View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1161

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    I guess that's why that's found in science FICTION.

    Such impositions are not only unreasonable, they are undemocratic and violate our most basic rights as well. But this part pof the thread also illustrates the COERCIVE and SELFISH nature of the pro-RH fanatics. They will do anything -- even murder the innocent and deny people their rights -- just to get their way.

    It is clear that the measures proposed in the RH/abortion Bill will NOT work and are totalitarian in nature. What WILL work, however, is responsible sexual and family behavior. Abstinence training for the youth is key.
    Then lets make it science fact.

    We also have the right to have our own opinion.

    Coercion is a double edge sword. Isn't the Anti-RH people coercing other people to their views also?

    Wake up Manny. Responsible sexual and family behavior isn't an end all, be all solution. Because in reality there are always people who are NOT up to your standards. What about them?

    Abstinence training for the youth... how? How can you teach the youth that could not afford to go to school?

  2. #1162
    Legalize abortion? NO. Our penal laws and the RH Bill explicitly treats abortion as a crime.

    Legalize the Reproductive Health Bill? A BIG YES!

    The RH bill, last discussed in the Senate on May 5, provides for the creation of a National Policy on Reproductive Health funded by the state. This would include maternal health-care services, family planning supplies and services, and mandatory reproductive health and sexuality education beginning in fifth grade.

    Cardinal Ricardo Vidal of Cebu, in a televised interview on Sept. 14, expressed "dismay" over Aquino's support for the bill. Responding during the same news program, Aquino said he would explain his position to the cardinal.

    A member of Senate committees on youth, women and family relations, (Noynoy) Aquino said he hopes the Church would see his position (in supporting the RH Bill) as "reasonable." The state, in his view, has an obligation to remind parents about their responsibility to take care of their children.

    Some bishops told UCA News they disapprove of clergy's (Cardinal Vidal's) partisanship in elections.

    "Personally I would not even tell my people to vote for a Catholic party or group just because it seems to be Catholic," Vincentian Archbishop Jesus Dosado of Osamis told UCA News in a separate interview.

    Earlier, in August, retired Jesuit Bishop Francisco Claver told UCA News that when Churches dictate whom to elect, they violate Church members' human dignity and freedom of conscience.

    UN Population Fund statistics claim that a third of the 3.1 million pregnancies in this predominantly Catholic country every year end in abortion, despite this being illegal.

    According to reported survey results, only 21.6 percent of Filipino women of reproductive age use artificial contraception, 68.4 percent do not use any contraceptive method and 9.9 percent use natural methods. The Church sanctions only natural methods of family planning.

    Last edited by giddyboy; 09-18-2009 at 04:24 PM.

  3. #1163
    No to abortion!

    Yes to the RH Bill!

  4. #1164
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    Then lets make it science fact.

    Coercion is a double edge sword. Isn't the Anti-RH people coercing other people to their views also?
    Not at all.

    We are NOT advocating a law that will silence you from speaking out. In stark contrast, the RH/abortion Bill explicitly punishes those who speak out against it (see Section 21, part e of the proposed Bill).

    The pro-life movement does NOT want to jail or fine those who do not choose to use Natural Family Planning (NFP). In contrast, your beloved RH/abortion Bill FORCES doctors to dispense abortifacient/artificial contraceptives and threatens those who refuse to do so with imprisonment and heavy fines (see Section 21, number 5 of HB 5043).

    So if anyone is engaged in any real coercion, it is the pro-RH fanatics only and no one else.

    Wake up Manny. Responsible sexual and family behavior isn't an end all, be all solution. Because in reality there are always people who are NOT up to your standards. What about them?
    Abstinence training for the youth... how? How can you teach the youth that could not afford to go to school?
    The same question applies to the RH/abortion Bill, you know. How will your proposed Bill reach educate those who cannot afford to go to school? It CANNOT. So your advocacy DOES NOT solve that problem either.

    But there is a way to reach those people. Proper education in responsible family values and abstinence can be carried out through the Church, which at least has a wide network of over 2500 parishes. If you take even a fraction of the funds that the RH/abortion Bill will WASTE on useless abortifacient and artificial contraceptives (which don't cure any disease) and apply it to abstinence and values education you will make a HUGE difference and reach even those who cannot afford to go to school.

    You can find out more about purity and abstinence education at the UNASHAMED 2009 Purity Conference Sessions being held tomorrow at 9:00AM, at the following venue:

    Artic Hall, Waterfront Hotel, Lahug 9am-5pm
    Tickets are P300
    (inclusive of TLW Bible, Magazine, Conference Worksheet & snack).
    Now available @ OMF Literature Cebu (032)253-1525.
    For details call or text 0917-862-7335

    These people are making a difference for the better. Your RH/abortion Bill doesn't and only kills.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-18-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  5. #1165
    C.I.A. r3roble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    No to abortion!

    Yes to the RH Bill!
    murag ang RH Bill, padulong naman na didto... mura ni syag mo pave sa way sa abortion...

  6. #1166
    murag ang RH Bill, padulong naman na didto... mura ni syag mo pave sa way sa abortion...
    That's part of the dirty tricks of the pro-RH fanatics. They are using HB 5043 to sneak in abortion by funding abortifacient contraceptives.

    The pro-RH fanatics have other deceptive and underhanded tactics as well. See below:

    Bishops fear railroading of RH bill
    By Dona Pazzibugan
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 08:26:00 09/17/2009

    MANILA, Philippines—The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines feared that proponents of House Bill 5043 or the proposed Reproductive Health and Population Development Act are trying to railroad the passage of the legislation before Congress goes on a break next month.

    The Catholic Church has strongly opposed the so-called reproductive health (RH) bill for going against Church teachings against artificial birth control means and for imposing s3x education among adolescent and teenage students.

    CBCP officials led by its president Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo called a press conference Wednesday to decry the plan in Congress to shorten the period of debate over the RH bill.

    “It appears that Congress plans to shorten the discussion in order to have the RH bill passed before the end of October. To shorten the period of interpellation would give the impression that the passage of the RH bill is “lutong makaw”—not judiciously and sufficiently discussed,” Lagdameo said.

    Lagdameo said they learned some lawmakers are pressuring House Speaker Prospero Nograles to set only three dates this month for the debate before the bill is voted on.

    He called on Nograles to allow the “normal process of discussion and interpellation,” saying such an important matter deserved a “prolonged discussion and debate.”

    “There are many things that we can learn with open discussion. I hope that those who authored the bill will also open themselves to be educated, so that they would pass a bill that would be more according to the heart of our people, according to our Catholic values and morality, since majority of our lawmakers have Catholic hearts,” Lagdameo said.

    Fr. Melvin Castro, executive secretary of the CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Family and Life, said they are optimistic that more lawmakers would be convinced to vote against the bill if more time will be given to discuss the bill.

    The dirty tricks of the pro-RH fanatics is in stark contrast to the legal and democratic methods of the Church, which relies on moral persuasion, and not coercion.

    Aquino urged to rethink stand on RH bill

    By Philip Tubeza
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 16:22:00 09/16/2009

    MANILA, Philippines - Catholic educators called on Senator Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III to rethink his support for the controversial reproductive health bill in Congress.

    Speaking at the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines convention at the Manila Hotel Wednesday noon, Monsignor Gerardo Santos said the bill contained "anti-life provisions" and promoted a "contraceptive mentality."

    "That is why his position should be studied and he should rethink his position regarding the RH bill," said Santos, CEAP president.

    "The CEAP is open for a dialogue on this," he added.

    CEAP is set to honor the late President Corazon Aquino, the senator's revered mother, Wednesday night by giving her a posthumous Deo et Patria Award. The only other recipient of the award was the late Manila Archbishop Jamie Cardinal Sin.

    CEAP is composed of the 1,240 Catholic universities, colleges, high schools, and elementary and pre-schools in the country.

    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-18-2009 at 11:04 PM.

  7. #1167
    Quote Originally Posted by r3roble View Post
    murag ang RH Bill, padulong naman na didto... mura ni syag mo pave sa way sa abortion...
    I don't think so. that's what the anti-RH has been telling people as a way of fear tactics. napay lain ay, "don't vote for Villar, Chiz, Noynoy or to Pia. they support the RH Bill. voting for them is a sin"...ek ek.

    The RH Bill is not only about contraceptives u know. The bill is principally about rights, health, and sustainable development. Reproductive health is a basic human right that we should not deny people of.

    and i think it is even the other way around. without the RH Bill or any RH programs for that matter, mas mopadulong nuon ta or mas mo pave way to more illegal abortions in the Phils. Statistics have shown that illegal abortions in the Phils have been dramatically increasing over the past years. Statistics have even shown that religion cannot prevent or minimize illegal abortion and teen abortions.

    The reason is plain and simple: Filipinos, even if they wanted to, lack access to family planning methods, services, and information thereof.

  8. #1168
    Smart Communications Engine : Vonata
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  9. #1169
    please lets not equate the RH bill as legalizing abortion...

    thats plain stupid... cognitive miser...

    As a pro-abortion i don't think that the RH bill promote abortion rather it tries to lessen the number of people who opt for abortion through proper education and information on reproductive health...

    nakabasa na mo ug law legalizing abortion? try daw compare... bisan bali-balihon pa... dili lagi na skto mu-ingon ta na ang abortion ug RH bill kay parehas...

  10. #1170
    mao nay logic sa church! lisod na to convince otherwise! hahay!

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