..murag wala na si catsteven..he's gone with the wind now..i can't feel his presence anymore..lolz..
..murag wala na si catsteven..he's gone with the wind now..i can't feel his presence anymore..lolz..
wow flying house and superbook. my fav series back then
perhaps TS should do some research![]()
1. Because it spreads immorality disguised as "culture trends", "art", and "fads"
just because it's different it's not immoral...
2. Because it promotes atheism and makes no acknowledgement of God
ang pangutana which religon na god imo pasabot? from wiki "The highest estimates for the number of Buddhists and Shintoists in Japan is 84–96%" if I remember my buddism class they don't have a god only "enlighten ones".. f.y.i. Jesus was considerd as an enlightend one.. so.. ur saying if I am a muslim and I don't believe in God that does mean na atheism ko?
3. Because the stories promote violence and immorality a lot, proving to be a threat to Filipino culture and values that are based on Christianity
did you see cartoons? Tom & Jerry? Mickey mouse and friends? ect.. If you did not notice they are always hitting or trying to hit something/someone.. and they pass this as children's program.. anime contains less of that..
threat to culture? guess again.. all countries try to promote themselves.. Japan is no exeption..
4. Because they make children violent, impulsive and go homosexual
ur repeating ur self... don't need to answer this... althought i must admit mas daghan "same genger action" ang anime.. pero there were homosexual long before anime..
from wiki The first recorded homosexual couple in history is commonly regarded as Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, an Egyptian male couple, who lived around the 2400 BC.
5. Because they stop people from going to church, reading the Bible and worst of all, it stops them from praying to God
anime is being broadcast sa mga local channels... if sakto na imo gi ingon.. wa untay tao sa simbahan..
kung G.I.Joe pa ni na salida.. "knowing is half the battle" obviously you don't have half the battle..
waaaaaaaaaa!!!ayaw ninyo sige balik balik post iya passport size pic woe ky mluoy mo!!ahihihi
^banned na cguro.. :/
mayta di na to mag himo ug lain account, tapos mag post na sad ug mga ingani. xDDD
he could ask nicely though.
2. Because it promotes atheism and makes no acknowledgement of God
You sure about that? Please go ahead and post some of them and we'll surely love to read it here. Cite the anime titles, authors, illustrators and anime studios please.
3. Because the stories promote violence and immorality a lot, proving to be a threat to Filipino culture and values that are based on Christianity
Have you seen the anime Doraemon? Just so you know, Japan's Foreign Ministry appointed Doraemon as the nation's first "anime ambassador".
4. Because they make children violent, impulsive and go homosexual
I wish I could say you did not generalize it.
5. Because they stop people from going to church, reading the Bible and worst of all, it stops them from praying to God
Pal, I advise you to carefully opt the words you are using.
Anime should be banned. This way, Filipino life and culture will be preserved, and Cebu's way of life will benefit from the moral cleansing.
Have you heard the news lately? Or do you even read newspapers?
"why don't try defending anime" ~ Huh? And what will you gain out of this?
"Obviously a blind anime fanatic like you is too scared to debate, which
explains why you want to do the cowardly thing of blaming this and that." ~ You may try to debate w/ Deathnote. @Deathnote, bro debate daw mo oh
"Does watching Dragon Ball Z make the Philippines a better country?
Obviously not.
Instead of watching anime, all Filipinos should read the bible, go to
church and pray to God." ~ For the first time I agree with you. Yes Dragon Ball Z does not make the Philippines a better country. How about corrupt officials? Pal, you are all taking the rant solely to anime.
"To redeem yourselves, dump anime.
Watching anime corrupts your soul. You are so ignorant (or blind) about
that." ~ There are array of reasons to truthfully redeem souls and tell you what, dumping anime is seriously not one of them. Why on earth do you blame Anime? *sighs*
"The worst gift you can give to kids are anime videos." ~ Oh pleeeeaaaaaaasssssee, do you hear your self? So this means that ***** and the like are "A OK" for the kids? *faints*
"I will not go off the track. You can't beat me." ~ Help me hear for I'm sensing immaturity.
We have the rights to express our opinions. Hence, I respect your opinions re Anime. Just a friendly reminder, attack the post not the poster.
OT: kaaaaaaaa meeeeeee haaaaaa meeeeeee waaaaaaaaave! From what anime is this? (^__^)
immoral raba pud nang magpost ug dakong picture as signature kada posts while gibawal ang sigs. hahaha...![]()
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