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  1. #441

    @ kebot

    PEACE...God is bigger than any religion and any insult from any other "true" religion...

    turn the other cheek , man...

    respect you're so-called "unrespectable"...

    They have their opinions, your so-called have your opinions, thier so-called insults...

    I think you already got, you're so-called "being even"...

    MALIC is silent as the summer breeze now...

    You'll get even if you do too...

    or else you'd be silent with your other profile...hehe

  2. #442
    Quote Originally Posted by bulbbone View Post
    @ kebot

    PEACE...God is bigger than any religion and any insult from any other "true" religion...

    turn the other cheek , man...

    respect you're so-called "unrespectable"...

    They have their opinions, your so-called have your opinions, thier so-called insults...

    I think you already got, you're so-called "being even"...

    MALIC is silent as the summer breeze now...

    You'll get even if you do too...

    or else you'd be silent with your other profile...hehe
    All I am asking is for him to stop... he never listen... i think he is now... then kebot will be silent...

    Don't worry brad. I am not the person who watch other person burn... I know when to stop... thanks brad. appreciated.

  3. #443
    C.I.A. handsoff241's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brownprose View Post
    their so-called brand of god.
    It's more on the idealism and the ego.

  4. #444
    i can called this thread " battle of the brainless" lol!

  5. #445
    ops wrong sent.. abi nakog what are you listening thread

  6. #446
    I hope the active posters of this thread will continue to discuss issues , matters , share knowledge and most of all gain respect and be respected .

    Isa lang ka form na PANGINSULTO will result a closure of thread and a reprimand to the guilty subject so please ayaw gamita kasing2 ninyo pero ang utok . Salamat and more power .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  7. #447
    we all lucky here coz the mods of SnO boss springy taas2x iya pasinsya.. so guys dont be abuse of what privileges gave by the mods

    pls abide the rules..

  8. #448
    at kebot

    Don't bother talking to me about Christian Values brad, because I know Im wrong... but i kept pushing on because thats the only way I believe will make us even. You insult our faith, then lets insult yours... if you stop then whats the point of moving on with this wrong thing... hmmm...
    OT: no offence , but its more like ur defending ur ego, more than ur belief.
    but anyway, there are always room for changes.
    Originally Posted by brownprose
    their so-called brand of god.

    They have their opinions, your so-called have your opinions, thier so-called insults...
    thats why it always ends up to ego war , since both parties irrate each other.

    the difference with religion and theosophy is that
    relgion has good/bad side but its so close like a box that whatever outside it is considered an offence to them.
    while in theosopy u can always reject others opinion so as other's reject ur's without being an offence.

    but anyway back on topic....

  9. #449
    why cant we just leave each other in peace?

    what do you guys achieve by fighting on what religion is the right one?

    why do you impose your religion on others? why not just let them practice their own beliefs?

    their are many bad people who use the noble intentions of christianity, islam, judaism, confucianism, taoism, hinduism and all the others to cover their selfish desires....

    this thread alone shows why there can never be peace.. we are fighting for something so vague and silly as which religion is correct.. in the end.. it becomes a war of egos..

  10. #450
    SInce this thread lasted lots of pages and the intent of the creation of thread is to discuss something focusing only to a specific person makes it not healthy to start and I apologized for not reading the first few pages . CLosing the thread now .

    ANymore issues , concerns , topics about ISLAM , pls direct it to an existing thread which is ISLAM 101 . Thanks !
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

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