View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1061

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    oist.. UGanda na lang example mo.. ang laki-laki ng Africa.
    Can't you read? Uganda is an example of abstinence working. The rest of Africa, which emphasizes condoms are examples of condom programs FAILING. Therefore, ALL of Africa where AIDS is an epidemic proves my point.

    Please try to process the information before making such inaccurate comments.

    besides ABC for abstinence, be faiothful and use condom if A and b fail ila gi-follow...
    You really haven't even read the studies, have you? The evidence shows that the "C", or condom component, was ineffective and may have even been counterproductive (causing MORE AIDS infections). That is why Dr. Green, AIDS expert, does NOT recommend continuing the condom part.

    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse
    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse

    "There is," Green added, "a consistent association shown by our best studies, including the U.S.-funded 'Demographic Health Surveys,' between greater availability and use of condoms and higher (not lower) HIV-infection rates. This may be due in part to a phenomenon known as risk compensation, meaning that when one uses a risk-reduction 'technology' such as condoms, one often loses the benefit (reduction in risk) by 'compensating' or taking greater chances than one would take without the risk-reduction technology."

    The evidence is clear: condoms programs are INEFFECTIVE in preventing HIV/AIDS infections.

    The so-called RH Bill will NOT solve maternal and infant mortality either since it does NOT provide funding and institutional support for access to health facilities and skilled attendants. Instead, it wastes scarce funds on contraceptives that do NOT cure any disease. The Bill's warped set of priorities will allow even more women and children to die while it floods the countryside with artificial contraceptives that will do NOTHING to address the problem.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-03-2009 at 02:10 AM.

  2. #1062
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Can't you read? Uganda is an example of abstinence working. The rest of Africa, which emphasizes condoms are examples of condom programs FAILING. Therefore, ALL of Africa where AIDS is an epidemic proves my point.

    Please try to process the information before making such inaccurate comments.

    You really haven't even read the studies, have you? The evidence shows that the "C", or condom component, was ineffective and may have even been counterproductive (causing MORE AIDS infections). That is why Dr. Green, AIDS expert, does NOT recommend continuing the condom part.

    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse
    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse

    "There is," Green added, "a consistent association shown by our best studies, including the U.S.-funded 'Demographic Health Surveys,' between greater availability and use of condoms and higher (not lower) HIV-infection rates. This may be due in part to a phenomenon known as risk compensation, meaning that when one uses a risk-reduction 'technology' such as condoms, one often loses the benefit (reduction in risk) by 'compensating' or taking greater chances than one would take without the risk-reduction technology."

    The evidence is clear: condoms programs are INEFFECTIVE in preventing HIV/AIDS infections.

    The so-called RH Bill will NOT solve maternal and infant mortality either since it does NOT provide funding and institutional support for access to health facilities and skilled attendants. Instead, it wastes scarce funds on contraceptives that do NOT cure any disease. The Bill's warped set of priorities will allow even more women and children to die while it floods the countryside with artificial contraceptives that will do NOTHING to address the problem.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    hindi naman kase fool proof ang Abstinence and be faithful diba? kase may mga individual talaga na sdyang malibog...

    Uganda encourage AB pero naa sad baya sad ang CONDOM if the two fails...

    wala naman question na ABstinence ug monogamy kay dili gyud ka mag ka AIDS ana... sa part lang naa gyud mga people na hindi maaiwasn yun eh di gumamit na lng ng condom...

    manny ok lang namn yung abstinence at monogamy... people have the right to choose what they want to do woth their life you know.. eh kung gusto nila i-jer-jer lahat ng tao makita nila sa daan they just have to responsible gumamit na alng sla ng condom...

    aside from abstinence and be faithful ng uganda maganda rin kase meron sila education on AIDS... even at the village level... so people are very aware of the disease and how it is transmitted...

    in some ways sa ila gibuhat na change ang culture sa uganda...

  3. #1063
    for the monogamous ... abstinence would be enough. but for the players... condom gyud!

    we are not living in a perfect world. so the more choices the better!

  4. #1064
    nabuang na...! legalize man nuon ang abortion...! tabla ra i legalize ang killing....!

  5. #1065
    i think kasagaran sa pinoy oppose sa abortion. ang gilalisan ron ang condom ug abstinence!

  6. #1066
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    hindi naman kase fool proof ang Abstinence and be faithful diba?
    Nothing is foolproof. But abstinence and monogamy are far more effective at at preventing AIDS infections than promoting contraceptives (which is NOT effective at all).

    Uganda encourage AB pero naa sad baya sad ang CONDOM if the two fails
    You really DON'T even look at the evidence, do you? Let me spell it out for you. The "condom" or "c" component of the program was ineffective. In fact, it was shown to sometimes be counterproductive (it resulted in ncreased AIDS infections). Please read and understand the evidence. Get your head out of the sand.

    manny ok lang namn yung abstinence at monogamy... people have the right to choose what they want to do woth their life you know.
    People can ALREADY make that choice in the Philippines. We don't need an RH Bill fo that. Stop trying to FORCE the entire country to accept and distribute contraceptives.

    Uganda is a clear proof that condom programs are totally ineffective at arresting HIV/AIDS infections at the population level.

    Look at the evidence instead of RH ideology:

    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse
    Harvard AIDS Expert Says Pope is Correct on Condom Distribution Making AIDS Worse

    "There is," Green added, "a consistent association shown by our best studies, including the U.S.-funded 'Demographic Health Surveys,' between greater availability and use of condoms and higher (not lower) HIV-infection rates. This may be due in part to a phenomenon known as risk compensation, meaning that when one uses a risk-reduction 'technology' such as condoms, one often loses the benefit (reduction in risk) by 'compensating' or taking greater chances than one would take without the risk-reduction technology."


    More info on abstinence and purity education for the youth at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-03-2009 at 01:25 PM.

  7. #1067
    Time to fight for our beliefs
    Francisco "Kit" Tatad

    Some readers are asking: is there no danger that our lawmakers will sacrifice the right of Catholics to live their family life according to their faith to the demands and dictates of the international anti-population lobby, just as Malacanang’s “peace” negotiators have tried to give away the lands owned and occupied by Christians in Mindanao to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the name of a bogus peace?

    It seems an unfair question, but let’s understand why it is being put. Even as Mindanao is being ripped apart after the government tried to give away “ancestral lands” to the MILF as the “homeland of the Bangsamoros,” there is a very clear organized effort to stampede the Congress into approving a proposed “reproductive health” legislation, which is an utter abomination to law-abiding Filipinos, notably the Catholics.

    In the past few weeks, I have been “guesting” in various forums, and it has become clear to me that it is not a small advocacy group that is pushing the “reproductive health” agenda, but something global and infinitely more sinister and insidious. It is an ideological group determined to inflict the worst form of imperialism upon the Filipino people.

    In many of these forums, the “moderator” is usually a supporter of population control and tries to push his or her bias, instead of simply complying with his or her job description. Whenever there are sponsors, they usually include a condoms manufacturer or distributor or an entity called Philippine Legislators Committee for Population and Development (PLCPD), which was not created by Congress.

    The PLCPD declares on its website (http// that it was established in December 1989 as a “non-stock, non-profit foundation dedicated to the formulation of viable public policies requiring legislation on population management and socio-economic development.” It lists several senators and congressmen as members. Its donor agencies include UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

    All these donors are actively engaged in promoting population control. PLCPD’s executive director is a scholar-grantee of the Packard Foundation. A recent press statement attributed to the Foundation complained that the Philippine government had stopped buying condoms.

    To which the appropriations committee of the House of Representatives chaired by Rep. Edcel Lagman had an instant reply. The committee promptly approved a whooping P3.4 billion funding for the highly questionable bill, of which Lagman himself is the principal author. Except for tuberculosis, which gets some meager funding, there is no similar funding to address the seven leading killers that daily kill at least 300 out of every 100,000 women.

    The appropriation for reproductive health reads like one mega sales contract for the official purchase of condoms and contraceptives with the leading manufacturers and distributors. Better than any congressional insertion, which is the other name for the congressmen’s “pork barrel.”

    In my nine years as Senator, mostly as Senate majority leader, from 1992 to 2001, I had never heard of the PLCPD. It did not circulate any advocacy document in the Senate. Today, it seems to have acquired an ubiquitous presence, not only in Congress and but also in various forums where the reproductive health issue is talked about.

    Its executive officer was among over 40 NGO resource persons who swamped the last Senate hearing with their highly aggressive push for the Senate reproductive health bills. He gave the principal statement in favor of the House bill in a recent UP forum, where one of the co-authors was a participant. His input was not all that significant, and perhaps we could stretch the meaning of the word “advocacy” and simply call it that.

    But what he and his organization represent in the entire process, and the amazing space which the members of Congress appear to have given them in their legislative work should disturb anyone who has any notion of an independent country’s sovereign rights. Advocacy and lobbying are legal activities, provided certain requirements are met; but active intervention in the legislative work of Congress by outsiders is certainly not.

    Now, the PLCPD staff is commonly and casually credited with the drafting of the various bills filed by the different authors in the two Houses. Even the most widely denounced House substitute bill, which consolidates four component bills into one, after only one public hearing, is attributed to this group. That bill should have been put together by the Joint Committees on Health and on Population and Family Relations, to which the original bills had been referred. Or, more specifically, by a Technical Working Group created by the joint committees for that purpose. Not so; the PLCD staff did it.

    Of course, this will be denied. But the uniformity of concepts and language – the same appalling rhetoric in the explanatory notes and in the body of the bills –is utterly conclusive. It’s one assembly line; you don’t have to be a literary Sherlock Holmes to see it.

    Is there no law against it? The very idea of a foreign entity or someone working for a foreign entity actively messing up with the work of Congress is so unthinkable that neither the Constitution nor the Rules of either House found it necessary to talk about it. The law does not have to say anything where the matter is so clear to the plainest common sense.

    But acting from sheer abundance of caution, Batas Pambansa 39, otherwise known as the Foreign Agents Act of 1979, requires entities like PLCPD to perform certain acts before they can engage in any lobbying activity. Of course, this is not merely lobbying but actual intervention in the internal work of Congress. Under BP 39, which I authored together with then Minister (now Senator) Juan Ponce Enrile in the Batasang Pambansa, the PLCPD must first register as a “foreign agent” before it can circulate any position on any issue before Congress.

    Why foreign agent? Because foreign agent is “any person who acts or agrees to act as political consultant, public relations counsel, publicity agent, information representative, or as agent, servant, representative or attorney for a foreign principal or any domestic organization subsidized directly or indirectly in whole or in part by a foreign principal.”

    All the donor agencies listed by PLCPD on its website are foreigners. The agenda the PLCPD is pursuing from the same sources is likewise foreign---a global policy of population control inspired by the 1974 secret U.S. document, National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, otherwise known as the Kissinger Report, which seeks to reduce the family size to two children (worldwide) by the year 2000..

    The title of that Report “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests” says clearly and without any equivocation in whose interest the global population reduction and the family downsizing are for. The contents reveal enough of what is to be done. Encourage local leaders of developing countries to be in the forefront and to take credit for any success. Make extensive use of the mass media and other information systems, particularly among “large and illiterate rural communities.”

    So scratch PLCPD’s skin a little, and you’ll see the awesome coalition of foreign eugenicists and Malthusians trying to push their anti-life and anti-family program in the Philippines.

    The senators and congressmen who have signed up may or may not know all this at all. So with the brand and customary nationalists who are otherwise quick to denounce foreign intervention in our internal affairs.

    This is a good time for them to reexamine their position, and try to ward off the most vicious form of imperialism that has tried to latch on to our innermost lives as a people. This is a good time for all thoughtful Filipinos who want to live their personal lives according to their moral values and religious beliefs to come together and see what can be done.

    A violent clash of values may have become unavoidable.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  8. #1068
    C.I.A. ronz_rodz's Avatar
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    No To Abortion... up up up lang ko ani

  9. #1069
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    Killing another human being is a heinous crime, how about killing an infant inside a womb?....So I say NO to abortion......

  10. #1070
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    tubaga giddyboy.
    Still no real rational arguments from the pro-RH side, eh?

    Fortunately, many Istoryans have seen through the pro-RH propaganda and realize that there are no good reasons to pass the current RH Bill -- and that it has many dangerous flaws. The RH Bill sneaks in abortion through the direct funding of abortifacient contraceptives, as well as by forcing persons to dispense them against their conscience.

    John Carlos "JC" De Los Reyes statement against population control

    In response to the barrage of legislations in congress and in local legislative bodies which are antagonistic not only to human life in the womb, but to marriage and family life, I summarize this advocacy by declaring the following statements:

    1. The proponents of the Philippine Population Program, from the late '60s to the present are more aggressive and vocal than ever because of the reluctance of the Filipino People to embrace methods and means to control birth antagonistic to their faith and morals. These programs have been at the initiative of foreign governments, development and funding agencies and interest groups officiously influencing every agency and office of government, especially local governments mainly through soft loans, grants and aid packages to carry out such depopulation policies.

    2. The aim of these foreign governments and interest groups is to maintain access to strategic resources to benefit them economically even militarily.(Declassified U.S. National Security Memorandum 200 of Henry Kissinger)

    3. Issues of national sovereignty and security as well as the physical health and integrity of Filipinos, have been raised in the face of intrusive interventions into the most intimate and vital aspects of national life – reproductive functions, conjugal and family life even the education of our youth. The term used in the field is “TOTAL INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT APPROACH.” The terminologies used such as reproductive health, reproductive rights, Gender Awareness, family planning, birth control, planned parenthood, etc., are euphemisms cloaked under coercive programs by interest groups to manipulate behaviour by limiting our choices and desensitizing our values. They seek to dramatically increase prevalence for contraceptive use to achieve an anti-life mindset that would gradually introduce abortion as another form of birth control.

    4. Ideologies underlying these policies are violative of Filipino culture and the Philippine Constitution. Moreover, they are incompatible with our Judeo-Christian and Islamic values, also the social teachings of the Church. Our distinctly prolife Charter of 1987 has been marginalized and birth control proponents invoke International law, particularly the 1994 Cairo Conference and 1995 Beijing Conference to further skirt clear constitutional precepts that insure the autonomy and inviolability of marriage and family life.

    5. Various forms of propaganda and psychological persuasion are employed to accept the debunked myth of overpopulation. This is made a scapegoat to accommodate international economic concessions and demands as well as government’s inability to advance social justice by prioritizing the fight against graft and corruption -- the real cause of massive poverty.

    6. This anti-natalist agenda is in the guise of many noble advocacies--the alleviation of poverty, the protection of women and children, reproductive health but the main objective is to prevent and/or terminate birth through biological and chemical means clearly against morality therefore against the laws of man and God.

    I conclude by exhorting the pro life movement of the Philippines to continue its vigilance against such population control programs. God bless the Philippines.

    -- Councilor JC de los Reyes, Olongapo City

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

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