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Because they have schools for it:
Inside Venezuela's beauty pageant schools
"Pageants are old-fashioned here but in Venezuela, where girls are trained at a
military-style beauty school, they are big business"
"The 60 regional winners are then taken to the
Miss Venezuela school in Caracas for two months of intensive training before a casting in July when Sousa and his team select the final 28 who will compete before judges for the Miss Venezuela crown. “In other countries there is no organisation like there is here,” says Sousa. “We have our school where the girls are prepared for this philosophy: to be beauty queens.” The aim, he explains, is “to make them perfect”.
The school is a large pink building at the foot of the Avila mountain in northern Caracas, a block from the Venevision studios - the channel that funds and broadcasts Miss Venezuela. Students from outside the capital are put up in nearby rooms and subjected to gruelling days, often starting at 8am and finishing at 10pm. The lucky few who go on to compete at an international level stay at the school for a year.
An army of more than nine teachers give classes on how to walk in high heels, voice and movement, posing for photographs, etiquette, and the vital interview techniques. The contestants are also taught to apply their make-up - and what can't be hidden by foundation can be rectified in other ways. Plastic surgery in Venezuela is relatively affordable compared with the UK, and breast implants - which can cost as little as £1,300 - are not uncommon among teenage girls desperate to emulate these living Barbies. "
Conclusion: Inject some military-style discipline, motivation, and LOTS of cash into most of your activities, and you're bound to succeed in whatever endeavor you wish to pursue.

funded jud d i noh? well on thier side...its worth every penny coz haros haros man jud na nila perme...
gwapa pud sila oi and super smart au mag answer, walay daghan ek ek