WHAT: 6th Eyebiz (EYEball sa mga BIZdak nga businessmen and friends)
WHERE: Dec. 13, 2009 (Sunday)
1:00-6:00 PM
WHERE: to be announced...
What happens during 6th eyebiz "X-MAS party"?
1. there's "NO business seminar" (or serious lecture. yehey! pahulay sako pangita og speakers ani!)
2. Speed Networking (everybody's favorite. that's why we're maintaining this ritual)
3. "bonding" session sa atong co-istoryans nga business-minded
4. you can still invite your friends (and family) during this event
5. join this business circle (even if you're "not yet" a businessman or member sa istorya.net)
6. pick-up "business" ideas and inputs from istoryans
7. grow your list of business contacts (get their email adds and contact #s)
8. meet new friends
9. maliit na salu-salo (konting kainan to celebrate the "spirit of christmas")
10. games (let's all be "kids" during this moment)
11. party!
12. you learn something "extraordinary" (we'll teach you to become "abnormal" - highly excited to DO business - using lorenzoleo's words)
let's fill this list.
1. smurkydad
2. terces
3. ellehpo28
4. Rafalga
5. obet73
6. noliverh
7. darkside76
8. j.alob
9. ggtumulak
10. okoy
11. mai38
12. Anydowro
13. bhason
14. junax69
15. reanne002
16. lorenzoleo
17. chenggay!!!
18. dangelndisguise
19. nulbax
20. freesoul
21. ryant
22. cirext (are you coming? your entire Emery Estates team is welcome)
23. dangelndisguise
apil na pud ko... kitakits na pud ta sunod?
mghimo napud kug souvenir? something new napud? ehehe