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  1. #51

    f wala mo ma coment na maau, yaw nalang mo pag binastus.... 4 me ironwood_cebu's coment ws jst xur he ment no trouble wit his post..myb ders a lil bit misunderstanding...nd f wa ko masayup, naay sumthng n comon ani nila ni ironwood_cebu, allanboi, nd maangurl..parho cla naay boston..sak2 ba hhehehe BUT I RIlY CNT BIliV dS PUNkS AROUNd HIR...NAG EfORT RA GYUd clA UG POST UG "OA" ANI NA THREAd...pwd rman unta mo mo sulti ug "oa" ni na topic wyl reading ds topic, ..u dont hav 2 post 8 hir....mods i hope u will ban ds potential trouble makers....the site s not healthy wit them around..tnx

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by pain614 View Post
    f wala mo ma coment na maau, yaw nalang mo pag binastus.... 4 me ironwood_cebu's coment ws jst xur he ment no trouble wit his post..myb ders a lil bit misunderstanding...nd f wa ko masayup, naay sumthng n comon ani nila ni ironwood_cebu, allanboi, nd maangurl..parho cla naay boston..sak2 ba hhehehe BUT I RIlY CNT BIliV dS PUNkS AROUNd HIR...NAG EfORT RA GYUd clA UG POST UG "OA" ANI NA THREAd...pwd rman unta mo mo sulti ug "oa" ni na topic wyl reading ds topic, ..u dont hav 2 post 8 hir....mods i hope u will ban ds potential trouble makers....the site s not healthy wit them around..tnx
    hehe ako diay ang subject ani?

    i did not bother to comment on that post coz i know he missed my point. if he re-read my post and comprehend, he'll understand. instead, he shot back by accusing me of something i am sure i am not.

    he has a boston? yes i think i saw his post in a manila site... i wonder if his boston came from a legit breeder, as im sure mine is. coz i think i saw the pics of his boston and surely it pales in comparison as to quality as to mine. mine comes from the foremost boston breeder in the country... mine is of purely imported parents. i bought mine on ridiculous (to some) amount...i wonder how much he bought his. if you support puppymills and buy from them, you should be the last person to condemn them, thats hypocrisy. badlong ka puppymillers and yet you buy from them man diay, diba contradictory kay na?

    my facility for my dogs are top notch. my dogs enjoy expensive supplements and much more expensive dog foods. they are pampered and i can face any other breeder/owner here and see if his facility for his dogs is better than what i am giving to my dogs. puppymillers cut costs so that they can get the most of profits. thats not me. i give my dogs the best care i can give...i have spent hundreds of thousands so far in my one year of going into dogs... i wonderhow much this allanboi gives to his dogs.

    this gonna be my last post in this thread, initially i thought this doesnt worth my response.but what the heck, sometimes we stoop to some levels far south than where we currently are.

    peace out.
    Last edited by Ironwood_Cebu; 09-30-2009 at 08:11 AM.

  3. #53
    There is a bond between man and dog which has developed over thousands of years. These previously wild animals grew to trust mankind. Let us not betray that trust.

  4. #54
    a big up up up for this..................

  5. #55
    peace lang mga idol i know we are entitled to our own opinions..we all share the same sentiments which is the humane treatment for dogs..and hopefully not only sa dogs but sa tanan animals. share lang ko sa usa ka paborito nako nga quote..

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
    -Mahatma Ghandi

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironwood_Cebu View Post
    hehe ako diay ang subject ani?

    i did not bother to comment on that post coz i know he missed my point. if he re-read my post and comprehend, he'll understand. instead, he shot back by accusing me of something i am sure i am not.

    he has a boston? yes i think i saw his post in a manila site... i wonder if his boston came from a legit breeder, as im sure mine is. coz i think i saw the pics of his boston and surely it pales in comparison as to quality as to mine. mine comes from the foremost boston breeder in the country... mine is of purely imported parents. i bought mine on ridiculous (to some) amount...i wonder how much he bought his. if you support puppymills and buy from them, you should be the last person to condemn them, thats hypocrisy. badlong ka puppymillers and yet you buy from them man diay, diba contradictory kay na?

    my facility for my dogs are top notch. my dogs enjoy expensive supplements and much more expensive dog foods. they are pampered and i can face any other breeder/owner here and see if his facility for his dogs is better than what i am giving to my dogs. puppymillers cut costs so that they can get the most of profits. thats not me. i give my dogs the best care i can give...i have spent hundreds of thousands so far in my one year of going into dogs... i wonderhow much this allanboi gives to his dogs.

    this gonna be my last post in this thread, initially i thought this doesnt worth my response.but what the heck, sometimes we stoop to some levels far south than where we currently are.

    peace out.
    I support ironwood's kennel. hehehe kennel ka na ba sir? To make this topic short and simple the difference of a puppy miller from a reputable breeder is that puppy millers don't care to breed their dogs to produce quality lines nor improve the quality of the breed. They just keep producing bad lines for a buck. While reputable breeders on the other hand have a keen eye on breeding their dogs. (This includes giving quality food, have time to socialize/train, proper grooming and hygiene, frequent visits to vet for check-ups, etc...) That is why dogs that come from reputable breeders don't come cheap. The best way to pin point a good breeder is to research the background of his/her previous lines produced and it is best to make appointments when you want to visit their kennel(s).

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by ceannix View Post
    I support ironwood's kennel. hehehe kennel ka na ba sir? To make this topic short and simple the difference of a puppy miller from a reputable breeder is that puppy millers don't care to breed their dogs to produce quality lines nor improve the quality of the breed. They just keep producing bad lines for a buck. While reputable breeders on the other hand have a keen eye on breeding their dogs. (This includes giving quality food, have time to socialize/train, proper grooming and hygiene, frequent visits to vet for check-ups, etc...) That is why dogs that come from reputable breeders don't come cheap. The best way to pin point a good breeder is to research the background of his/her previous lines produced and it is best to make appointments when you want to visit their kennel(s).
    hehe nahibung bitaw ko ngano off-synched man tubag niya nako nga ako ra man siya gipangutana if iya bang article kato iya gipost or just copy-pasted from another site... dah, gibalikan na man nuon ko nga puppymiller kuno ko... he sideswept the issue im trying to raise by a baseless insinuation... my oh my. thats why i did not bother to answer initially kay kaingun ko "way kapuslanan makig debate kay dili mutubag tarong"...

    puppymillers, this according to his "copied-article" refers to un-ideal living conditions for the dogs... indiscriminate breeding for the sake of raking profits, no care whatsoever to the dogs... thats for me is puppymilling... and we all should be against that.

    as a matter of fact, a new group- PUG of CEBU (that i am trying to organize now) is on a vision to eradicate puppymillers of PUG breeds. we would like to develop the PUG breed in cebu and lift up the state of breeding in the province.

    we act, dili ra mi kutob sa yawyaw ug post2x... a good start is NOT to buy from puppymillers.... its ironic nga yawyaw ka kunuhay NO to puppymillers pero imu mga iro imuman gipalit gikan puppymiller... di ba hypocrisy na? LOLZ!

    we are for the development of whatever breed that we have... spay/neuter pet quality thats our big challenge. do not buy from them, thats the correct way of going against puppymills. not thru just lip service.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by ceannix View Post
    I support ironwood's kennel. hehehe kennel ka na ba sir?
    yes i have two kennel names- ironwood_cebu for my pugs and hoopers judge for my bostons

    last na jud ni nako... paita dili na ta nako ni i-glorify by posting but madani man ta hehehe...

    naa man similar threadnga gihimo sya ing ani sa dog-tracker, dah after being subjected to scrutiny by the breeders in manila, tulin pas alas kwatro nilayat walani nibalik sa iya thread hahaha hahay

  9. #59
    lurker mode na dayun. hehe. mao nay paetz.

  10. #60
    nahan ra unta q mag peace mo ni allanboi sir coz 8s Jst a simple misunderstnding nd d pd cguru ta mga bata dri pra mag away 4 a smol rizon...8 seemd dat ur verbaly abusing my frend..i want 2 stay neutral as long as i can coz allanboi is a gud frend of mine and u aslo sir Ironwood_Cebu is a very well known breedr nd kennel owner hr n cebu which i admyr a nt a breedr, but i hav sum cocker spaniels out from ( gr ch king philip's kooper miner and ch king philip's dotted line aka lala) and sum mini schnauzers frm chanzalex kennel...n w/c i believed r d best kennels ov ds breed hr n our country..but i dnt breed my dogs, coz i knw dat der r sum iresponcble pet owners out der....sir as a dog lover also..lets Jst 4gt ds smol msundrstanding nd Jst support d thought..peace..hehehe hav a gud day

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