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  1. #1

    Default red and green marks

    pwde magpa tabang about marks sa iro? kay interested ko mu palit ug iro nya wa ko kasabot ug kanang mga marks... pa explain ku if ok ra... thanks....

  2. #2
    source: g search ra nako online,. coz i also had the same question before.

    Red mark is just a number of Ancestor of one dog na nag champion in a ring and green marks are number of ancestor you produce a champion in a ring.

    Red Mark are given to those dogs that became a Champion in a dog shows competition

    Green Mark are given to those sire or dam that produce a Champion in a dog shows competition

    to be able to get this mark your dog have to compete in different Dog Shows Ring and have to reach a particular points before it can be called a Champion Dog in a Ring

    Ring is what the floor where dogs and with their handler perform and shows how graceful their bred is.

    Dog Shows has different Category depends on the breed that you have

  3. #3
    Bai Reyn125,

    Hapit na pasko mao red and green marks sa papeles.

    Dam- Mother of the puppy/dog
    Sire - Father of the puppy/dog

    Ang papeles sa iro, mura na siya ug family tree which contains the name of the dog's ancestors, all the way to the 4th Generation. There are 30 dog ancestors indicated in a pedigree paper.
    Dam, Sire, Grandparents, Great-grandparents sa dog.

    Example (I just grabbed image from the net)

    Red Marks - that dog has earned enough points para mahimo ug champion sa various dog shows
    Green Marks - that dam/sire has produced 3 or more champions pups/dogs

    Having more red marks means that the pup came from a champ line. If you look at the PCCI paper, it will state kung champion, grand champ, hall of famer

    RED & GREEN - PH CH, PH GR CH, PH HOF, and Sire or Dam of Merit
    GREEN - Sire or Dam of Merit

    Technically, if daghan ug red marks we would assume that nindut ug quality ang puppy. But that case is not always true. When buying a pup, mas maayo dili mag salig sa red marks alone. You have to examine the pup very well and look for faults. Not all puppies coming from a champ line litter will be of excellent quality. Likewise, naa pud show quality coming from a litter nga dili daghan ug red marks.

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