View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1231
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    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    we did have death penalty... but that did not deter these kind of people...

    punishment is not a solution at the personal level with regards to the victim especilly kung namabdos na diba?...

    as what amorsolo said abortion in these type of situations are "necessary evils"...

    do you have a daughter? well just imagine if you have one... and was raped... then got pregnant... and she is only 12 years old...
    No sorry I do not have a daughter, but if it is so then, I will be the one to blame because I should monitor my daughter and keep her away from harm, then a crime was committed against my daughter killing the infant inside the womb will not change anything, it will even make me a criminal as well, a criminal of a very innocent being far more worse than a rapist itself.

    I do not believe about this "necessary evil", meaning to say you are using evil deeds just to solve the problem that evil did, then all of us will become evils. I think the best way to obliterate evil deeds is only to promote and enforce good deeds, we have to change peoples mentality, and enforce measures to protect our women and it should be imposed on the family level......

  2. #1232
    Quote Originally Posted by genesis04 View Post
    i am completely against abortion..for the obvious reasons! and reading back the previous 2 pages, the only argument that i can find for those in favor is by citing examples for rape victims. i may not have the stats but i am sure..and would bet my life on it..that the number of pregnated rape victims that would benefit from this bill, if passed, would be pale compared to the number of unwanted pregnancies of sexually active people who are highly irresponsible! it is truly unfortunate that our society today, through the media, has bombarded us with this "i" mentality..that we have the right to our own happiness (never mind the others), unable to grasp that for every action, there are consequences. if this bill is only for those rape victims, then i am all for give them the option! but if this is to be made as an escape clause for people who simply cant keep their "stuff" inside their pants..then FORGET IT!
    completely agree ko wid this.. i strongly agree nga ang abortion reserved ra for rape victims..

    but i also strongly support the RH bill..

  3. #1233
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    No sorry I do not have a daughter, but if it is so then, I will be the one to blame because I should monitor my daughter and keep her away from harm, then a crime was committed against my daughter killing the infant inside the womb will not change anything, it will even make me a criminal as well, a criminal of a very innocent being far more worse than a rapist itself.

    I do not believe about this "necessary evil", meaning to say you are using evil deeds just to solve the problem that evil did, then all of us will become evils. I think the best way to obliterate evil deeds is only to promote and enforce good deeds, we have to change peoples mentality, and enforce measures to protect our women and it should be imposed on the family level......

    maau kay kamao ka mag pa ka martyr....

    im sorry but im not this kind of person..

    it sucks to be at the wrong side of a gun's barrel..

    i prefer to be the one doing the evil than the one recieving it..

    do unto others before others can do it to you...
    do not let others do it unto you..

    lofty ideals or only good for politiko's kay hapit na election.. maau daun mag preach og morality para mohumot..

    crime is only an idea that somebody does not conform to the ideas of others..

    in the end... people are just going along with others because they want to look good... even if in times, the masses are not being practical...

    maau ra mo sulti kay dili man kamo nag suffer...

    nindut guro naa rape victim nga na pregnant mo share sa experience.. para naa mo idea tanan kung unsa kalisod iya situation...

    again.. all i can say is

    Keep it Real!...

  4. #1234
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    By MURDERING THE INNOCENT? You are thinking like a homicidal Nazi!

    An unborn child IS A REAL PERSON..

    Just because he/she is smaller, weaker, and is in a different place (the womb) doesn't make him/her any less human than you. In fact, your thinking is in itself INHUMAN. If there is anyone who should be considered less human (and I am NOT saying anyone should be), it is you.

    You aren't even making a fair comparison. The mother is NOT being killed. She is just being subjected to hardship. But the innocent child is being KILLED.

    It seems you are unable to see the big difference between hardship and murder.

    And you have absolutely no scientific or logical proof whatsoever that the embryo is not a human life. The best you can claim (dishonestly, by the way) is that the issue is unresolved. In which case you must take the safer approach and not endanger human life. But I guess that's being much too human and caring for the selfish, insane culture of death philosophy you espouse.

    The unborn child did NOT choose that action and is therefore INNOCENT. Why should the unborn child be made responsible for the sins of someone else? You are contradicting yourself!

    This is the kind of insanity that has led to the worst wars and atrocities in human history. The communists and Nazis were just like that. It's a good thing not many more people are as insane.

    Good point. The pro-RH fanatics are a;ways trying to cite very rare cases and then applying it to the whole through. We all know that they will use vague restrictions in an abortion law to justify all other kinds of cases just like they do in other countries.

    You are also correct in pointing out that those who would "benefit" from such a stupid abortion law would be very few in number. While those who would be murdered would be much more. Those pro-RH fanatics have no sense of moral proportion whatsoever. It's all just a cover-up sop they can justify screwing around anytime they want without facing the responsibility.

    You can see the hidden agenda now behind the RH/Abortiion Bill. The pro-RH fanatics know that the Bill will lead to legalization of at least some forms of abortion (especially through abortifacient contraceptives). That's why they want the RH/Abortion Bill passed: it will increase unintended pregnancies as well as the demand for abortion. And this in turn will eventually lead to the legalization of other, more extreme forms of abortion at even later stages in the unborn child's life. It's happened before in other countries.
    regarding to my morality... mas daghan pa namatay in the name of jihad or crusades.. mas daghan namatay sa paglalis kong kinsang ginoo ang sakto...

    morality is just a standard set by humans.. humans have the freedom to do what they want.. killing of innocents in some situations is justified... and in some cases.. even needed..

    kung kita mga tawo dili mka kita sa reality, then wala jud ta chance sa progress.. we are blinded by our false sense of justice and our lofty ideals..

    para nako.. if i can see reality in its face.. to see beyond morality... to be able to choose and conduct necessary action.. to call me an inhuman would be a compliment.. thank you.. that means i am over the commonner's level.. i dont need to please the impractical whims of others.. i am not hindered by emotion.. i am enlightened..

    para sa rape victims. Abortion is a necessary evil.... mas maau gani nga icontrol and iformalize ang abortion kay para safe ang practice... whether you anti-abortionists like it or not, naa jud magpa-abort.. kung magpa- abort sila, atleast they can do it safely..

    lets keep it real... the greatest weakness of man is the idea od right and wrong, when in reality, theres no such thing.. what works is good.. what dont work is not good..

  5. #1235
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    crime is only an idea that somebody does not conform to the ideas of others..
    Sure ka ini o imo-imo lang, are you real, kang kinsa man diay nga balaod imohang gisunod karon?...

  6. #1236
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Sure ka ini o imo-imo lang, are you real, kang kinsa man diay nga balaod imohang gisunod karon?...
    parehas ra na sa ilang gisulti na.. one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter...

  7. #1237
    against abortion. it does not make any sense at all.

  8. #1238
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    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    parehas ra na sa ilang gisulti na.. one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter...
    Unya ang mga innocent infants maoy collateral damage....
    dili ba ang freedom fighters ang ilahang kontra mga despotic man, tyrant diay na ang innocent baby nga naa sa tiyan, I think he/she is a part of the freedom fighters isn't it, the decaying morality I think is the culprit nothing else, then how would you eradicate it by killing beings inside the womb?, I don't think so. It will even promote it, for one who commit rapes and incest would think that it's okay to do that because later on if the victim became pregnant they could always resort to abortion, no trace and evidences of the wrong doings...

  9. #1239
    money can make you devil jud hehe anyway i'm pro life so dili jud ko dapig aning abortion, but for contraceptive i'm up for it.

  10. #1240
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Unya ang mga innocent infants maoy collateral damage....
    dili ba ang freedom fighters ang ilahang kontra mga despotic man, tyrant diay na ang innocent baby nga naa sa tiyan, I think he/she is a part of the freedom fighters isn't it, the decaying morality I think is the culprit nothing else, then how would you eradicate it by killing beings inside the womb?, I don't think so. It will even promote it, for one who commit rapes and incest would think that it's okay to do that because later on if the victim became pregnant they could always resort to abortion, no trace and evidences of the wrong doings...
    as what i've said a law on abortion should be very strict, therefore it should not be used for the benefit of someone who just want to escape responsibility or the consequence of one's action, especially the culprit...

    therefore before someone will be given permission by the court to abort the fetus it should be well grounded that the fetus was a result of force sexual intercourse...

    collateral damage.. nice word... yes... thats why terrorist groups used civilians to make their points... its like playing chess... you sacrifice the pawn to save the king--- in this case the queen.

    first abortion is not the answer to prevent rapist nor discourage rapist from raping others.. rather its mechanism is to give the women and children who are victims of rape their life back...

    whatever pertains to culprit with regards to punishment should be under another law and not under an abortion law...
    Last edited by unsay_ngalan_nimo; 09-30-2009 at 07:21 PM.

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