View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

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  1. #471
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Please tell me my inconsistency?

    i have no time james, explaning finer points to a disappointed christian like you is like cupping water in my hands.

    I do not claim to be anything but a follower of Christ. A Born Again Christian. Only God can determine if I am a good soul, I just hold no hatred except to liers and deceivers.

    A born-again chrsitian? sorry but i don't see the light and the humility of christ in you. You can claim all you like but your behavior tells strongly what you truly are and you are from from being what you claim to be. now you are accusing me to be a liar and a deceiver? this your way of freeing yourself from your guilt?

    So you use the term "My Kor'an" and now you claim to be Arab Christian? So you are Arab and not Filipino?

    my oh my, anger has finally broken your balance. never in my previous statement did i imply that i am an arab.

    Silly historical fact you are of the children of Abraham, part of the 12 tribes, so you ancestors would have been part of those doing the killing 1,300 years before Jesus was born. You ancestors at one time were Jews. So you are the very killers you are complaining about. How very strange. To hold others accountable for your ancestors sins.

    im amazed of what hatred can do to someone who claim to be a born-again christian.

    No according to me he is the Son of God who gave his life willingly so I can have salvation from his father. And so you know since you are so well versed in the Bible, Moses was dead over 1,300 years before Jesus was born. Your God is my God, so he is not a piece loving dude? I know his son Jesus did whip some guys one day who were disrespected his father's temple, wow I did not know that makes him some blood crazed killer capable of killing innocent children over 1,300 years before his birth.

    your theology says that jesus is God so if he is then he took part of the killing that happened during the time of Moses. Where he as God instructed Moses' to kill innocent children and women.

    Sorry I will stick with the wild guy, because he tells me to live a good like, love, and forgive my neighbors. As instructed in the New Testament. And offers me salvation without having to kill innocent people on a buss with a bomb for it.

    sure go ahead, let your salvation depend on the suicidal act of this christian concept of Jesus' way of redemption. our schizo neighbor is telling his family to live a good life, i wonder.

    Your Qur'an says you must convert me or kill me, and all who chooses not to follow Islam. And to put that bomb on the bus, Sorry you follow that book.

    sorry james but that's not what the qur'an says. you are being dishonest here...I wonder if Jesus really hates the Muslim. i can undertsand your disappointment james. let it go and accpet the fact that you have fallen short.

  2. #472
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    c'mon james... you are a creationist... you should give me the satisfaction of knowing what you know.

    You see, even you can't answer that question. btw, if your god is sooo intelligent about it, he can explain it with enough means... but since he's that "cryptic" he decided to just let every humans figure out on it own. I am open to any means of factual reasons but since your god never showed it... i'd rather scoff it as baseless and false.

    where? I don't see him... where do you think he may be hiding? Who is he hiding from? What man? Well this man, james has tons of questions to ask your god if he really do exist.

    ha... like you haven't started that sarcasm james! Be proud of being a fool james and I don't want any part of that because this "atheistic foolish tator-tots like me" will always be a thorn to you.

    I've read the bible james! There is no point of believing what written in there actually. Unless there is something you can pull out from your hat, I might do the unthinkable...
    No evolutionist or not a thorn in my side, you are just unable to have the faith in God. So you follow the New Religion which places the thorn in your side. I do not need to prove if their is a God or not. My heart tells me he exist. If I am wrong fine. I am not bothered by you. Who are you? Why should what you think matter to me? I told you what I believed and you rejected it, not my problem. I hope you find your answers that you seek, but I doubt they will make you happy when the answers are revealed.
    I am blessed with a good like. I have a excellent wife, a good son, and great friends and live in a beautiful land. We have enough to live comfortably and be happy. I hope you happiness and a good life too, even if you want to scoff and insult my belief. I know that has to happen, because the non-believers are offended by my beliefs. I am the thorn in their side, because they can not accept my beliefs, yet can not understand why they make me happy. I use to be just like you, and I was so clever, now I choose to think different than you and feel wiser for it.

    This is the truth, even if God were to appear to you today today and did you pallor tricks you want. Even if God explained the whole of the universe to you. Tomorrow you would be the same because you have no faith, and you would still live the way you are. You are not looking for prof of God, you are looking for prof there is no God. Then you will feel happy, sorry, but God does exist and you will face him the same as me. Your prof will come with time.

  3. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post

    Please tell me my inconsistency?

    i have no time james, explaning finer points to a disappointed christian like you is like cupping water in my hands.

    I do not claim to be anything but a follower of Christ. A Born Again Christian. Only God can determine if I am a good soul, I just hold no hatred except to liers and deceivers.

    A born-again chrsitian? sorry but i don't see the light and the humility of christ in you. You can claim all you like but your behavior tells strongly what you truly are and you are from from being what you claim to be. now you are accusing me to be a liar and a deceiver? this your way of freeing yourself from your guilt?

    So you use the term "My Kor'an" and now you claim to be Arab Christian? So you are Arab and not Filipino?

    my oh my, anger has finally broken your balance. never in my previous statement did i imply that i am an arab.

    Silly historical fact you are of the children of Abraham, part of the 12 tribes, so you ancestors would have been part of those doing the killing 1,300 years before Jesus was born. You ancestors at one time were Jews. So you are the very killers you are complaining about. How very strange. To hold others accountable for your ancestors sins.

    im amazed of what hatred can do to someone who claim to be a born-again christian.

    No according to me he is the Son of God who gave his life willingly so I can have salvation from his father. And so you know since you are so well versed in the Bible, Moses was dead over 1,300 years before Jesus was born. Your God is my God, so he is not a piece loving dude? I know his son Jesus did whip some guys one day who were disrespected his father's temple, wow I did not know that makes him some blood crazed killer capable of killing innocent children over 1,300 years before his birth.

    your theology says that jesus is God so if he is then he took part of the killing that happened during the time of Moses. Where he as God instructed Moses' to kill innocent children and women.

    Sorry I will stick with the wild guy, because he tells me to live a good like, love, and forgive my neighbors. As instructed in the New Testament. And offers me salvation without having to kill innocent people on a buss with a bomb for it.

    sure go ahead, let your salvation depend on the suicidal act of this christian concept of Jesus' way of redemption. our schizo neighbor is telling his family to live a good life, i wonder.

    Your Qur'an says you must convert me or kill me, and all who chooses not to follow Islam. And to put that bomb on the bus, Sorry you follow that book.

    sorry james but that's not what the qur'an says. you are being dishonest here...I wonder if Jesus really hates the Muslim. i can undertsand your disappointment james. let it go and accpet the fact that you have fallen short.
    Sorry to be such a disappointment to you, but you are a dishonest ass. You strike out at me because I am a follower of Christ. You know I will never follow your twisted lifestyle and demonic book. Your religion was established by Satan to punish the Jew and Christians. You religion is based on blood and conquest same as Catholicism, you accuse Catholics of murdering childern and the act on denial on the childern murdered in the name of Islam. You say I am dishonest yet you can not quote one verse of the Qur'an to show me where? We all fall short of the glory of God. You assume you are perfect? I have never met a perfect man? I follow the only perfect man ever born.

    I doubt you really follow any religion. I read the Qur'an but by you statements and remarks you have not. You are disillusioned, a deceiver, or not a true practitioner of Islam. I believe you are all three. Every religion has members that act and conduct themselves poorly because of blinded predigest and hatreds, you reek of it. Hate me if you like, because I will love and forgive you, acts I fear you are incapable of. You are a projectionist, in Psychology a person will take the things he hates about himself and projects them onto others, so he can hate them and feel better about himself. I pity you actually. I hate no man yet you have to see hate in someone you have never met and show such contentment. you must have an unhappy life and for that I am sorry for you. I hope your God which is my God too, finds it in this mercy to unburden you heart. I also no that the Qur'an frowns on disbelievers, and you Charles Darwin Avatar would be a blasphemy, so you can not be a true follower of Islam. Just a simple little man striking out for a petty existence using a keyboard to derive cheep thrills. Talking about being a disappointment.

    Debate me when you read some more history books, the Bible, and the Qur'an, decide to really be honest, grow some hair on your nutts, and start acting like a man. I have more important things than arguing with an ignorant child on the subject of Man. You are just a little fart trying to act like a big wind.

  4. #474
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    That's why I said....

    Me I am a big DICK. Hovind relied on a pre-written script, he was a High School teacher / preacher trying to get rich with his side show. He did not know the sciences and was amateur at best. I lived in the sciences and understand the perfections and the flaws of the theories. I need no script, but can go to the source of the facts. He can only see it as a Preacher, where I can see it as a scientist. I am not driven by money, fame, and power lust. I talk out only for my love for my fellow man, and that makes me far more dangerous...

  5. #475
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Sorry to be such a disappointment to you, but you are a dishonest ass. You strike out at me because I am a follower of Christ. You know I will never follow your twisted lifestyle and demonic book. Your religion was established by Satan to punish the Jew and Christians. You religion is based on blood and conquest same as Catholicism, you accuse Catholics of murdering childern and the act on denial on the childern murdered in the name of Islam. You say I am dishonest yet you can not quote one verse of the Qur'an to show me where? We all fall short of the glory of God. You assume you are perfect? I have never met a perfect man? I follow the only perfect man ever born.
    im fine james, im not disappointed at all, why would i be? you threw the first stone remember?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    I doubt you really follow any religion. I read the Qur'an but by you statements and remarks you have not. You are disillusioned, a deceiver, or not a true practitioner of Islam. I believe you are all three. Every religion has members that act and conduct themselves poorly because of blinded predigest and hatreds, you reek of it. Hate me if you like, because I will love and forgive you, acts I fear you are incapable of. You are a projectionist, in Psychology a person will take the things he hates about himself and projects them onto others, so he can hate them and feel better about himself. I pity you actually. I hate no man yet you have to see hate in someone you have never met and show such contentment. you must have an unhappy life and for that I am sorry for you. I hope your God which is my God too, finds it in this mercy to unburden you heart. I also no that the Qur'an frowns on disbelievers, and you Charles Darwin Avatar would be a blasphemy, so you can not be a true follower of Islam. Just a simple little man striking out for a petty existence using a keyboard to derive cheep thrills. Talking about being a disappointment.

    Debate me when you read some more history books, the Bible, and the Qur'an, decide to really be honest, grow some hair on your nutts, and start acting like a man. I have more important things than arguing with an ignorant child on the subject of Man. You are just a little fart trying to act like a big wind.
    hahaha, this guy is disappointed big time. Jesus is so ashamed of you now james, you failed HIM.

    debate you? you can't even pull yourself together. mahangin ba? look at you, you can't defend your faith effectively, all we got are answers fueled by disappointment. hahaha.

  6. #476
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Me I am a big DICK. Hovind relied on a pre-written script, he was a High School teacher / preacher trying to get rich with his side show. He did not know the sciences and was amateur at best. I lived in the sciences and understand the perfections and the flaws of the theories. I need no script, but can go to the source of the facts. He can only see it as a Preacher, where I can see it as a scientist. I am not driven by money, fame, and power lust. I talk out only for my love for my fellow man, and that makes me far more dangerous...
    haha, take your med dude. at one point you were somewhere Middle East and now i come across this story of you being a scientist? somebody need to drink a pill.

  7. #477
    No evolutionist or not a thorn in my side, you are just unable to have the faith in God. So you follow the New Religion which places the thorn in your side. I do not need to prove if their is a God or not. My heart tells me he exist.
    You see james, your faith clouded your judgement. If you do not give me any proof that your god exist, who would believe you then? Now, your heart tells you that he exists... didn't you study these in your college days james that your heart does not have a mind or a brain? That's why your impaired judgement clouded you effectively.

    If I am wrong fine. I am not bothered by you. Who are you? Why should what you think matter to me? I told you what I believed and you rejected it, not my problem. I hope you find your answers that you seek, but I doubt they will make you happy when the answers are revealed.
    Good that you're man enough to admit that you are wrong. Not all people I know that admits their mistakes, especially creationist like yourself. Who am I? I am just an atheist who strongly believes in evolution. The reason why I rejected your explanations james is because you like to preach and creationists likes to preach. Instead of acquiring or giving ideas... you just like to preach. Typical mind of a creationist. It has been my journey james that no one can give an ultimate answers to my questions and besides, I am happy the way I am, an atheist.

    I am blessed with a good like. I have a excellent wife, a good son, and great friends and live in a beautiful land. We have enough to live comfortably and be happy. I hope you happiness and a good life too, even if you want to scoff and insult my belief. I know that has to happen, because the non-believers are offended by my beliefs. I am the thorn in their side, because they can not accept my beliefs, yet can not understand why they make me happy. I use to be just like you, and I was so clever, now I choose to think different than you and feel wiser for it.
    Now, who insults who? Didn't you started this whole sarcasm thing and pointing fingers? Offended by you as a believer? naks, I don't think you offended me james although you are started it all in the first place. You're "ability" to throw your ideas was good the first time but when you are asked, your mood changed. That I think is not a sign of happy life. You know why? you just have to preach and boast your "nasa job" as a scientists. No one ask you your resume james everyone would learn what kind of person you are when you wrote in this forum. But my guess is... you're not wise enough.

    This is the truth, even if God were to appear to you today today and did you pallor tricks you want. Even if God explained the whole of the universe to you. Tomorrow you would be the same because you have no faith, and you would still live the way you are. You are not looking for prof of God, you are looking for prof there is no God. Then you will feel happy, sorry, but God does exist and you will face him the same as me. Your prof will come with time.
    That's a big "if" james! How sure are you that I will meet him when I die? Have you died before and came back to life and you met him personally? Do you have any proof what he looks like? You see james, your faith plays tricks on you. Your god I suppose is good at that. and don't worry about me james, I am very much happy the way I am.

  8. #478
    Hate me if you like, because I will love and forgive you
    I hate no man
    Such a fake! Such big words for a man that doesn't hate.... kuno! tsk...

    1. conduct themselves poorly because of blinded predigest and hatreds
    2. you are incapable of...
    3. You are a projectionist
    4. grow some hair on your nutts
    5. an ignorant child on the subject of Man
    6. ou are just a little fart trying to act like a big wind

  9. #479
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Me I am a big DICK. Hovind relied on a pre-written script, he was a High School teacher / preacher trying to get rich with his side show. He did not know the sciences and was amateur at best. I lived in the sciences and understand the perfections and the flaws of the theories. I need no script, but can go to the source of the facts. He can only see it as a Preacher, where I can see it as a scientist. I am not driven by money, fame, and power lust. I talk out only for my love for my fellow man, and that makes me far more dangerous...
    You're the same person as Hovind! You must be a clone of him.

    I lived in the sciences and understand the perfections and the flaws of the theories
    Did you hear me clapping james? hahaha...

    And you think that the bible has no flaws and it wasn't theories also?

  10. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    Tsk... tsk... the minute mind of pein. Matubag gani ang pangutana, opens up another one. Pein my advise to you is try reading evolution 101 because your knowledge about it is too shallow and thus makes you... V.I.P.
    wala man gihapon matubag ang pangutana in fact last year pa ning akong pangutana hangtod karon wala pa gihapon matubag.

    asa ra lagi ang link nga magsumpay sa usa ka organism to its ancestors? asa raman na?

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