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  1. #1

    Default Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1.) What wireless keyboard are you using ?
    2.) Who many hours do you use it in a week ?
    3.) How often do you change your batteries ?
    4.) what batteries do you use ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    im using the logitech mx duo for a year already. i haven't changed the battery since i bought it. i ussually use it 2 to 4 hrs a day. the battery im using is the one that came with the package.

  3. #3
    C.I.A. Premium Member jordinho's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1. mx3100
    2. prolly around 35
    3. i charge it every 3-4 days
    4. bulit in batt. for teh mouse, 2AA batts (duracell) for teh keyboard which i have yet to replace. (setpoint says batts are still good)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1. LogiTech Cordless Desktop MX3100
    2. i dont know,.... im pretty much always on mah comp. whn im at home
    3. i havn't used mah comp. for a few monthz,..... coz i gotz some problems wit it,.... but i think da battery would last for more thn a week
    4. Sony NH-AAB4E

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1. A4Tech keyboard w/ optical mouse bundle
    2. approx. 5 hrs. a day
    3. & 4. haven't changed the batteries yet. came w/ the box (alkaline 2 pcs AA's)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    Logitech LX700 aound june last year using duracell (libre na batt) never been replaced.
    Logitech MX1000 mas una pa sa keyb. charge only once a week.

    ako pc pirmi gamit lapas 12 hours. kay inig lakaw nako ako man sad manghod mo puli. heheh

  7. #7

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    just fix'd my comp. i was surprised to know that my wireless keyboard still work'd (i thought i need'd to change the battery)

    i think i got my LogiTech MX3100 about 8 or 9 months ago,..... my computer was down for about 7 months,.. never used the keyboard,..... the OEM battery was still in the keyboard,......
    and now that i got my computer running again,..... the keyboard work'd with out changing the battery,...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1) logitech mx duo
    2) 8 hrs a day average
    3) about every 8 months
    4) rechargeable ni-mh

  9. #9

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    a4tech wireless keyborad
    mx 1000 mouse
    charging sa mouse nako every 3 weeks ko
    sa keyboard la pa 1yr kapin na

  10. #10

    Default Re: Wireless Keyboard Users [ Little Survey ]

    1.Brother- keyboard plus printer ,never change batt since 1975 always on =makinilya man
    2.ILG- wireless mouse no batt runs anywhere ,pwede sad sa bongbong =ilaga ba kanang taligatos gud
    wireless na tanan apil pa ang Subang-daku wirelss sab na.....

  11.    Advertisement

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