Spare us the self-righteous and insincere melodrama. YOU are the one who doesn't care about people. That's why it's so easy for you to claim that an entire class of people are sub-human that can easily be MURDERED.
That is truly a difficult time for the mother (who is a victim herself), but such difficulty can be alleviated to some extent. That is why pro-life groups assist these mothers as well. But once a child is murdered by abortifacients, there can be no alleviation whatsoever. Once the greater heinous crime has been committed against the unborn child nothing can be done to help the innocent victim.
Your priorities are messed up. To you, personal convenience and comfort are more important than innocent human life. Truly sick.
The Church, the government, and many private institutions run many facilities (care homes, counselling centers, charities, etc.) to care for unmarried mothers or those mothers with crisis pregnancies (even married ones). I have been to some of those facilities and they give excellent care. The material, psychological, and spiritual needs of the mothers are all provided, sometimes to an even better extent than could be provided by their own families. You don't know what you're talking about -- as usual.
At least pro-lifers care for
BOTH the unborn child and the mother. You pro-RH fanatics only care about the "right" to screw whenever you feel like it, -- and then MURDER the innocent children that are the inevitable result of such
If we follow that nutty logic, then we can justify the killing of infants and old people to "preserve" the convenience and comfort of a few since infants and the elderly can be claimed to be great burdens as well. That crazy thinking leads to even more killing.
You're dead wrong. The kind of sick, homicidal selfishness you advocate is called MURDER.
Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition