Originally Posted by
nahan ra unta q mag peace mo ni allanboi sir coz 8s Jst a simple misunderstnding nd d pd cguru ta mga bata dri pra mag away 4 a smol rizon...8 seemd dat ur verbaly abusing my frend..i want 2 stay neutral as long as i can coz allanboi is a gud frend of mine and u aslo sir Ironwood_Cebu is a very well known breedr nd kennel owner hr n cebu which i admyr a lot...im nt a breedr, but i hav sum cocker spaniels out from ( gr ch king philip's kooper miner and ch king philip's dotted line aka lala) and sum mini schnauzers frm chanzalex kennel...n w/c i believed r d best kennels ov ds breed hr n our country..but i dnt breed my dogs, coz i knw dat der r sum iresponcble pet owners out der....sir as a dog lover also..lets Jst 4gt ds smol msundrstanding nd Jst support d thought..peace..hehehe hav a gud day
im sorry if to you i was "verbally abusing" your friend bro... believe me, i have no intention of doing that.
he accused me of something a year back, i didnt answer... karon ra kay lain na man pagsabot sa uban gud. i also have to protect my reputation, i think i am entitled to that.
again, i apologize if nalain imu pagsabot but i was just defending my reputation bro.
peace to all istoryans.