View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1181

    share lang nako ako argument ha..

    what if rape victim? then dili mka support ang girl?..

    kinsa man louy? dba ang girl?

    then moingon daun mga pari nga sala daw pa abort... well.. kinsa man mo buhi sa bata bi?
    mga pari? yeah right....

    rape victim na gani ang girl, hatagan pa hinuon cya burden.. its totally against her free will..
    kang kinsa man life ndaot?

    kinsa man luoy dire beh?

    i believe dapat rape victims naa right magpa abort...

  2. #1182
    But why punish the child for the sins of the rapist?

    It is true that the girl is a VICTIM and she should get all the support from the state and her community. But the child is innocent. Killing him/her will not bring justice to the rape victim. In fact, abortion will only bring more harm to the girl and allow another injustice to be committed. Why add another VICTIM?

  3. #1183
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    But why punish the child for the sins of the rapist?

    It is true that the girl is a VICTIM and she should get all the support from the state and her community. But the child is innocent. Killing him/her will not bring justice to the rape victim. In fact, abortion will only bring more harm to the girl and allow another injustice to be committed. Why add another VICTIM?
    Philippines ni.... lets keep it real...

    kinsa man mo buhi sa bata? ang girl?... if i were the girl.. why should i... its not mine... iya parents...? nag buhi na gani sila sa girl, buhion pa jud bata nga dili ila and dili ka gustohan sa ila anak...

    the government? yeah right... that would be a good joke...

    the church?.. hahahahaha. even a greater joke... (i believe in christ but i dont believe in priests, especially the CBCP, there just politicians in robes)

    it will not bring justice.. but it will not give burden to the girl and her family either...
    it would be an injustice to force the girl to raise a child not her own and against her...

    lets face it... lisod ang panahon karon... naa ta sa philippines.. lets keep it real...

  4. #1184
    i think mas nindut gani nga naa one-child policy sa pinas.. cge, para tawad.. two-child policy nlang..

    ang ako is dapat, kamao or dapat encouraged ang paglimit sa number sa anak.. tanawa ra gud squatters area, daghan kaau mga bata..

    mo samot ta ka pobre kay daghan kaau pobra nagpalabi panganak... wala raba ikabuhi...
    walay dato magpalabi panganako kay kabalo sila lisod kaau magpadako bata..

    nindut tana nga ang number of children allowed per family kay depende sa income level or net worth sa parents.. dat way, ang bata ma suportaan jud..

    keeping it real...

  5. #1185
    ahm.. but pero dapat strict ang requirements para sa abortion ha... kay basin naa uban, suki-on ang abortionist... that would be the immorality..

    dapat reserved lang sa rape victims
    and sa kadto delikado jud sa mother if manganak..

  6. #1186
    It is a great injustice to the girl to force her to bear a child because of rape. That is true.

    But it is a greater injustice to murder an innocent child.

    The girl's hardship can be alleviated in a number of ways. There are facilities run by the Church that can take good care of her. They have an excellent track record. So your contempt for the Church in this regard is misplaced. The government or her community can also provide additional assistance.

    The Church can also take care of the baby if the mother wishes to give up her baby for adoption. Again, the Church has a relatively good record in this regard as well. There are also government-run facilities although probably not as good. And there are a few private facilities as well.

    But there is absolutely no way to alleviate the greater injustice done to the unborn child once the child has been murdered.

    Therefore abortion, even in cases of rape, is never justified.

    mo samot ta ka pobre kay daghan kaau pobra nagpalabi panganak... wala raba ikabuhi...
    The problem if poverty is NOT caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation is a myth.

    There are large families that are not rich, but can raise their children well. There are also small families where even the few children (or even just one child) go hungry. Family size is not the determining factor. Education and poverty are.

    The real causes of poverty and poor education are bad governance, war, economic mismanagement, indiscriminate debt servicing, greed, and massive corruption. We have all of these in the Philippines. If you address those problems, you will address poverty. Making excuses and pretending to address non-causes will not solve anything.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1187
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    where can i sign this?

  8. #1188
    in japan its legal.. but for me still cnt see any reasons why it should be.. except for those rape victims that i cant blame them but that also i cnt tell them to do abortion..

  9. #1189
    giddy ikaw na alng expalin ni manny nagnong dili the same ang RH bill ug usa ka law legalizing abortion even if it allows funding by the government of contraceptives...

    kay murag mubalik na pud sa topic kung abortificient ba ang mga contraceptives.. kapoy na...

  10. #1190
    to stay on topic...

    no to abortion!

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