View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1091

    Originally Posted by meru_valley09
    Obama did not lie!

    Bro how sure are you Obama did not lie?

    try google bro...

    so far mao ni ako kaplagan sa google if you try to type "Obama+birth control" the first to come out is below link:

    Barack Obama on Abortion and Birth Control

    2nd is this one:
    Feministe » Obama getting it wrong on birth control

    can you give me some pointer in searching? thanks in advance!

  2. #1092
    a single contaceptive based curriculum was never mentioned or was never the focus.

    *** *** education and that includes everything. from MFP to NFP to abstinence and even the basic functions of the reproductive system.

    *** education includes everything and is not merely focused on contraception, in *** education values are also tackled, right attitudes toward intercourse and sexuality are also focused.

    you also have to remember that each educator has his or her own technique in teaching. i believe that is up to the educator himself or herself on how he or she arranges that topics and which topics to give emphasis to.

    if *** education is mere based on contraception and the use of contraceptives then the whole purpose of *** education is defeated.

    other than that, should we merely focused our efforts on educating those in the urbanized cities of the philippines since their culture reflects that of the americans?

    how about those unfortunate and indigent citizens of the philippines who are living in the middle of nowhere or living the slumps??

    shouldn't we help them too?aren't they the ones who really need education and not only *** education??

    no one is forcing anyone, to use one particular type of family planning method.

    *** education, should be age appropriate and it should include everything, it should not revolve solely on

    abstinence. human as we are we cannot deny the fact there is this instinct/desire that is inside us and that is the desire to mate....and no one is spared from this desire, even those in the church...which is something you cannot deny.

    even those who took a vow of abstinence find it hard to keep it, how much more those who did not take the vow and can freely do anything sexual

    evidences may be provided, but then again that is not a guarantee that what they have back there can certainly work back here.

    keep in mind that the subjects are different, not only in their color and race, but also in their psychological capacity, their financial status, their culture and belief.

    there is always that slight margin of error, in anything.

  3. #1093
    Bravo!!! I'm voting for you xinevirtucio!!!

  4. #1094
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio View Post
    a single contaceptive based curriculum was never mentioned or was never the focus.
    A SINGLE and MANDATORY curriculum is definitely in the RH Bill. it is also contraceptive-based as the RH Bill explicitly mentions that this must be taught too.

    There are, of course, many other things that will be taught, but the point is that by including contraceptives, the curriculum will FORCE Catholic schools to teach something that is against their beliefs. This is wrong. Schools should be allowed to CHOOSE. Parents should be allow to CHOOSE as well.

    no one is forcing anyone, to use one particular type of family planning method.
    But the RH Bill FORCES doctors and health workers to dispense artificial and abortifacient contraceptives. It's right in Section 21, #5. If these persons object, they must still refer the requestors to another person who will do the deed. This forces the objectors to still be formal cooperators in the objectionable act.

    This provision of the RH Bill is like saying to a person that he can refuse to be an assassin, but must refer the hit contract to another assassin who will do the hit.

    evidences may be provided, but then again that is not a guarantee that what they have back there can certainly work back here.
    Basing our actions evidence is far better than basing it on RH ideology. The best evidence shows that ABSTINENCE WORKS.

    I am not sure why we are focusing on Obama, since citing his decisions is merely an appeal to irrelevant authority, which is a logical error (argumentum ad verecundiam). But if you want to see how "honest" Obama is, check these out:

    • Writer: President Barack Obama Not Forthright on Abortion Funding in Health Care

      In a weekend column, nationally syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker says President Barack Obama has not been forthright on the abortion funding found in the health care reform bills Congress is considering. A leading pro-life advocate says Parker is right but understates how much the bills fund abortions.

    • Nonpartisan FactCheck Web Site: Obama Wrong, Abortion Funding in Health Care

      A nonpartisan web site that routinely serves as a watchdog for public officials, the media and political groups says President Barack Obama has it wrong. says the current health care plans pending in Congress do authorize abortion funding, contrary to Obama's claims otherwise.

    Here's something on how Obama and the pro-abortion lobby MISLED people and the US Congress on the effectiveness of abstinence-only programs.

    • Stacked Congressional Panel Blasts Abstinence Education, Urges Cuts

      Washington, DC ( -- As backers of abstinence education predicted, a stacked panel filled with abstinence opponents told members of Congress on Wednesday that the programs don't work and that Congress should cut their funding. But abstinence backers say Congressional leaders got a one-sided presentation.

      The panel consisted of seven abstinence opponents and just two spokesmen supporting the programs.

    No wonder the cut abstinence-only funding. They wanted to do so from the start, even before the evidence was in! Citing the Obama administration only shows how far removed that decision was from sound science in the first place. It was all politics again.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-08-2009 at 09:49 PM.

  5. #1095

    i dont get why catholic schools should not teach information about contraceptive... i mean we not in the medieval age where the catholic church can censor thing such as contraceptives...

    in anyway mugawas man gyud nang contraceptives sa classroom dicussion beacuse the kids will ask about it, nasa tv nasa internet, probably their sister, brothers or parents are using them so why shouldn't the catholic schools teach about them... it will just like an episode on discovery channel's on how thing work... the schools dont have to goad the children to use them but rather enlighten them on its pros and cons...

    mura man ta ni balik ana sa unang panahon kung asa ang church ra gud kahibaw sa tanan.. pari ra pwede makabasa sa bible... sili diay pwede tudlu-an lain unsa gamit ana... daku na lang mga bata wla kahibaw unsa nang pills na human kung mugamit na sila kay dili kahibaw pag gamit...

    the RH bill forces doctors to their job without bias to their religion but only to their profession.. ang mga PAO gani dili kabalibad ug defend bisan gulity na gyud ang criminal... dili man lagi kasulti ang lawyer its agint my faiht and principle to defend a rapist...

    no question abstinence works... but it does not mean tanan taw applicable na sa ilaha..
    unsa man imo ganahan maghimo ug balaod na pure-abstinence ra gyud which is effective for a part of the population but what about the other remaining part? uns man ato na lang sila itakwil... to think that statistics shows that most filipino ages 15 and up have already engage in sexual intercourse or act that are sexual in nature...

    kun mutan-aw ta sa age sa mga bata na maminyo ug sayo ug mamabdos ug sayo makakita ta na most girls who got pregnant at the young age are from rural areas rather than from girls from the urban areas...

    one of the reason is education and awareness.. not necessarily mas less active ang nasa uraban kesa sa rural areas....

    naa mani study wait i forgot the title but i think the stats dat kay makit-an sa UNDP....

  6. #1096
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    i dont get why catholic schools should not teach information about contraceptive... i mean we not in the medieval age where the catholic church can censor thing such as contraceptives...
    It's not about censoring. It's about one's right to believe. The Church knows contraception is wrong, and the government had no right to FORCE the Church to teach otherwise.

    The Church ios not hiding that contraceptives exist. What it is against is teaching a view that says contraception is morally acceptable or morally neutral. It is neither. The Church -- just like you and me -- has every right to believe whatever it wants and cannot be forced to teach what it believes is wrong.

    But that is what the RH Bill does.

    the RH bill forces doctors to their job without bias to their religion but only to their profession..
    Wrong. A doctor is supposed to cure disease, NOT give in to every selfish desire of a "patient". That is why you cannot force a doctor to carry out elective cosmetic surgery or an abortion. These procedures are ELECTIVE, meaning they are NOT NECESSARY to cure a disease. An elective procedure is something that a patient WANTS, but does not NEED. No doctor can be rightly forced against his will to carry out an elective procedure.

    Birth control is an elective procedure. It does not cure any disease. It is not medically necessary. Therefore, the RH Bill violates people's rights when it requires doctors to dispense abortifacient or artificial contraceptives (or to refer people to those who will).

    The problem is that RH fanatics only want to enforce the RH ideology, without caring about people's rights.

    no question abstinence works... but it does not mean tanan taw applicable na sa ilaha..
    Since abstinence is the most effective way to avoid unintended and teen peregnancy, then abstinence is what our government should promote. But I don't even insist that the government do that. All I want is for the freedom to CHOOSE.

    Why do you insist on denying people the right to choose?

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-08-2009 at 10:10 PM.

  7. #1097
    this is just a hypothetical question just what if the patient has a heart ailment and pregnancy could endanger her life.. so the catholic doctor will say use calendar method, then the patient says doc i really have a very horny husband who dont listen to reason on why we should schedule the *** and just the love flow when we feel like doing it...

    so the doctor said "i cant help you?"
    so the patient says how about giving another doctor's name who could help me...
    so the doctor saids "i cant help you"

    so patient used the calendar method, got pregnant and died... so is that it?

    Good Medical Practice (2006)
    The duties of a doctor registered with the General Medical Council

    Patients must be able to trust doctors with their lives and health. To justify that trust you must show respect for human life and you must:

    * Make the care of your patient your first concern

    * Protect and promote the health of patients and the public

    * Provide a good standard of practice and care

    o Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date

    o Recognise and work within the limits of your competence

    o Work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients' interests

    * Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity

    o Treat patients politely and considerately

    o Respect patients' right to confidentiality

    * Work in partnership with patients

    o Listen to patients and respond to their concerns and preferences

    o Give patients the information they want or need in a way they can understand

    o Respect patients' right to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care

    o Support patients in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health

    * Be honest and open and act with integrity

    o Act without delay if you have good reason to believe that you or a colleague may be putting patients at risk

    o Never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues

    o Never abuse your patients' trust in you or the public's trust in the profession.

    Duties & Responsibilities of Doctors
    Listen to patients and respect their views
    Respect the right of patients to be fully involved in decisions about their care
    Respect the right of patients to a second opinion

    14. You must not abuse your patient�s trust.

    You must not:

    * Use your position to establish improper personal relationships with patients or their relatives;

    * Recommend an investigation or treatment that you know is not in the best interest of the patient

    * Put pressure on patient to accept private treatment, or otherwise promote your own private practice.
    You are personally accountable for your professional practice and must always be prepared to justify your decisions and actions.

    getting pregnant still a health issue and fall under "care" kaya may mga doctors na ang specialization ay OBGYNE, hindi lang namn cure yang role ng doctor kase hindi namn sakit ang pagiging buntis... so anyhting concerning the "care" and not limited to cure of the parts of the human body still under doctor's responsibility.

    first state has given the catholic free reins on their *** ed curriculum but was very reluctant to take the initiative, second, many students from catholic schools are very active in ***... actually compare to public schools...

    third, the state have the right to force the catholic schools to teach information on contraceptives.
    because it does not violate the catholic faith, it only want schools provide information on contraceptives.
    if the catholic schools want to add an information that the CHurch highly disapproved of its usage they can do so.
    Last edited by unsay_ngalan_nimo; 09-08-2009 at 10:44 PM.

  8. #1098
    Sus mariasep, nagsige gihapon mog away anang mannangamador? Ayaw na lagi na ninyo tubagi kai maboang ra mog tuyok-tuyok og lalis ana. Di man gali na siya bisaya, so wa na siyay lugar diri sa istorya. Nagsamok-samok lang na siya diri. Kitang tanan kahibaw na ta sa pro and cons sa RH bill, so dili na ta kingahanlan motig-away anang tiguwang diha nga walay trabaho og uyab.

  9. #1099
    philippines is a solid catholic country...abortion is not feasible here...

  10. #1100
    legal or not murag dili man tingali ingon ana ka dako ug effect
    kung ang taw gusto mag pa abort.. mangita jud paagi
    murag ubay2x pud baya abortion clinics diha cebu

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