basta pra nko the more mu against the more nako e recommend ang ROTC to come back as part of the curriculum. This is very important to us as a citizen of this country...
basta pra nko the more mu against the more nako e recommend ang ROTC to come back as part of the curriculum. This is very important to us as a citizen of this country...
do you think you could really do that?? we need to wait for the iniatiative of the people affected.
could you pls lay down the basis of its significance. peace
do you think you could really do that?? we need to wait for the iniatiative of the people affected.
could you pls lay down the basis of its significance. peace
Hmmm, significance you say? This is basic military training considering you pass the college and even high school. For me this is very critical stage for each individual. ROTC promotes nationalism, discipline and a reserve citizen of your country. Beh' unsaon nalang og gubaton ta sa laing nasud?
Unsaon kaha na2 pad defend atong country raging damon if that case happen? atong labayun og T-square, controller or mouse kay mau rman ni cge og kupot aning mga kabata-an kron. Most of the Youth now a days don't know how to respect their country and losing nationalism and most of all love of their country. The essence of ROTC is discipline.
Have you seen " Enemy of the Gates " bro very nice e recommend it for the youth to regain our nationalism, love of our country. Dpn't blame the gov't coz in the first place you and i or we are the gov't of our country.
Now your turn, can you elaborate what are ur valid reasons why we should not take this course? Explain demon,....
Mo sawsaw lang ko ha if its ok with you BOLSHOI ....
Mag martsa martsa unya baligyaan ang kontra ug uniforms ug snacks . Nationalism ? Yes maybe but DISCIPLINE ? RESERVE CITIZEN of our country ? I dont think so . FINGOLFIN can vouch for that said discipline in ROTC .Originally Posted by Bolshoi
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
mod edit
Do you think during the times of war we may use the ROTCs?!?!?!?!
hahahahaha never...
Do you think we may still use there OUTDATED War tanks, war planes and war ships?
hahahaha NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because it is a different kind of war.....
The Phil. OUTDATED War tanks, war planes and war ships ARE NO MATCH FOR NUCLEAR SUPERPOWER WEAPONS...
When that war comes, we don't need to summon our ROTCs. All we have to do is to set down and relax. BECAUSE IN AN INSTANT, WE WILL DIE IN A BLINK OF AN EYE.
Because the coming war is a NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST, and so sad our Department of Defense has no defense against that thing...
What do you think our ROTCs can do about Nuke Weapons...
I Think it is much better to implement Religious Education in every course. so that when that happen. We will be prepared to enter heaven.....
am I right!?!?!?!?!
If you really an astroboy then you must fight for your right! if we die in war incase that happen regardless of what weapon our enemy are using at least we die with pride and honor! right astroboy?Originally Posted by astroboy
You can run but u can't hide, defend ur country and die with honor. United we stand united we fall remember this principle? Yes we have no match of their technology but we have our great soldiers here in our country. We have our marines, swat, and rangers. Try to ask balikatan participants from other country and u will appreciate our soldiers ability of survival and combat experties. I am proud to be a filipino are you?
Referring to ur statement astroboy if you are? if only has a power visted in me i will implement immediately the new ROTC. No wonder why this country is struggling, because of lack of nationalism/ love for our country. Dili ta mu sunod anang mga politicians brod if u have noticed.
moderator's note:
astroboy: I suggest that you post objectively and respect the members of this forum.
nuke weapons gosh nuclear warhead had been detonated for war use since fatboy and littleboy was dropped over japan.... not even the USA had defense for a nuclear war with rusty russia because of no effective anti-missile-missile..ballistic system can be developed until now their Â*so called Star Wars Missile Shield Program is ineffective in recent test.. so M.A.D mutual assured destruction stays for these two..Originally Posted by astroboy
conventional warfare these includes bio-warfare will stay for nextfew century until photo-magnetic weapons will be developed A.K.A laser weapons mohaahahaha.....we need ROTC cause an undicipline cowboy Â*like you probably dont know how to handle and fire even an old M1 garand rifle ...
Kon ang blema sa atong government ang number of reservists nowadays, ngano man tawon ang ROTC may ilang gisaligan. Perte daghan graduates sa una bisan pusil wa gani ka kupot kay kahoy ray gidaladala. Then ug naay gubat himuon nga ARMY? Pagkaluoy!I think the very reason of having this ROTC be back in the curiculum is to enrich themselves esp. to those assigned as commandant and non commissioned officers. Nagpalaban ning mga ahak sa atong mga elected officials aron mabalik.
Ug tinarong jud ang tumong, ilang iexpand or daghanon nila branches sa PMA sa visayas and mindanao.
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