View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1191

    im the kind of person who looks at a practical level.. i dont go for lofty ideals...

    somehow out of topic kadali;
    first of all.. the reason i dont believe on the church is this.. mangau na gani sila tithes, then mangau pa jud sila special funds para sa ila mga projects.. like, you dont see the church during disaster relief operations.. if naa gani. gikan ra sa special funds from donations for that specific purpose.. dili nlang nila kuhaan ila funds from tithes.. its so disgusting... and ive seen church run orphanages.. ang ila standard are so low... sa kadaghan madawat offerings, mao ra ila makaya? mas dako pa pondo papintal sa mga simbahan.. disgusting...

    now, on to topic...

    cge.. if ana ka honorable inu intentions regarding abortion.. how bout kamo magbuhi sa MGA anak sa rape victims.. kaya na ninu? i hope you find it easy..

    why should the child be the rape victim's responsibility? dili man nya kagustohan ngama rape...
    its a double insult sa babae nga rape victim na gani siya, hatagan pa hinoon cya burden...

    lets keep it real... and practical...

    my philosophy is utilitarianism and pragmatism.. everything has a cost or consequence..
    the right thing must be for the benifit of the many even at the cost of a few... in other words.. maximum gain from minimum loss...

    ako lang ishare ni nga possible scenario;
    naa rape victim.. 14 years old... naa siya 2 siblings... ang iya family can barely afford sa expenses pagraise sa children. then nabuntis ang rape victim... te family cant afford to raise the child, they can barely afford maternity for the rape victim.. then to give birth, and raise the child, the 2 siblings must stop school and work to support the rape victim and the child... now... kinsa na apektohan?

    start looking at the big picture... if i abort. tagpila ra gasto.. then minimal ra ang effect sa other members of the family...

    lets keep it real...

  2. #1192
    has anybody pictured being in a pregnant rape victim's shoes here?

    the cost of a few is justified if it is for the benefit of the many...
    (OT lang ha, para nako, torture of terrorists is acceptable if it would help reduce the casualty of our troops and civilians)

    rights of a few can be violated so that many more could enjoy theirs... all for the greater good.

    OT.. i dont support communism...
    Last edited by AmorsoloX; 09-24-2009 at 01:16 AM. Reason: naa lang ko i-add

  3. #1193
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    The problem if poverty is NOT caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation is a myth.
    is there any scientific proof of this? its like saying global warming is a myth... try picturing a small island.. limited land.. limited crops can be planted.. at first there are only a few people.. then generation after generation, we all know there will be an increase in population.. then if left will not be enough to feed everyone (most likely, mas mauna ang water shortage).. then there will be war.. by then.. maybe cannibalism will be justified as necessary for survival.. the earth is not growing... basically, its just like an island.. and also to provide for the growing population. natural resources must be consumed.. if left unchecked, there will be the eventuality that theres not enough for everybody

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    There are large families that are not rich, but can raise their children well. There are also small families where even the few children (or even just one child) go hungry. Family size is not the determining factor. Education and poverty are.
    try raising 5+ children with your minimum wage.. can you even afford to send them all to school? maski pa 70K/month imu sweldo, this wont be easy.. then if wala sila tarong education, mag unsa nlang sila? magpaka prostitute or mag kriminal?
    irrisponsibility is the problem.. not lack of education or poverty..

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The real causes of poverty and poor education are bad governance, war, economic mismanagement, indiscriminate debt servicing, greed, and massive corruption. We have all of these in the Philippines. If you address those problems, you will address poverty. Making excuses and pretending to address non-causes will not solve anything.
    the government comes from the people, by the people, and for the people...
    if corrupt ang government officials, then kinsa man nagvote nila in the first place...
    so it ends as magsalig ka sa government? its like blaming somebody for your mistake..
    do you expect the government to take care and educate your 5 kids while nag manufacture pa mo more? im a loyal taxpayer, its so unfair nga ako taxes maadto ra sa mga family nga dili responsible enough to control their number of children..

    lets keep it real... practically ta... GOD gave us wisdom to think for ourselves... it would e stupid to follow faith blindly... GOD allowed us to reproduce and populate the earth.. but i think GOD wanted us to do it responsible... (too much of everything is a bad thing)

  4. #1194
    i agree with amorsolo.. abortion should be legalize in some situation not limited to medical situation only... but in the case of rape victims, especially incestuous rape victims,

  5. #1195
    rape victim or not, Abortion should not be legalized... bakit pa gawing legal?

    if gagawing legal, implement TAX!!!(wahahahaha)

  6. #1196
    bisag unsaon dili gyud ko ani.

  7. #1197
    Quote Originally Posted by miss View Post
    where can i sign this?
    Here is the URL: Thanks for wishing to sign up against the anti-life RH/abortion Bill. God bless!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    is there any scientific proof of this?
    What you should be asking is whether there is any scientific proof that overpopulation exists. There ISN'T any. There are only unfounded assumptions. This has long been discussed on this thread and others, and much evidence posted on the lack of real evidence of overpopulation. People now realize that overpopulation is a myth, is being used as an excuse to NOT address the real causes of poverty and shortages.

    Some food to chew on...

    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 07-17-2010 at 04:23 PM.

  8. #1198
    hahay, dugaya mg.daog ani oi..ahehe

  9. #1199
    walay kahumanan ning discussion.

  10. #1200
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    giddy ikaw na alng expalin ni manny nagnong dili the same ang RH bill ug usa ka law legalizing abortion even if it allows funding by the government of contraceptives...

    kay murag mubalik na pud sa topic kung abortificient ba ang mga contraceptives.. kapoy na...
    no need. mag tuyok2x lang nya ta ug balik.

    about a girl being raped, naa may solution ana para dili mabuntis without her committing guilt to her conscience. I say she will given the choice to take an emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) within 48 hrs so that the pill can prevent fertilization of the egg. but the problem is, emergency contraception is still not available in the Phils.

    In Davao City, their mayor is putting up rape crisis centers that provide not only psychological trauma services but also medical help such as this. but pro-life groups have been preventing public leaders like him to do it. They say ECP's are abortifacient.

    Let's note that planned rape crisis centers like those are not meant for rape victims to abort their unborn child coz abortion is illegal.

    NO to Abortion!
    YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 09-24-2009 at 10:26 PM.

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