View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1151

    Quote Originally Posted by karyo View Post
    And also those against the RH bill...
    Very, very true. I agree 100% That's why we in Pro-Life DON'T (unlike the pro-RH fanatics).

  2. #1152
    hoi manny, imong kasing kasing...

    makabuta mana imohang mga big bold letters dha...

    let's say....proven na inyo gpropose...

    unya?asa nmn na?

    nglihok nana?or kutob ra ghapon tas debate ani

    mountains of evidence bitaw....nya nagsugod natag apply ana dri sa pilipinas??

    bitaw...let's dump the bill....trash it...shred it...

    let's give pro-life a chance....since dghan mn cla evidence...regarding the success of their proposed....actions....

    let's give it a shot then....

    yes i am there, proven nana inyo gpangyawyaw dha...pero asa naman na....naa naba na dri sa pilipinas??

    naa na na maski dri sa cebu?asa naman na inyo programs?nakaabot namo dri sa probinsya?or puro lang ta pagarpar ani...hay naman na...

    bitaw...idump ang bill....

  3. #1153
    One of the efforts some pro-life groups are initiating to address the problem of abortion is purity and abstinence education. The True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines team (headed by Derek Ross) is in Cebu right now conducting training for public school teachers. This is in coordination with the Department of Education.

    I have met Derek Ross (TLW National Director) and Ree Soria (TLW Marketing Coordinator) personally. They are humble yet committed people. You should meet them. You can by attending the event described below!

    Another big event will be this Saturday (September 19, 2009), at the Waterfront Hotel. This is mainly for the youth. For those who are interested, the details are below.

    TLW Philippines Podcast UNASHAMED CEBU Conference

    Plenary Speakers:

    • Derek Ross, National Director of TLW Philippines
    • Franco Ferrer, Training Coordinator
    • Ree Soria, Marketing Coordinator
    • Ami Chouravong, Media Production Coordinator

    Conference Sessions
    • The Pull of Pornography
      A majority of people surveyed said they struggle with issues related to pornography. It is everywhere—and it affects your relationship with God. But, like any parasite, you can take measures to protect yourself.

    • True Love Waits: Impacting History
      HIV rates drop dramatically! Students cheer on hearing they can save *** for marriage! Hear the joys and challenges as God impacts lives and nations through True Love Waits. Be challenged to impact your nation’s history!

    • A Christian Response to Homosexuality
      This session will consider the issue of homosexuality from a biblical perspective. Topics to be examined include God’s design for male-female relationships, responses to prominent social arguments for homosexuality, and a proper Christian attitude toward gay friends.

    • Complete: A Life of Purity
      Interested in living a pure life? It’s more than just not having sexual intercourse before marriage. Living pure and unashamed involves our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our whole life. This conference will challenge you to live a COMPLETE life of purity.

    • Unashamed to Stand for Sexual Purity
      We are confronted with sexual messages everywhere. Youth need a response. This session will address questions youth ask about True Love Waits and sexual purity.

    Artic Hall, Waterfront Hotel, Lahug 9am-5pm
    Tickets are P300
    (inclusive of TLW Bible, Magazine, Conference Worksheet & snack).
    Now available @ OMF Literature Cebu (032)253-1525.
    For details call or text 0917-862-7335

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-16-2009 at 10:08 PM.

  4. #1154
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio
    naa na na maski dri sa cebu?asa naman na inyo programs?nakaabot namo dri sa probinsya?
    In addition to the ongoing work of the True Love Waits (TLW) team here in Cebu, other recent and upcoming pro-life activities include:

    These do not include daily counselling, coordinating, and advisory activities by PLP and other groups.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1155
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Mao na kana...Hala, pamotare pa na ninyong klase sa tawo...Resulta na. Dili pa na mao. Bantay-bantay lang mo ug dili mo kasaghid niya kay sagpaan jud mo.

  6. #1156
    i agree............. working in medical field,,, you were able to differentiate it.... I agree that abortion should be legalize in a proper way,,,,,, like 2 headed baby and all abnormal forms

  7. #1157
    Quote Originally Posted by karyo View Post

    are you referring to robots or human?

    Did you tried to preached that to the people of Tondo or those of depressed areas? Suwayi kuno kay murag gadamgo ra ka...

    Mahitabo lang na kon ipakapon (neuter) ang mga pinoy nga 3 na ang anak then way tarong nga trabaho...
    How about a law that requires a permit/license to have a child? taking into account the financial capability of the couple to raise a child. after 3 children, mandatory sterilization.

    morag sa sci-fi stories ba.

  8. #1158
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    How about a law that requires a permit/license to have a child? taking into account the financial capability of the couple to raise a child. after 3 children, mandatory sterilization.

    morag sa sci-fi stories ba.
    pwede sad tan-awn daan ang DNA ug genes kung nindot ba or dili kung bati gani strelized dayun.. kay kung finnacial cap basin the next day maka daug sa lotto... )

  9. #1159
    bitaw pud noh. by then ma-perfect na ang dna testing.

  10. #1160
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    How about a law that requires a permit/license to have a child? ...
    morag sa sci-fi stories ba.
    I guess that's why that's found in science FICTION.

    Such impositions are not only unreasonable, they are undemocratic and violate our most basic rights as well. But this part pof the thread also illustrates the COERCIVE and SELFISH nature of the pro-RH fanatics. They will do anything -- even murder the innocent and deny people their rights -- just to get their way.

    It is clear that the measures proposed in the RH/abortion Bill will NOT work and are totalitarian in nature. What WILL work, however, is responsible sexual and family behavior. Abstinence training for the youth is key.

    Abstinence & Marriage: A Clear Link

    A 2008 study by Dr. Bradford Wilcox, Ph.D., entitled, “A Scientific Review of Abstinence and Abstinence Programs,” provides clear and compelling research which supports the central thesis behind A&M Partnership: namely that abstinence is not merely about avoiding pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, but more significantly it is about helping teens prepare for a future marriage and family. The study further argues that abstinence is a necessary social norm for the overall health and well being of the nation. The following excerpt is from: W. Bradford Wilcox, Ph.D., “A Scientific Review of Abstinence and Abstinence Programs.”

    >>Read the Complete Report (PDF)

    Abstinence before marriage is linked to stronger and more satisfying families, according to a growing body of research. Specifically, adolescents and adults who abstain from *** before marriage are more likely to enjoy better family relationships, and are also more likely to provide a good family life to any children that they bring into the world. Furthermore, research on the collective consequences of the sexual revolution for families in the United States and Europe strongly suggests that a social norm of abstinence until marriage is likely to improve the strength of marriage and family life in the United States.

    Abstinence before marriage appears to increase solidarity between adolescents and their parents, and between married spouses. As noted above, adolescents who have *** as teenagers, especially at early ages, are significantly more likely than virgins to distance themselves from their parents, both by rejecting their parents’ norms and by spending less time with them. By contrast, virgins are more likely to maintain close ties with their parents, and to abide by their values.

    When it comes to marriage, adults who succeed in reserving *** and a shared domicile for marriage are more likely to enjoy happy and stable marriages. By contrast, couples who have *** before marriage, especially couples who cohabit, are more likely to experience difficulties in their marriage.[28] For instance, one study of 2,034 married adults found that those who had cohabited prior to marriage reported less marital happiness and more marital conflict, compared to similar couples who did not cohabit.[29] Abstinence before marriage is also linked to greater marital stability. For instance, studies almost always find that cohabitation is associated with an increased divorce risk, with estimates ranging from as low as a 33 percent increased divorce risk to a 151 percent increased risk of dissolution. Studies also indicate that men and women who marry as virgins are significantly less likely to divorce.[31] For instance, a study relying on the National Health and Social Life Survey found that men who marry as virgins are 37 percent less likely to divorce than other men, and that women who marry as virgins are 24 percent less likely to divorce than other women. Thus, adults who remain abstinent until marriage are more likely to enjoy a satisfying and stable marriage.

    What accounts for the links between premarital *** and marital difficulties? University of Chicago sociologist Edward Laumann and his colleagues suggest that people who acquire a taste for sexual activity at an early age, and who have multiple partners, are less likely “to be sexually exclusive over the remainder of their life, with the result that divorce is a more likely outcome for them.” Cohabitation and premarital *** have also been linked to a shift towards more individualistic and less marriage oriented norms and values. That is, the experience of engaging in *** or cohabitation seems to make persons more likely to adopt attitudes that place a priority on individual expression and de-emphasize the value of marriage and marital permanency; in turn, such individuals are more likely to adopt beliefs and behaviors that are incompatible with interdependent marital roles, and they are less likely to invest in their marriages.

    Children born to unmarried mothers are significantly more likely than children born to married parents to suffer from poverty, physical and sexual abuse and neglect, psychological problems such as depression, delinquency and criminal activity, and educational failure. For instance, one study found that boys raised outside of an intact, married home were 2 to 3 times more likely to end up in prison as young adults. Another study found that children raised in single-parent families are about twice as likely to drop out of high school and to have a teenage pregnancy later in life. After surveying the literature on family structure, Penn State sociologist Paul Amato concluded, “Research clearly demonstrates that children growing up with two continuously married parents are less likely than other children to experience a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and social problems, not only during childhood, but also in adulthood.”

    Of course, over the last 40 years, more children have been born and reared outside a married home at least in part because the sexual revolution undercut the norm of premarital sexual abstinence. Most scholars who have studied the nation’s recent retreat from marriage over the last four decades agree that the sexual revolution played an important role in fueling this retreat. Dr. George Akerlof, a Nobel-prize-winning economist at the University of California-Berkeley, is particularly perceptive in this regard. In two different studies, he argues that the sexual revolution—aided in part by widespread contraception—fueled a dramatic increase in premarital ***, and reduced the normative imperative that men should take responsibility for the children they help bring into the world by marrying; these two developments, in turn, led to dramatic increases in non-marital childbearing. From this research, Dr. Akerlof concludes that the sexual revolution played an important role in the nation’s retreat from marriage over the last four decades, and is indirectly responsible for the social consequences of that retreat. In his words: “Just at the time, about 1970, that the permanent cure to poverty seemed to be on the horizon and just at the time that women had obtained the tools to control the number and timing of their children, single motherhood and the feminization of poverty began their long and steady rise.” Furthermore, he thinks the retreat from marriage caused in part by the sexual revolution was also implicated in the “crime shock and the substance abuse shock” of the 1970s and 1980s. Indeed, a number of other studies find that the retreat from marriage is strongly linked to increases in child poverty, crime, and substance abuse since the 1960s. The bottom line is this: the erosion of the norm of premarital sexual abstinence, both in belief and behavior, appears to have played an important role in the weakening of American family life and, in turn, some of the nation’s most pressing social problems.

    Thus, the norm that *** should be reserved for marriage would seem to increase the likelihood that any individual could enjoy a strong and satisfying family life; furthermore, increased public support for such a norm would also seem likely to foster happier and healthier families in the United States as a whole.

    W. Bradford Wilcox, Ph.D., A Scientific Review of Abstinence and Abstinence Programs, Technical Assistance Module for Abstinence Education Grantees. Arlington, VA. Pal-Tech, Inc., February 2008. pp. 6-8.

    >>Read the Complete Report (PDF)

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-18-2009 at 04:15 AM.

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