Sec. Teodoro supports Reproductive Health Bill
Malaya, July 21, 2009
...For proponents of a national policy to address the major obstacles to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, the one big test of presidential timber is the fate of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Congress of the Philippines. If the bill is passed in either or both houses, all aspirants will be able to take credit for taking a pro-poor position on the issue – including even Malacañang supporters, should Mrs. Arroyo decide to sign it into law. On the other hand, should it fail, RH advocates will have many targets of opprobrium – these should include not only those who actively opposed its passage but also those who, out of sheer lack of intestinal fortitude or guts, failed to openly express support even if they believed in the principle that government has the obligation to provide reproductive information and services to the people.
For this reason, from now till the legislature adjourns late this year, RH advocates will have to closely track all utterances and actions of all "presidentiables" to determine if they have any significant contribution to either the passage or rejection of reproductive health legislation – the litmus test of this country’s commitment to the MDGs. The objective of such political "surveillance" is to ensure that all aspiring candidates are compelled to take definite positions on the issue and are not allowed to "paddle their canoes on two rivers
For this purpose, it may be useful to have a baseline preliminary assessment of the various personalities’ likely positions based on what they have said so far in the different "presidential forums" as well as some recent actions they have taken. Below is such an assessment:
Senator Manny Villar, current polls front-runner, may be rated as neutral but tending to opposition to RH. His wife is one of the known supporters of the bill in the House of Representatives but he himself has not shown interest in the Senate discussions and he has distanced himself from the overtly pro-RH groups. (though an insider story when Villar was in Cebu tends to show he is in support of the bill)
Former President Joseph Estrada is firmly listed as a supporter (of the RH Bill). Not only is his son a strong supporter in the Senate, he himself strongly supported a strong program of family planning and population management during his shortened incumbency as president.
Vice President Noli de Castro appears to be neutral at the moment but he may be tending towards support. His current silence on the issues is probably a gesture of loyalty to the administration but he has in the past taken populist positions in line with what the surveys show as prevailing public opinion.
Bayani Fernando in his last appearance answered the question on reproductive health by simply asserting, "I am a Catholic". This is may be interpreted as active opposition to RH legislation despite the fact that his wife, a mayor, supports family planning.
Gilbert Teodoro has taken a very definite supportive stand in line with his wife being a signatory to the House version of the RH Bill.
Senator Mar Roxas maintains a very guarded position, neither supporting nor opposing the measure. This is despite the fact that he is known as a strong proponent of progressive ideas of governance as shown by his advocacy of cheaper medicines.
full article:
Gilbert Teodoro ? 2010 Presidential Election - News - PoliticalArena - Sec. Teodoro supports Reproductive Health Bill
Bishop prods on schools to teach ‘proper’ *** education
MANILA, May 29, 2009— CUBAO Bishop Honesto Ongtioco will have no reservations with *** education in the academe for one condition: it should be taught “properly” by being in accordance with church teachings.
Further, the prelate added that *** education has to be taught to young people at the right time and with a Catholic perspective.
“The sacredness of *** is a gift from God. For me, *** education should be taught in a proper way and [should] match the age of the child,” Ongtioco said over Radyo Veritas.
“There should be a Catholic view of ***, meaning you are presenting *** in a proper way because others may be narrow-minded,” Ongtioco also said.
For a holistic approach, the bishop mentioned that an age-appropriate method and presentation are highly recommended for elementary school pupils, high school students and college students.
full article:***-education/
NO to Abortion!
TAKE ACTION! YES to age-appropriate S3x Education.