heroes ep 1 is out.... try to take a look.... hehe
heroes ep 1 is out.... try to take a look.... hehe
you can watch a lot of shows in HULU.com
for non US based, you can use a VPN for streaming Videos.
you can get a US IP through HideMyNet.com - Your source of Anonymous Internet Services.
that's how i watch shows from hulu.com
If you want to get Heroes torrents, you should visit EZTV. Their torrents are released first and are earlier than sites like Mini Nova.
Ga download ko ron. Movie size ang first episode, dugay mahuman then atat na ko nagstreaming nalang sad ko hehe.
Same here bro. Hehehe. Naa ko DVD-Rip sa Season 1. Di ko kita sa Season 2 nga DVD-Rip but naa ko sa HDTV versions, kanang irelease after ma air ang ep. Available na diay ang Season 4 for DL sa EZTV, that's what I meant by the way.
bag.o lng nko nkita ang episode 1 sa redemption. naa lagi katong kontra bida sa prison break katong si T-bag
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