View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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  1. #441
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    They will face the final judgment, and the will be weighed according to their deeds and their faiths. If the heard the Gospels and refused them, then they will be judged according to that as well. Like I stated above it will be on a sliding scale. For me to say that a True righteous Hindu or righteous Moslim will be damned is not for me to say. You ask an impossible question to answer, for I claim to be no God. But all religions have a final judgment, and is that amazing that it is so, like a distant memory from a common past.

    Jesus said, "I am the only way to my father." The only way, so if you choose to take another then by all mean walk till your feet bleed. I will walk in the path set forth by the Christ. He tells me I will not suffer the second death and I will have eternal life.

    And for your information it is not my "so called Bible" It is called the Holy Bible and it was inspired by God and parts are 4,500 years old and predates all the so called other major religions of the world. So if you want to follow the newer religions or no religion than that is your choice. That's called "Free Will" which is what God gave us. So do what ever you want. I will follow and have faith in the gospels and the words of my Christ, for he is the only one that offers true salvation.

    I will not be judged by an Atheist or non-believer such as yourself. That is for my Creator to do. I will see you at the final judgment, I will know you you will be the scared one on his knees begging for forgiveness; for you will not feel so smart and clever then, once it is too late to change. You will know me, I will be the one standing with tears in my eyes sorry I could not save you. Just remembered I tried but you just too smart.

    I will outlive my executioner.

    ehem... excuse me! according to the HOLY QUR'AN you too are damned. but worry not, Theosophy is more liberating.
    Last edited by Malic; 09-27-2009 at 05:43 PM.

  2. #442
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pein View Post
    unsay buot nimong ipasabot nga literal devil? kanang ungo?

    toinks! spirit nang devil oi taka taka lang ka dah...
    Quote Originally Posted by regnauld View Post
    Kay niingon diay ko ungo? Toinks!

    DEVIL is just a symbol for us in Theosophy and not literally true as a SPIRIT! Gets?

    ungo? hahahaha...ka alegre sa life!

    ako ni shift na ko...dili nako pure creationist. hehe. lisod banggaon ang science nya ang mga creationists akong nabantayan mo twist sa logic sa science para lang masulod ilang heavenly theory.

  3. #443
    Quote Originally Posted by bluedes View Post
    well, that's nice and good.. you try to present God as a person.. that's your own interpretation.. and nobody can fault you for sharing it..

    however, it's a different story when other people shove it down your throat and begin to condemn you (or have that different treatment towards you) when you don't share the same level of belief as they do.

    my take on the Infinite is rather impersonal most of the times.. probably because of how I was brought up. but anyway, like I said, the symbolism in the Bible is really deep. Cross referencing it to other text outside the christian context is for me more interesting than just reading it by itself. that's pretty much how i study also, cross reference multiple text of "similar" context..

    but i cannot yet grasp, much less agree on that intelligent design concept. my view of intelligence is different. I would rather settle that our universe existed out of nowhere, like a big bang (for now).. but who or what caused that.. well, lets just call it God.. that's it.. maybe as I grow older, I'll develop a penchant for children's stories to explain religious concepts..
    I hate those that preach or bully who are to simple minded to grasp what they preach. The churches have to many fools who do not understand what they are reading. That is why I feel out of the church over 30 years ago. I then immersed myself into the sciences, because I tried to use science to prove there was no God. I am sure that I was a true definition of Atheist. When I was a younger man I spent 6 years in the Marines as a recon/sniper and loved the kill, and had ghosts from the sins of my past. Then about 10 years ago before I left NASA I was associated with several scientist, mathematicians, and aro-engineers who would discuss the concepts of God and evolution vs. creationism together in the most informal of ways. At first I was very hesitant and resistant to it, but was challenged to pick up a bible to read it for myself. Like most people during my early church days I would sit and listen to a preacher holding the book, but never actually read it for myself. I have been reading it ever since, plus the lost books which are those the church tried to hide. is a good reference point. Read the Book on Enoch, because he describes God as he saw him and his tour to heaven. The bible contains references to man's coexistence with dinosaurs, UFO, alien beings, and numerous scientific and numerical theories of the 20th century but written over 3,000 years ago. The Bible's stories stop just being childern's stories when you read it with a scientific mind and is filled with scientific theories of the modern age. The children stories are actually an attempt to explain the most complex of theories to a simple people 2,000 years ago.

    These members of the science community had brought up too many flaws in the way the earliest theories of evolution were conceived. Those that often just started using random figures which had become the foundations of a belief system that was structurally unsound. NASA has numerous projects that utilize the finest techniques, equipment, and minds in the world, and they were constantly being confronted with these contradictions. There are so many geological theories that sound great on paper or a class room, but are worthless when applied to the real global application.

    Houston, Texas is home to one of the best Museum dinosaur exhibits in the United States, and the Texas Gulf coast is rich with fossil evidence. It also has a huge scientific community and is one of the major spots on the lecture tours. There is serious questions being asked behind closed doors as the information is constantly conflicting with certain parts of the sciences. The theories which are the bed rocks of evolution are flawed, and I do not expect you to just accept my word for it. You have not seen what I seen, or talked to who I have talked too, nor heard what I have heard. But I have and now am a skeptic for the reasoning behind these deceptive practices. One day the house of cards will be falling down, and it will harm schools and universities through out the world.

    two words: "Ica Stones", look it up on the internet

  4. #444
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    Wow, you sound like Kent Hovind.
    Hah, Kent Hovind is a pussy.............

  5. #445
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    my tambag to the Biblical creationists, established your facts...

  6. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    ehem... excuse me! according to the HOLY QUR'AN you too are damned. but worry not, Theosophy is more liberating.

    The Holy Qur'an tells us we are all beyond salvation. Unless you die as a holy soldier. So if you live a good life you are screwed, but if you strap bombs on you chest than walk onto a buss and kill innocent unarmed people; then you go to heaven.

    Jesus says believe in me and your sins will forgiven and have everlasting life.

    Lets see (A.) strap bombs to my butt and murder people, or (B.) accept Jesus as my savior.
    I take option (B)

  7. #447
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    The Holy Qur'an tells us we are all beyond salvation. Unless you die as a holy soldier. So if you live a good life you are screwed, but if you strap bombs on you chest than walk onto a buss and kill innocent unarmed people; then you go to heaven.

    Jesus says believe in me and your sins will forgiven and have everlasting life.

    Lets see (A.) strap bombs to my butt and murder people, or (B.) accept Jesus as my savior.
    I take option (B)
    Why accept Jesus as your savior when you can only save yourself?

    Can your Jesus save you from the FLOOD "ONDOY" in Manila?

    Where is your Jesus when you needed him most?

  8. #448
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    The Holy Qur'an tells us we are all beyond salvation. Unless you die as a holy soldier. So if you live a good life you are screwed, but if you strap bombs on you chest than walk onto a buss and kill innocent unarmed people; then you go to heaven.

    Jesus says believe in me and your sins will forgiven and have everlasting life.

    Lets see (A.) strap bombs to my butt and murder people, or (B.) accept Jesus as my savior.
    I take option (B)
    my goodness...drop your bible its doing you no good. wanna hear a story about children and old women being killed by the order of the biblical God?

    study your book my qur'an your destinaton is Hell. but as ive said worry not theosophy is more liberating.

  9. #449
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regnauld View Post
    Why accept Jesus as your savior when you can only save yourself?

    Can your Jesus save you from the FLOOD "ONDOY" in Manila?

    Where is your Jesus when you needed him most?
    ingon ani jud giingon sa bible bro... kadumdum ka atong nalangsang na Siya sa cruz
    basin ikaw to nag.ingon sa bible nya ni reincarnate ka...

  10. #450
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    The Holy Qur'an tells us we are all beyond salvation. Unless you die as a holy soldier. So if you live a good life you are screwed, but if you strap bombs on you chest than walk onto a buss and kill innocent unarmed people; then you go to heaven.

    Jesus says believe in me and your sins will forgiven and have everlasting life.

    Lets see (A.) strap bombs to my butt and murder people, or (B.) accept Jesus as my savior.
    I take option (B)
    This one typifies exactly the dilemma facing the bible-based Christians(take note dili daw sila katoliko, mga bible based christian sila), they quote verse like " behold if anyone is in christ he is a new creature the old has gone the new has come " and when they are outside the walls of their churches they behave differently.

    if this is how you behave...i have doubts on your claim to salvation.

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