An itch for redocorating my older laptop came up, prompting a search for alternate Windows shells. Came across this Installed, tried, and then promptly replaced the default shell with the bblean version. I turned off a few services (my laptop has 250 mb with 60 shared for video, so it can be slooow with xp home plus an av, firewall, and a web browser). The replacement shell + a "few" disabled services did make a difference. There are a few issues with functionality associated with Windows explorer as outlined on the web site. It is working fine for me so far, though. As always, the standard disclaimers apply (install and use at your own risk) and YMMV.
I like the clean look of the replacement shell. It has a fully functional toolbar, and at least four virtual desktops.
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
One feature I like is that you can alternately minimize an application into a floating toolbar.
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
Some of my disabled services. Note: My internet connection is broadband at home and at work so I don't use any of the telephony stuff.
[img width=500 height=375][/img]
[img width=500 height=375][/img]