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  1. #1
    Elite Member cloud's Avatar
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    Default Difference in speed ....

    Right now i am using ICS for my LAN.

    I am considering on purchasing a router if it will speed up my internet connection in my LAN.

    What are the PRO's and CON"S regarding ICS or using a ROUTER in terms of speed?

    cause i have notice that once all 4 pc's a online the download speed is greatly affected.

    c l o u d

  2. #2

    Default Re: Difference in speed ....

    of course all 4 pc together online that will surely affect the speed.....

    if your internet connection is 1mbps.... then all 4 pcs will fight for that bandwidth..... its like all will take a part the lechon on the table.... naturally you will get a lesser portion since there are 4 of you.... if you are only 2 taking the lechon then you will have more

    one thing about ics you need to keep the pc server on all the time.... so power wise you will be spending more....

    with a router there is no need to keep the pc server on all the time.... so less power

    it terms of internet use.... there will be a slight improvement... like faster surfing.... but downloads will still depend on you broadband speed.

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