View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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Results 591 to 600 of 1380
  1. #591

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    And yet you state you do not like me. Well sorry that you are so painfully hurt as to dislike me for kind words. I was not vindictive, condescending, or acting more-holy-than-thou. I am sorry that makes me a bad person to the point of your disliking me. I think you just have a problem with religious people reguardless of what they say or how they say it. That is you choice, and I hope you a long and happy life.
    james, you don't me and i don't know you but just a little hint of advise from yours truly: don't be too hard on yourself. chillax... chill and relax! people cutting each other's throats is a normal thing in this board. you better start getting used to it. it's the only way to survive.

  2. #592
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    Trip I read your post earlier, you complain why creationist use science to prove the theory... and now... what are you saying again...

    comment is just a plain handicap. You dont want us to use science to backup the theory, now its unacceptable because there is no science in it... hahay!

    Im being triped huhuhu!

    Some just want to have one's cake and eat it too. To use a double standard, their use of science is good if it proves they are right, but your use of science is wrong if it show they may be wrong. You remember games like that as a child? If the rule of the game allowed them to win they were good, but if you started to win the rules had to be changed. Well here they are and they have not changed. If you start to win then the rules must change or they take their ball home.

    It is intellectual cheating. They say creationist do not play by the rules, our rules were written 3,400 years ago. They set up new rules and sometimes their science just does not go their way, so you can not use that. Then they say, "Science says you are wrong." you say "this science says I may be right," their response? ""It is unfair to use science to challenge science"

    Just tell them they are right about everything and you are wrong about everything and generations will never know the whole truth, but they will have won their argument, and they will be happy with that, even if they did cheat.

    "you can't have it both ways" and "you can't have the best of both worlds."

    Or fight for the real whole truth, challenge every theory, untill all side are sure of it's vitality. Until every theory is disregarded or deemed a Law, because that is how real adults are suppose to play. And if it hurts a bunch of posers and want-a-bees feelings then so be it. That is how real free-thinking science advances, or for the lack of a better word EVOLVES. Every science can only be challenged with real science.

  3. #593
    evolution is a hoax!

  4. #594
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    It is intellectual cheating. They say creationist do not play by the rules, our rules were written 3,400 years ago. They set up new rules and sometimes their science just does not go their way, so you can not use that. Then they say, "Science says you are wrong." you say "this science says I may be right," their response? ""It is unfair to use science to challenge science"
    just because your rules were written way before man discovered evolution doesn't mean it's the more credible theory. the fact that it was written eons ago makes it more unreliable than ever. have you ever stopped and said to yourself, "what if these early people were just bored that they had nothing better to do than make up the creation story?" it's funny how people today are hardcore creationist.

    but then again, all of you creationists are gonna use your faith as your shield for the ninth time so this debate all ends up in nothing.

  5. #595
    Quote Originally Posted by bungot25 View Post
    evolution is a hoax!
    refrain from the one-liners. post your sources.

  6. #596
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    So the case stands... We will discuss EVO... don't ask me about creation... again i wont contest... so don't make creation as an excuse from now on... its gud thing you said it. sleep nako brad... be asking you questions laters...

    what still stands? Evolution is a fact. It may appear to have loose ends to the outsiders( non-scienctists ) but not to those who studied the necessary data and had applied the correct system.

    there maybe objections to the theory but its points does not carry the required intellectual arguments to dismiss the whole system.

    Evolution is a work in progress, for the past years it was able to gather, observe, and modify its theory.

    there was a point in time where creationists had rejected the idea of evolution within kind but now they accept it as factual because science did made a progress in providing the world stronger evidence every now and then.

    it is a work in progress, the traces of evolution are there its only a matter of time that these loose ends which is not unscienctific in itself will be resolved by greater evidence.
    Last edited by Malic; 09-30-2009 at 04:23 AM.

  7. #597
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post

    I do not know why God choose that you heart not receive faith, or why your eyes be closed. I spent years after reading the Book before faith found me. I hope your heart is not harden. He may have another plan for you, or chose another time to reveal himself to your heart. I do not question God's will, because I do not have the understanding of his plan. I am but his faithful foot solderer. I hope you find him I really do. I believe someday he will if you keep seeking him. Even if you turn you back to him, if he wants you you will follow.
    so its not actually their fault after all why they are faithtless. God wills it to be so, how terrible is that God!

  8. #598
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    james, you don't me and i don't know you but just a little hint of advise from yours truly: don't be too hard on yourself. chillax... chill and relax! people cutting each other's throats is a normal thing in this board. you better start getting used to it. it's the only way to survive.
    Thanks for the advice, being new to the board and even newer to a Pinoy board I am still out of sorts. It seemed that every time I posted I was offending, while being insulted. Then when I snapped back told how I am a bad Christian because I would not allow the brow-beating by those professing to be Atheist. I am older and come from a culture where you respect a man views. If you do not like the message then you challenge the message and not the messenger. You do not punch below the belt, and you show respect.

    Here the messenger is belittled, cursed, insulted and disrespected often without stating any real facts. It is surprising when respect and not offending a person is what is mostly understood from those outside the culture, as how to treat Filipinos want to treated. Where insulting a man can provoke two Filipino into bolo fights. it has just caught me by surprise. That is why I joined this forum, you can not understand Filipinos and the concept of Pinoy syaying only on Kano forums talking with a bunch of Kano drunks and perverts who have their heads up their ass when it come to understanding the Pinoy culture. I am a family man who moved here with his family, so my 14 year old son could understand that part of him that is Filipino.

    Thanks for the advice and I will not let it get to me. I do not want to insult or offend any member and still will be respectful even to those who are not, but now I understand. Thank you it was a kind thing to explain it to me. Now I know.

  9. #599
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Thanks for the advice, being new to the board and even newer to a Pinoy board I am still out of sorts. It seemed that every time I posted I was offending, while being insulted. Then when I snapped back told how I am a bad Christian because I would not allow the brow-beating by those professing to be Atheist. I am older and come from a culture where you respect a man views. If you do not like the message then you challenge the message and not the messenger. You do not punch below the belt, and you show respect.

    Here the messenger is belittled, cursed, insulted and disrespected often without stating any real facts. It is surprising when respect and not offending a person is what is mostly understood from those outside the culture, as how to treat Filipinos want to treated. Where insulting a man can provoke two Filipino into bolo fights. it has just caught me by surprise. That is why I joined this forum, you can not understand Filipinos and the concept of Pinoy syaying only on Kano forums talking with a bunch of Kano drunks and perverts who have their heads up their ass when it come to understanding the Pinoy culture. I am a family man who moved here with his family, so my 14 year old son could understand that part of him that is Filipino.

    Thanks for the advice and I will not let it get to me. I do not want to insult or offend any member and still will be respectful even to those who are not, but now I understand. Thank you it was a kind thing to explain it to me. Now I know.
    now, you're getting the hang of it..

    anyway, its just this thread, the S&O in out of all the hundreds of other boards on the net that has that peculiar characteristic you just described... some of us have actually met each other in person already, and thank God! did not bring out our bolos in the meet up..

    yet we go back here and do the same thing over and over and over again..

  10. #600
    oh my gosh! Yes! is winning by a landslide!

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