This 'simple' practice of letting one's child know about expectations for their sexual behavior has been shown to be efficacious."

    "Further, the influence of parental education about avoiding intercourse was strengthened when there was a close relationship between the parent and the child."

    The researchers conclude that formal ***-education in the United States - even abstinence-based education - has thus far failed on its own power to address rampant sexual promiscuity and high numbers of sexual partners among youth. A new approach is needed, but the study's findings indicate that integrating religiosity and close parent-child relationships into ***-education may be the most promising avenues for fixing the problem.

    The results and conclusions of the study are contained in a paper called "The Association of Religiosity, Sexual Education, and Parental Factors with Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents and Young Adults" written by lead researchers Kristin A. Haglund and Richard J. Fehring.

    Protect your rights! Reject the RH/Abortion Bill (HB 5043)!
    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  8. #1248
    C.I.A. ceden_yu143's Avatar
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    this is rily a BIG NO NO to me...

    why do they have to do dis, dis is not the main solution....tsktkstsk...

  9. #1249
    @Mannyamador, I salute you sir for being a strong advocate of the rights of the unborn. It is so sad that some people don't really care about the sanctity of life anymore and are becoming more and more self-centered.

  10. #1250
    Quote Originally Posted by pareko89 View Post
    @Mannyamador, I salute you sir for being a strong advocate of the rights of the unborn. It is so sad that some people don't really care about the sanctity of life anymore and are becoming more and more self-centered.
    Thanks! I'm really not doing much though. Others do much more. Keep in mind though that if we all work together, we can turn the tide against the creeping culture of death that is slowly encroaching upon our society.

    The first step is to reject the RH/Abortion Bill. This bill (also know as HB 5043) directly funds the use of abortifacient contraceptives. This effectively legalizes a form of silent abortion. At the same time, however, it will encourage promiscuity and lead to even nmore unintended pregnancies, which will in turn lead to more demand for abortion. The Bill, therefore, is a way to sneak in abortion and a way to condition people to accept abortion.

    The group pushing for the RH/Abortion Bill are backed and financed by radical foreign groups that are pushing for abortion as a "right". That is the real agenda behind HB 5043.

    By the way, I hope you will join us on October 20 for the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. More info on this event at:

    Activities in the Philippines are in the planning stage. We will keep you informed. God bless!


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

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