View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1211

    *clap* para kay giddy

    wa cla kuyapi? in cases like this, how can one put more focus on the welfare of an egg rather than the physical, psychological and mental welfare of a real person, to which is the rape victim?
    i concur...

    and manny will reply...

  2. #1212
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    you're wrong manny.. cared for? naka-adto ka paria-an? dinha sa may usc? tell me unsa na klase cared for ana..
    So you rather they be MURDERED? That's sick.

    Many adoption centers provide better care for the kids than some families. You don't know what you're talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy
    am i missing something here? i don't even think fertilization can already take place within 24 hrs after s3x or rape.
    You aren't thinking. Fertilization can occur within 24 hours. And your recommendation for abortifacient ECPs is within 48 hours. So the abortifacient mechanism will already have a victim. Do the math.

    That victim is a CHILD, not merely an egg. The fact that you are so willing to ignore the humanity of such innocents goes to show how morally bankrupt your position has become. Choosing personal convenience over human life is totally sick.

    Lets' not forget that no matter what the condition of the rape victim, her difficulties can be alleviated or mitigated. But there is no alleviation or mitigation for the unborn child who is MURDERED through abortifacients. MURDER is far greater crime than causing hardship.

    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called "Reproductive Health" Bill (HB5043)

  3. #1213
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    So you rather they be MURDERED? That's sick.

    Many adoption centers provide better care for the kids than some families. You don't know what you're talking about.

    You aren't thinking. Fertilization can occur within 24 hours. And your recommendation for abortifacient ECPs is within 48 hours. So the abortifacient mechanism will already have a victim. Do the math.

    That victim is a CHILD, not merely an egg. The fact that you are so willing to ignore the humanity of such innocents goes to show how morally bankrupt your position has become. Choosing personal convenience over human life is totally sick.

    Lets' not forget that no matter what the condition of the rape victim, her difficulties can be alleviated or mitigated. But there is no alleviation or mitigation for the unborn child who is MURDERED through abortifacients. MURDER is far greater crime than causing hardship.

    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
    Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called "Reproductive Health" Bill (HB5043)
    No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition
    the fact is you're view is so focused on the unborn that you dont give a damn to the living woman who is suffering who is more real and more alive than the "fertilized egg" in her uterus . Who suffered at hands of her rapist, and you want to suffer more by burdening her with a child she dont want.

    easy to say put the child for adoption. do you know how long is 9 months? how can pregnancy affect a one's life, how about one's mental state especially if such pregnancy is unwanted, a result of a traumatic experience?

    murder? no its called self preservation manny. and that is how man survived through out history. The capacity of man to fight for man's survival.

    if you think im sick, i think you're being to narrow minded. you give more importance to "a fertilized egg" who has only "potential" (since there is actually no guarantee that such egg can actually live) life than the one who is already breathing.

  4. #1214
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    the fact is you're view is so focused on the unborn that you dont give a damn to the living woman who is suffering who is more real and more alive than the "fertilized egg" in her uterus
    Spare us the self-righteous and insincere melodrama. YOU are the one who doesn't care about people. That's why it's so easy for you to claim that an entire class of people are sub-human that can easily be MURDERED.

    easy to say put the child for adoption. do you know how long is 9 months? how can pregnancy affect a one's life,
    That is truly a difficult time for the mother (who is a victim herself), but such difficulty can be alleviated to some extent. That is why pro-life groups assist these mothers as well. But once a child is murdered by abortifacients, there can be no alleviation whatsoever. Once the greater heinous crime has been committed against the unborn child nothing can be done to help the innocent victim.

    Your priorities are messed up. To you, personal convenience and comfort are more important than innocent human life. Truly sick.

    The Church, the government, and many private institutions run many facilities (care homes, counselling centers, charities, etc.) to care for unmarried mothers or those mothers with crisis pregnancies (even married ones). I have been to some of those facilities and they give excellent care. The material, psychological, and spiritual needs of the mothers are all provided, sometimes to an even better extent than could be provided by their own families. You don't know what you're talking about -- as usual.

    At least pro-lifers care for BOTH the unborn child and the mother. You pro-RH fanatics only care about the "right" to screw whenever you feel like it, -- and then MURDER the innocent children that are the inevitable result of such irresponsibility.

    murder? no its called self preservation .
    If we follow that nutty logic, then we can justify the killing of infants and old people to "preserve" the convenience and comfort of a few since infants and the elderly can be claimed to be great burdens as well. That crazy thinking leads to even more killing.

    You're dead wrong. The kind of sick, homicidal selfishness you advocate is called MURDER.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-29-2009 at 12:21 AM.

  5. #1215
    ayaw i legalize

    kasagaran daghan anak kai kanang unemployed ug dili maka hatag ug saktong future sa ila mga anak
    mao nang mga bata nga ma snatcher inig dako

    philippines kai exporter baya ug manpower... ang mga taw nga gi tawag ug OFW

  6. #1216
    not in favor of the legalization sa abortion... still, we are dealing with life... surely, this is not a solution for our country to be progressive... change is within us, let us do our share...

  7. #1217
    Quote Originally Posted by firestar2008 View Post
    not in favor of the legalization sa abortion... still, we are dealing with life... surely, this is not a solution for our country to be progressive... change is within us, let us do our share...
    So true! Life is the most basic human right.

    Without life, no other rights are possible. It is therefore the highest human right. Other rights are important too, but life is more important. Life of the innocent cannot be sacrificed just for convenience, comfort, or avoidance of hardship.

    That is why we must guard against all forms of abortion, including the use of abortifacient contraceptives. This is the kind of abortion being sneaked into the Philippines through the RH/abortion Bill (also known as HB 5043).

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  8. #1218
    think of this? a 24 week unborn child grasping the surgeon's finger

  9. #1219
    Quote Originally Posted by aldrin89 View Post
    think of this? a 24 week unborn child grasping the surgeon's finger
    first 24 week is already 5 months old fetus. Abortion after the first trimester can be dangerous to the mother.

    so a law which legalize abortion should only allow such within the first trimester of the pregnancy. three months is enough for a woman to think if she like to keep the child or she think taht such could only burden her.

  10. #1220
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Spare us the self-righteous and insincere melodrama. YOU are the one who doesn't care about people. That's why it's so easy for you to claim that an entire class of people are sub-human that can easily be MURDERED.

    That is truly a difficult time for the mother (who is a victim herself), but such difficulty can be alleviated to some extent. That is why pro-life groups assist these mothers as well. But once a child is murdered by abortifacients, there can be no alleviation whatsoever. Once the greater heinous crime has been committed against the unborn child nothing can be done to help the innocent victim.

    Your priorities are messed up. To you, personal convenience and comfort are more important than innocent human life. Truly sick.

    The Church, the government, and many private institutions run many facilities (care homes, counselling centers, charities, etc.) to care for unmarried mothers or those mothers with crisis pregnancies (even married ones). I have been to some of those facilities and they give excellent care. The material, psychological, and spiritual needs of the mothers are all provided, sometimes to an even better extent than could be provided by their own families. You don't know what you're talking about -- as usual.

    At least pro-lifers care for BOTH the unborn child and the mother. You pro-RH fanatics only care about the "right" to screw whenever you feel like it, -- and then MURDER the innocent children that are the inevitable result of such irresponsibility.

    If we follow that nutty logic, then we can justify the killing of infants and old people to "preserve" the convenience and comfort of a few since infants and the elderly can be claimed to be great burdens as well. That crazy thinking leads to even more killing.

    You're dead wrong. The kind of sick, homicidal selfishness you advocate is called MURDER.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition
    selfish na kung selfish... pero hindi naman ako yung gagwa ng desisyon... at lest im sensitive to enough to think to give other people the right to give them their life back after such traumatic experience.

    between a a real living person and a fertilized egg manny, id still choose the life that is already breathing.

    id ont care about people? i care enough to think of the one who already exist... and you think of the one who is only about to exist.

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