I know you are, and it's an ABOMINATION.
Murdering the innocent for the convenience of a few is never justified.
abomination? meaning anything greatly disliked or abhorred, intense aversion or loathing; detestation: He regarded lying with abomination or a vile, shameful, or detestable action.
never justified? just what is justified and what is just manny? has God not allowed the killings of the innocent children of the tribes around Canaan? its was practically a genocide. Or how the walls of Jericho fall and not even the life of an innocent child is spared?
was that just manny? is it not for the convenience of the jews?
how about the killing done by the catholic church to maintain its political influence and power in Europe the inquisition? how about the crusade in the name of Christ? is it not for the convenience of a few?
Am i shameful, am i vile, am i to be abhorred because im pro-abortion? are you not being too judgmental, im christian too manny but i'v learn to forget what the rest of the bible says and remember only three things
1. love GOd above all
2. love others
3. Never Judge people, because only GOd can judge
There are plenty who speak that they are anti-abortion but faced with a problem such as unplanned pregnancy they eat their words... hypocrites... they're the first who look for the nearest abortion clinics, and herbal medicine...
I've crossed that path once, and my son is turning two now. bUt never did I change my stand.
im being a realist and you're being an idealist. you see things in two colors white or black and i see them in three white, black and gray.
but then again you're 59 and im 24.. 35 years between us.. we can see that we've grew up in a different environment and probably culture if you're not lying about your age.
Im young and you are old. Im daring enough to question social norms and morality and you are old and you hold on to them because you think they bring order and any change could disrupt that order...
im open to new ideas even if it will bring a drastic change in a society, because im young.
you are closed to new ideas that will bring change because you fear change..
im young and daring enough to believe in Machiavelli. and yes he was called the devil by the Catholic church.