View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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Results 321 to 330 of 1380
  1. #321

    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    hahahaha... tawn sab. okay na, walay proof na gud... sabi mo. hahaha...
    trip.. i posted something on the other thread.. id like to know what you think of it.. how you understand it.. any thoughts or comments that come to mind.. hehe

    i just found it relates to characteristics of creationists gud.. sorry, my bad.. basig judgmental na nya atong labas ani.. hehe

  2. #322
    Quote Originally Posted by Pein View Post
    tubaga ang pangutana sinyalan. nganong wala man mu evolve ang dragonfly into another kind of specie nga 155 million years naman unta na sa kalibutan?

    a 155-million-year-old dragonfly

    simple answer kaayo pein; They lasted for millions of years with barely a change, even as their relatives went extinct or took different paths across the tree of life. The currents of ecological fate, most creatures adapt — but a few have stuck to their specie.

    I'll borrow a study from Dr. Katsuhiko Yoshida, he states that Living fossils are taxonomic groups surviving for a long time without any remarkable morphological change. Most of them retain low taxonomic diversities. Although some of them have survived in refuges to avoid predators and competitors, not all living fossils live in refuges. The survival of these groups, therefore, discussed in the context of biological interaction. I carried out computer simulations of a model food web system, in which each species feeds on others according to its feeding preference. The system evolves via evolution of species. In the simulation, some clades, like "living fossils," survived for a long time with low species diversities. Such clades consisted of species with low evolutionary rates, which result in high predation pressure and intraclade competition for food. Nevertheless, the clades sustainably utilize prey clades and are consequently provided with sufficient food. In addition, because of the low species diversities of the clades, predators of the clades soon become extinct through lack of food. This study strongly suggests that in an evolving food web system, the low evolutionary rates of living fossils allow the long survival of those groups with low taxonomic diversities.

    1 Katsuhiko Yoshida. Environmental Biology Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies.

  3. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    yes john a mirror. a mirror in which we project our unknowable selves to an ideal, but indeed because we are unknowable within, the ideal in which we project ourselves suffers a lot of unwanted blemishes.

    it is not Hovind that they are staring at, it is themselves that stares at themselves.
    i beg to disagree on this.. for hovind to reflect ourselves, he must be a pure mirror, but as it seems, he is not at all.. in fact, based on his current misdemeanor and violations, i doubt hovind can reflect anyone at all.. sorry, but this guy really got what he's asking.. he probably should have seen it coming too..

    only a master can be a more efficient mirror of ourselves.. when we express our anger or "project ourselves" onto them, they will only reflect back to us.. i dont see hovind doing that at all..

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    btw, how is the it across the other side of the pacific? does the carbon atom still have four electron in its outer shell?

    hehe.. been a steep climb.. but its great and quite exciting.. never thought that it would be very wonderful.. i feel like a child in the middle of all this scientific chuvaness..

    the ivory towers are really magnificent.. but the humanity is not gone.. the professors are actually very kind and tolerant.. they would help you understand and would go out of their level just to illustrate a very simple way for you to comprehend.. but the pace is really fast.. so there's no time wasting idling or procastrinating.. if you're left behind, its basically your own fault, not theirs..

    at first i was hating my biochem (molecular bio) and genetics, but now, i'm really lovin' it.. (McDo)

  4. #324
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan View Post
    simple answer kaayo pein; They lasted for millions of years with barely a change, even as their relatives went extinct or took different paths across the tree of life. The currents of ecological fate, most creatures adapt — but a few have stuck to their specie.

    I'll borrow a study from Dr. Katsuhiko Yoshida, he states that Living fossils are taxonomic groups surviving for a long time without any remarkable morphological change. Most of them retain low taxonomic diversities. Although some of them have survived in refuges to avoid predators and competitors, not all living fossils live in refuges. The survival of these groups, therefore, discussed in the context of biological interaction. I carried out computer simulations of a model food web system, in which each species feeds on others according to its feeding preference. The system evolves via evolution of species. In the simulation, some clades, like "living fossils," survived for a long time with low species diversities. Such clades consisted of species with low evolutionary rates, which result in high predation pressure and intraclade competition for food. Nevertheless, the clades sustainably utilize prey clades and are consequently provided with sufficient food. In addition, because of the low species diversities of the clades, predators of the clades soon become extinct through lack of food. This study strongly suggests that in an evolving food web system, the low evolutionary rates of living fossils allow the long survival of those groups with low taxonomic diversities.

    1 Katsuhiko Yoshida. Environmental Biology Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies.
    another example of this is the cockroach.. not just dragonflies..

  5. #325
    Hovind is not hovind but us, who are expressed unintended-ly.

    ivory tower intellectualism, is a high. has always been, will always be.

    what has "chuvaness" and McDo got to do with all these?


  6. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    Hovind is not hovind but us, who are expressed unintended-ly.

    ivory tower intellectualism, is a high. has always been, will always be.

    what has "chuvaness" and McDo got to do with all these?

    nosebleed na kaau dre..

    ever heard of protoculture in robotech.. it sounds so sci-fi, but its actually very real.. so mao na chuvaness lng ako term gigamit..

    as for McDo --> see japanese McDo commercial.. YouTube - Ebihara Yuri in 2008.02 McDonald [On and On] SP Version CM

  7. #327
    C.I.A. regnauld's Avatar
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    OT: Basin si pein hangtod karon wala pa jud maka evolve...stuck up pa gihapon sa biblical reasoning, fixated pa gihapon sa most beloved children story!

  8. #328
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    @james: you took those articles solely from a website whose author is a known believer of a supreme being. so biased, yes so ineffective. be fair. give us different links from reliable sources.

    No most were pulled off Wikipedia and sites that discusses these events. All are true. Each actually happened. I have not misrepresented the facts, unlike most of the members posting on this topic have been doing. Where else do you think you will find this information, science tries to hide these true events from you, and you think they are going to show them? What a dense statement.

    That is the problem with believers in evolution, you hold others to a unfair double standard. You want to hold the Bible and religion under tight scrutiny and try to disprove every facet. You even comment on how believers of the Bible believe in lies and are somehow backwards in intelligent, even resorting in scoffing and name calling.

    When someone shows a list of actual frauds committed by evolutionist, then do you look up these events yourself. No just more scoffing and name calling. Or try to discredit the source, even when it is your sources that are being questioned, you refuse to hold it under the same standards. That does not make one clever, rather it the act committed by hypocritical asses, those who are too lazy are just too hard headed to do the non-bias research necessary to make an intelligent debate. I hope you are not a hypocritical ass so you show me your websites links that state these frauds did not happen. That even being well documented and are factually and historically accurate, show me you can debunk them as being truths or non-events.

    You have exposed yourself as a limited short thinker and not an intellectual. You lie because you are not intellectually honest. Look up any of the items I listed, they are history and only a few such frauds mainly pertaining only to the origins of man, they are well documented and there is more than enough information to prove they are true events........So look it up you evolutionist drone. Prove to me were I am wrong.

    Yes your probably feel safer believing your descendants crawled out of hot ponds climbed into trees, and waited for the day when they would drop out of trees and learn to walk upright. That is your right. I believe man was created by God our creator, and were designed to be so much more. I have looked at the sciences and have seen the flaws, and understand how atheist and satanist scientist of the past have twisted the sciences to confuse people just like you. The people who are just too lazy to look for themselves. Atheist and Christians ranks are both fill with these types, those who only know what someone has told them to think and believe. They do not question out of laziness, and that is what makes them sheep. Never argue with sheep, they have no mind of their own, just the instincts of the herd.

    Yes let me do the work for you, since you are too lazy to look for yourself. You are starting to sound like a sheep. I would waist more time and look for what I know is correct, but I wont because arguing with a sheep is beneath a learned man.

    I am a man of science. 51 year old retired Horticultural biologist, hold 3 Master Degrees, worked 11 years for NASA (Space Station-Shuttle programs). I never have asked another man to do the research for me because I was too lazy to do it for myself. I made my claim, now prove me wrong if you think you are clever. But after you do and are proven wrong, be enough of a man and apologize. I somehow do not think you will, even when you are proven wrong. I do not think you have the respectability to do such a manly act. Prove me wrong.

    I predict you will just scoff and name call, that seems to be the way most handle this subject. I have been emerged in the sciences longer than most of you have been alive. I have read more books, sat in more lectures, conversed with more scientist than any of you probably ever will. I am sure you biblical and scientific knowledge is vastly far superior than mine. I have better things to do than argue with lazy people and fools.

    I am only trying to save your souls and point out the lies imposed on you as facts, and you want to scoff and belittle me. That is you choice. You would be smarter to wake the hell up and start asking science the same questions. Evolution is a house of cards, too flimsy, too shaky, and all hollow inside; constructed on the foundation of Atheist theories established 160 years ago. It is the New Religion, so follow it right into hell if you choose. I refuse to, I woke up and started questioning evolution 20 years ago. Long before it was popular. News Flash, most scientist I have known would never say their is no God, and they are very aware that science show intelligent design. I am sure you are smarter then them.

  9. #329
    ^^ I wonder why you stop believing evolution.

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by Pein View Post
    What causes everything to exist lagi? by accident?

    I suppose you give us an answer that your god magically created everything by his will. hmmmm... sounds hairy-tale, este fairy tale kaayo.

    Can you gives us a brief description how did your god created all living things?

    Can you precisely give us an answer why your god exist?

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