View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1081

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    And you did not get the point of the article: distributing condoms won't solve the problem. It will just make them more active since it implies the authorities do not expect them to abstain.

    As has been proven over and over again, increased contraceptive usage leads to more unintended and teen pregnancies.
    and you did not get the idea that the adults taht are not married who have already engage in *** might do it with others... the AB applies for the teenage pop manny and not the middle age people who might be doing it... has UGanda eliminated prostitution? if not.. the they might as well keep the if A and B fails there is C..

  2. #1082 that possible for men..who thinks that having multiple *** partners is a sign of manhood or manliness or whichever way to put it

    no form of contraception is ever proven to be 100% effective on its has to be a combination.....

  3. #1083
    sa mga couples nga monogamous ang ila relationship, ilabina kanang mga couples nga kuwang ug edukasyon ug kanang sa mga babay nga LIKE-CLOCKWORK-ANG-MENSTRUATION, okay, kung gusto sa ubang katawhan nga tudlo-an na sila ug NATURAL RA NGA METHOD sa pag-family planning, (pasabot nako gusto sa ubang katawhan nga wala na'y lain pang method kung di natural ra jud ang itudlo nila), then angay na sila dapat adtuon sa ila panimalay. mag-house-to-house dapat ang natural-method-health-worker. tagaan niya ug calendaryo ang couple. tagaan pa jud ug papel ug lapis, then interviewhun ug e-record niya kung regular ba ang menstruation sa babay, kung kanus-a ang pinakarecent nga dugo sa babay, etc. nya tudlu-an dayun niya ang babay ug unsaon pag-calculate sa calendaryo kanang mga umaabot nga menstruation. pwede pa gani e-demonstrate jud hangtud sa hantud nga masabtan ug ma-sud sa utok nang klaseha sa family planning method.

  4. #1084
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio View Post that possible for men..who thinks that having multiple *** partners is a sign of manhood or manliness or whichever way to put it?
    That's why you have abstinence education. It also educates males that having multiple s3x partners is NOT something to be proud of. It teaches others things too, of course, such as respecting women.

    no form of contraception is ever proven to be 100% effctive on its has to be a combination.....
    It seems you have forgotten that artificial contraception has been proven to be COUNTERPRODUCTIVE on the population level. Its increased usage leads to more unintended and teen pregnancies. Combining them with abstinence doesn't work.

    Since you don't seem to want to read the previous posts in this thread, I am again posting the evidence. Perhaps I shouldn't be spoon-feeding, but here it is. Please try to read it now.

    Abstinence-Only Education Works, Contraceptive S3x-Ed Doesn't
    A listing of evidence

    We should put sound science ahead of politics and ideology. The evidence is clear: abstinence-only programs work.

    Don't believe in the attempts to discredit abstinence programs. Abstinence works! Contraceptive-based, "comprehensive" s3x education programs, on the other hand, don't work! In fact, they are COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1085

    that's what they always say...its counterproductive

    and that abstinence works...

    yes, but how bout those couples located in the middle of nowhere...

    those husbands who believe (strongly believe) in that philosophy, multiple *** partners and numerous children, do you think they will accept it with open arms??

    what you are showing me are studies conducted outside the philippines.

    i was expecting to see something that is philippine based.

    i am finding it hard to comprehend to see the connection between the US or other countries and our very OWN philippines.

    please excuse my stupidity...i am rather naive.

    does the results mean that since it worked in other countries, will it work in our country too

  6. #1086
    Quote Originally Posted by xinevirtucio View Post
    what you are showing me are studies conducted outside the philippines. i was expecting to see something that is philippine based.
    If I could cite only one study, you might be justified in your doubts. But I have cited multiple studies. These are also complemented by studies in the U.K. that show how contraceptive-based s3x education has failed. We must also remember that the urbanized areas in the Philippines are heavily influenced by American pop culture. So, at the very least the evidence I have presented is much more than what the pro-RH side has mustered.

    If you are still doubt, then at best you or the pro-RH side can only claim that the issue is UNRESOLVED. In which case we must take the safer approach and allow parents an schools to CHOOSE what to teach instead of imposing a single, contraceptive-based curriculum which has not be proven to work.

    does the results mean that since it worked in other countries, will it work in our country too
    It is a good indication. Much of what we know in various fields is based on studies from outside the country. There is no comprehensive Philippine-based study that shows abstinence education won't work, but the best evidence we have is that it DOES work.

    We have to be reasonable and base our conclusions on the evidence and NOT in RH ideology.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1087
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The why does it fund only artificial contraceptive methods? Why are doctors FORCED to dispense artificial contraceptives but not NFP ?
    The RH Bill does not only fund artificial methods only. It funds both natural and artificial methods of contraception. and depending on the needs of the people as which choice to take, anha pud magdepende ang funding sa both.

    The RH Bill empowers doctors to provide informed choice for couples who want family planning, either NFP or MFP, or both.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    How can it address sustainable development if it relies on the a myth: "overpopulation"?
    Sustainable development does not rely on "overpopulation". Overpopulation is a myth. thus, your logic is false.

    I don't even think the term mentions anything about overpopulation. The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and sociopolitical sustainability.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    How can the RH Bill be about righs when it VIOLATES our constitutional rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, parents' rights, and freedom of religion?
    Reproductive health is a basic human right. Freedom of speech (or even rights) in a democracy is not absolute. there are certain limits. also freedom of parents' right, conscience and religion.

    and again, just because there are certain provisions in the bill that u don't like means u have to discredit the entire bill.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Giddyboy is a LIAR.

    The studies show that the condom portion actually was COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. it resulted in MORE HIV/AIDS infections. But these were overcome by the facft that abstinence and fidelity were very effective. That is why Dr. Gren did NOT recommend condoms in the AIDS prevention programs.
    nah, liar na nuon ko ani..."comprehensive s3x ed" doesn't mean it has to be contraceptive-based ed only.

    again, I have no qualms about the claims that abstinence is better than contraceptive-based promotion. What I only emphasized is that the combination of both is better than abstinence only in most cases. that is not a lie!

    Obama did not lie when he said "abstinence-only ed showed little success". He eliminated funding for abstinence-only ed and replaced it w/ a better combination ed. He even further said his decision was "SOUND SCIENCE AHEAD OF POLITICS".

    so if you say I am lying, then you might as well say Obama is lying as well...

    Failed Abstinence-Only Programs Eliminated in 2010 Budget: Obama Brings Science and Evidence Back to Public Health Policy

    AEGiS-PRn: Failed Abstinence-Only Programs Eliminated in 2010 Budget: Obama Brings Science and Evidence Back to Public Health Policy

    Obama budget cuts funds for abstinence-only *** education

    Abstinence-only *** education programs, which emphasize a no-***-until-marriage message, received almost $1.3 billion in federal dollars from fiscal years 2001-2009, according to the Office of Management and Budget. At the same time, studies of abstinence-only programs have shown little success; the most often-cited study, released in 2007, was congressionally mandated and federally funded and found that abstinence-only programs don't prevent or delay teen ***....

    ...Barnes says the budget leaves open a possibility that an abstinence-only program could be funded, if there is evidence of its effectiveness.

    ...Obama "is open to innovation, and that could include abstinence-only if there is some indication it would work," Barnes says.

    Obama budget cuts funds for abstinence-only *** education -

    see, Obama was even open to innovation if abstinence-only could indicate it would work. well, if next time. But not this time.

    NO to Abortion!
    YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 09-06-2009 at 01:39 PM.

  8. #1088
    Obama did not lie!

    Bro how sure are you Obama did not lie?

  9. #1089
    aw wa juy maka sure niana.

  10. #1090
    Quote Originally Posted by meru_valley09 View Post
    Obama did not lie!

    Bro how sure are you Obama did not lie?
    try google bro...

  11.    Advertisement

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