Please tell me my inconsistency?
i have no time james, explaning finer points to a disappointed christian like you is like cupping water in my hands.
I do not claim to be anything but a follower of Christ. A Born Again Christian. Only God can determine if I am a good soul, I just hold no hatred except to liers and deceivers.
A born-again chrsitian? sorry but i don't see the light and the humility of christ in you. You can claim all you like but your behavior tells strongly what you truly are and you are from from being what you claim to be. now you are accusing me to be a liar and a deceiver? hahaha...is this your way of freeing yourself from your guilt?
So you use the term "My Kor'an" and now you claim to be Arab Christian? So you are Arab and not Filipino?
my oh my, anger has finally broken your balance. never in my previous statement did i imply that i am an arab.
Silly historical fact you are of the children of Abraham, part of the 12 tribes, so you ancestors would have been part of those doing the killing 1,300 years before Jesus was born. You ancestors at one time were Jews. So you are the very killers you are complaining about. How very strange. To hold others accountable for your ancestors sins.
im amazed of what hatred can do to someone who claim to be a born-again christian.
No according to me he is the Son of God who gave his life willingly so I can have salvation from his father. And so you know since you are so well versed in the Bible, Moses was dead over 1,300 years before Jesus was born. Your God is my God, so he is not a piece loving dude? I know his son Jesus did whip some guys one day who were disrespected his father's temple, wow I did not know that makes him some blood crazed killer capable of killing innocent children over 1,300 years before his birth.
your theology says that jesus is God so if he is then he took part of the killing that happened during the time of Moses. Where he as God instructed Moses' to kill innocent children and women.
Sorry I will stick with the wild guy, because he tells me to live a good like, love, and forgive my neighbors. As instructed in the New Testament. And offers me salvation without having to kill innocent people on a buss with a bomb for it.
sure go ahead, let your salvation depend on the suicidal act of this christian concept of Jesus' way of redemption. our schizo neighbor is telling his family to live a good life, i wonder.
Your Qur'an says you must convert me or kill me, and all who chooses not to follow Islam. And to put that bomb on the bus, Sorry you follow that book.
sorry james but that's not what the qur'an says. you are being dishonest here...I wonder if Jesus really hates the Muslim. i can undertsand your disappointment james. let it go and accpet the fact that you have fallen short.