View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1221

    there are times that to kill innocents is justified.. if you happen to be the innocent one, well.. its just not your day...

    i believe in the concept of "necessary evil"... to preserve the harmony and well-being of the community... sacrifices have to be made..

    we all have our own dreams.. some of us are willing to take measures so that we will achieve those dreams...

    lofty goals mean nothing in the face of reality...

    there is no such thing as good or evil.. morality is just a set of standards set by humans.. murder is evil just because humans say so...
    in nature, all existence strives for survival.. no matter what the means.. even if it means killing other beings... this is nature's law..

  2. #1222
    i am completely against abortion..for the obvious reasons! and reading back the previous 2 pages, the only argument that i can find for those in favor is by citing examples for rape victims. i may not have the stats but i am sure..and would bet my life on it..that the number of pregnated rape victims that would benefit from this bill, if passed, would be pale compared to the number of unwanted pregnancies of sexually active people who are highly irresponsible! it is truly unfortunate that our society today, through the media, has bombarded us with this "i" mentality..that we have the right to our own happiness (never mind the others), unable to grasp that for every action, there are consequences. if this bill is only for those rape victims, then i am all for give them the option! but if this is to be made as an escape clause for people who simply cant keep their "stuff" inside their pants..then FORGET IT!

  3. #1223
    Quote Originally Posted by genesis04 View Post
    i am completely against abortion..for the obvious reasons! and reading back the previous 2 pages, the only argument that i can find for those in favor is by citing examples for rape victims. i may not have the stats but i am sure..and would bet my life on it..that the number of pregnated rape victims that would benefit from this bill, if passed, would be pale compared to the number of unwanted pregnancies of sexually active people who are highly irresponsible! it is truly unfortunate that our society today, through the media, has bombarded us with this "i" mentality..that we have the right to our own happiness (never mind the others), unable to grasp that for every action, there are consequences. if this bill is only for those rape victims, then i am all for give them the option! but if this is to be made as an escape clause for people who simply cant keep their "stuff" inside their pants..then FORGET IT!
    that is why the law on abortion should be very strict. its kind of abortion law that does not allow abortion of pregnancy as an escape as a result of one's free will or action.

    in rape cases the operative word is coercion, or against one's will.

    the law should be strict on that part. we dont want people who wont take responsibility for their actions.

  4. #1224
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    Bearing a child is a responsibility not a choice.........

  5. #1225
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Bearing a child is a responsibility not a choice.........
    yes its a responsibility and at the its also a choice...

    because the act to actually produced a child should be born out of free will... if its act of free will then one must take full responsibility of one's action...

    if its through forced then its not one's free will but the will of another. then why should one take responsibility of others action.

    as what they say an act against one's will is not his act.
    Last edited by unsay_ngalan_nimo; 09-29-2009 at 10:18 PM.

  6. #1226
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    selfish na kung selfish... pero hindi naman ako yung gagwa ng desisyon... at lest im sensitive to enough to think to give other people the right to give them their life back after such traumatic experience.
    By MURDERING THE INNOCENT? You are thinking like a homicidal Nazi!

    between a a real living person and a fertilized egg manny, id still choose the life that is already breathing.
    An unborn child IS A REAL PERSON..

    Just because he/she is smaller, weaker, and is in a different place (the womb) doesn't make him/her any less human than you. In fact, your thinking is in itself INHUMAN. If there is anyone who should be considered less human (and I am NOT saying anyone should be), it is you.

    You aren't even making a fair comparison. The mother is NOT being killed. She is just being subjected to hardship. But the innocent child is being KILLED.

    It seems you are unable to see the big difference between hardship and murder.

    And you have absolutely no scientific or logical proof whatsoever that the embryo is not a human life. The best you can claim (dishonestly, by the way) is that the issue is unresolved. In which case you must take the safer approach and not endanger human life. But I guess that's being much too human and caring for the selfish, insane culture of death philosophy you espouse.

    because the act to actually produced a child should be born out of free will... if its act of free will then one must take full responsibility of one's action.
    The unborn child did NOT choose that action and is therefore INNOCENT. Why should the unborn child be made responsible for the sins of someone else? You are contradicting yourself!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    there is no such thing as good or evil.. morality is just a set of standards set by humans.. murder is evil just because humans say nature, all existence strives for survival.. no matter what the means.. even if it means killing other beings... this is nature's law..
    This is the kind of insanity that has led to the worst wars and atrocities in human history. The communists and Nazis were just like that. It's a good thing not many more people are as insane.

    Quote Originally Posted by genesis04
    and reading back the previous 2 pages, the only argument that i can find for those in favor is by citing examples for rape victims.
    Good point. The pro-RH fanatics are a;ways trying to cite very rare cases and then applying it to the whole through. We all know that they will use vague restrictions in an abortion law to justify all other kinds of cases just like they do in other countries.

    You are also correct in pointing out that those who would "benefit" from such a stupid abortion law would be very few in number. While those who would be murdered would be much more. Those pro-RH fanatics have no sense of moral proportion whatsoever. It's all just a cover-up sop they can justify screwing around anytime they want without facing the responsibility.

    You can see the hidden agenda now behind the RH/Abortiion Bill. The pro-RH fanatics know that the Bill will lead to legalization of at least some forms of abortion (especially through abortifacient contraceptives). That's why they want the RH/Abortion Bill passed: it will increase unintended pregnancies as well as the demand for abortion. And this in turn will eventually lead to the legalization of other, more extreme forms of abortion at even later stages in the unborn child's life. It's happened before in other countries.

    October 20, 2009
    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity

    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1227
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    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    yes its a responsibility and at the its also a choice...

    because the act to actually produced a child should be born out of free will... if its act of free will then one must take full responsibility of one's action...

    if its through forced then its not one's free will but the will of another. then why should one take responsibility of others action.

    as what they say an act against one's will is not his act.
    Yes I absolutely understand your sentiments Sis,
    justified to those who has unwanted pregnancies, but killing an innocent being who did took part of the felony and could be even described as one of the victim as well, I assume is also not justified.
    Let me give you an analogy, before cars and vehicular public transport was the source of many accidents, then what the authorities did, they did not abolish the cars and the vehicle, but what they did is enhanced the safety measures as to minimize or totally abolish road accidents.

    Then perhaps the answer for incest and rapes so on and so forth is just enforcing morality and impose greater punishments through law on everyone.....

  8. #1228
    Anniversary of Mother Teresa's Death Good Time to Take Up the Pro-Life Mission
    by Steven Ertelt, Editor
    September 3, 2009

    Washington, DC ( -- Saturday is the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, long regarded as the unofficial patron saint of the pro-life movement.

    As Catholics remember the sister whose selflessness and sacrifice for unborn children and others became an international model, Father Frank Pavone says now is a good time to take up her pro-life mission.

    "Mother Teresa of Calcutta was called from this world on September 5, 1997," Pavone, the head of Priests for Life, recalls.

    "In my many conversations with her about the pro-life movement, it was very clear that she expected us not simply to pray but to intervene," he explained.

    "She told me about how she went to the places where abortions were performed and took the women by the arm, away from that place of death and to her communities where they would find hope and life for themselves and their children," Pavone said.

    Although many pro-life advocates will remember her life in many ways, Pavone says their is one way that is the best: "Above all, honor her by imitating her."

    When discussing abortion, Mother Teresa was honest and direct, but never insulting or abusive.

    In February 1997, in her remarks at the White House Prayer Breakfast, with President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton -- two unswerving supporters of abortion -- Mother Teresa laid out her case clearly.

    "What is taking place in America is a war against the child," she said. "And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another."

    Three years earlier, Mother Teresa was quoted in The Wall Street Journal saying, "America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation."

    She added: "The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father's role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts -- a child -- as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters."

    And in response to critics who asked who would care for an unwanted child, Mother Teresa said, "Please don't kill the child. I want the child. Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted, and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child, and be loved by the child. From our children's home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortions. These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents, and have grown up so full of love and joy!"

    In his new book, Mother Teresa: In the Shadow of Our Lady, Father Joseph Langford, who worked closely with Mother Teresa for twenty-five years and with her founded the Missionaries of Charity Fathers, believes "God fashioned Mother Teresa into an instrument that would light up our night at its darkest."

    By persevering through her own "dark night of the soul," Mother Teresa taught all who work and pray for an end to abortion to have faith and persevere

    Priests for Life has a special novena prayer it has posted on its web site that encourages all pro-life people to examine.

    "You will find a prayer to say, and will be able to share with us how Mother Teresa has influenced your own life," he says.

    Related web sites:
    Priests for Life -

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  9. #1229
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Yes I absolutely understand your sentiments Sis,
    justified to those who has unwanted pregnancies, but killing an innocent being who did took part of the felony and could be even described as one of the victim as well, I assume is also not justified.
    Let me give you an analogy, before cars and vehicular public transport was the source of many accidents, then what the authorities did, they did not abolish the cars and the vehicle, but what they did is enhanced the safety measures as to minimize or totally abolish road accidents.

    Then perhaps the answer for incest and rapes so on and so forth is just enforcing morality and impose greater punishments through law on everyone.....
    we did have death penalty... but that did not deter these kind of people...

    punishment is not a solution at the personal level with regards to the victim especilly kung namabdos na diba?...

    as what amorsolo said abortion in these type of situations are "necessary evils"...

    do you have a daughter? well just imagine if you have one... and was raped... then got pregnant... and she is only 12 years old...

  10. #1230
    actually i do have high regard for adolf hitler... )

    his war strategy is pitiful but his pol strategy was very good...

    its called being a realist...

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