View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1141

    fine unresolved it is.

    do your thing, i am hoping that your pro-life programs reach that farthest barangays

    especially those areas who are in dire need of your programs.

    and i am hoping that you are taking steps into making these plans into reality,

    and not just spending too much time debating on this as whether to legalize abortion or not or to pass the RH bill or not.

    and i wish you success...on what you call the safe approach...

    and i will be looking forward to research results, where the subjects are filipinos and not articles made and published by foreign individuals of researches conducted in other countries.

    remember that we are talking about the filipinos and not americans, or british or french...or whatever but filipinos...

  2. #1142
    the question still remains, is it applicable in the philippines and will it be a success.

  3. #1143
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    I agree with Pimentel. We should choose responsible s3x, In some cases that means no s3x.

    are you referring to robots or human?

    Did you tried to preached that to the people of Tondo or those of depressed areas? Suwayi kuno kay murag gadamgo ra ka...

    Mahitabo lang na kon ipakapon (neuter) ang mga pinoy nga 3 na ang anak then way tarong nga trabaho...

  4. #1144
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio View Post
    the question still remains, is it applicable in the philippines and will it be a success.
    The same question can be asked about all the dangerous and wasteful measures in the proposed RH/abortion Bill (HB 5043).

    The big difference, however, is that we pro-lifers advocate a safe approach that does no direct harm. Many of the methods we advocate are also relatively cheap and most of them do not rely on importation of special devices and medicines.

    The RH/abortion Bill, on the other hand, proposes DESTRUCTIVE and COERCIVE methods that violate human and civil rights.
    They are also expensive and are highly dependent on foreign imports (big money for some vested interests). They also waste resources that could be used to cure real killer diseases (instead, the Bill wastes funds on elective procedures that do not cure any disease).

    I think it's obvious we should try to implement the safer approach. People's lives are at stake. The pro-RH fanatrics have no right to play with other people's lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by karyo
    Did you tried to preached that to the people of Tondo or those of depressed areas?
    Responsible s3x works for all types of people -- unless they are zombies. "Safe" (kuno) s3x doesn't really work at all on the population level..

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1145
    i agree with karyo.. hahahaha... kill the poor people na lang para wala problem...

    wala kahuman ni na topic kay wala ta common ground with manny..

    1. he thinks the rh bill is a form of legalizing abortion
    2. he thinks abstinence works for all people
    3. he thinks that if a woman is in her fertile days and she said "no" but actually sending "yes" reastions to her husband she is in abusive relationship... nakaktawa...

  6. #1146
    prove it manny, prove it in the philippine setting.

    show me articles, research articles, that can prove your claim.

    research made in the philippines.

    the philippine setting is different.

    all you are showing are the negative effects of the RH bill, so let's say all or most of the modern contraceptive method like the pill have negative effects.

    do you have proof, that what you are claiming is applicable to the philippines and the filipino people.the what you call the safe approach.

    yes, you showed us articles, researches, but these are made in foreign countries, what about the philippines??is there something you can show
    Last edited by xinevirtucio; 09-16-2009 at 09:15 PM.

  7. #1147
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio View Post
    yes, you showed us articles, researches, but these are made in foreign countries, what about the philippines??is there something you can show
    Let's ask the same question for you. Can YOU show any evidence whatsoever that the dangerous measures in the proposed RH/abortion Bill will work in the Philippines?

    The answer: one big NO.

    But we have mountains of evidence from various countries (with different cultures) which shows that the measures the pro-life movement proposes actually work.

    So which is more likely to work: dangerous measures with no proof whatsoever, or safe measures with corroborating evidence from various situations?

    The answer is quite obvious. Only the RH fanatics will not admit to the truth.

    Take note: since you are the one advocating for the passage RH/abortion Bill, since you are the one who wants to change something, then the burden of proof is on YOU to prove the measures of the RH/abortion Bill will work.

    And so far, you have TOTALLY FAILED to do so.

    Dump the RH/abortion Bill now!

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-16-2009 at 09:28 PM.

  8. #1148
    im a pro life, but im also for this bill...^_^ does that make me a paradox?

  9. #1149
    Enigma or paradox... enigmatic or paradoxical? You got me on that one!

  10. #1150
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    The pro-RH fanatrics have no right to play with other people's lives.
    And also those against the RH bill...

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