View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #981

    This evidence was posted before, but since some continue to claim that that abstinence "doesn't work" or that it simply cannot be expected of the youth, I am posting it again for those new to the thread. It's a study that actually shows that ABSTINENCE IS A REALITY FOR MOST TEENS.

    Click on the thumbnail below to see a JPEG file of the original PDF. Some of the text from the PDF is also quoted below.

    The full-size JPEG can be seen at:

    What the Data Shows:
    A large majority (2/3) of high school students in the U.S. are not currently sexually active and most students (52%) have never had sexual intercourse. While the past two years have seen a slight increase in teen births (+3% in 2006, +1% in 2007) the overall teen birth rate is down sharply (34%) since 1991.

    Abstinence is a reality for most teens.


    We should give our kids abstinence education, not condom/contraceptive "education". Abstinence works.

    On the other hand, studies show that contraceptive usage INCREASES unwanted pregnancies and demand for abortions. And yet abstinence is exactly what the RH bill doesn't support. Instead, it funds artificial and abortifacient contraceptives. -- precisely the methods that DON'T reduce teen pregnancies or abortions overall.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  2. #982
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Spending Too Little on Abstinence
    Reality check:

    in the Phils., not only the parents, but schools actually spent a lot of time on abstinence s3x ed to the youth. "Stay a virgin until you are married". Pre-marital s3x is bad". "Look what happened to your classmate who got preggy too early", "Values education", etc etc.. Hagbay rana gibuhat nato tawn ui! Abstinence-until-marriage is already imbedded in our Filipino culture.

    Catholic schools abound here teaching the same old principle. in USC, STC, CIC, USJR, CSN, SHS, St. Louis, Don Bosco, etc...Some catholic schools even go further by separating the boys from the girls.

    but look now, sinaw! teenage pregnancies are at an all time high. teen abortion is an all time high!

    and all the Catholic church can do is watch it unfold. and they blame the gov't for not doing anything about it. but when the gov't does, they complain...toinks!

    we still don't know yet what DepEd can offer in their new s3x ed module, yet some people are very fast to get's not the first time DepEd made a s3x ed module u know. they've been doing it since 1972! but not w/o experiencing implementation issues. thanks to church interference.

    no doubt that abstinence ed works better than contraceptive ed. but the combination of both makes it more better. mao btaw gi scrap ni Obama ang ilahang abstinence-only ed by replacing it w/ the new combination ed...di man gihapon ka gets ui!

    The principle "what you don't know won't harm you", won't anymore apply to this digital age. maayo rana sauna nga panahon pa ni Voltes V. high school teens know what a condom is. they got that from the internet, tv, and other media. u cannot anymore suppress information in schools coz most likely they can get the info from other sources anyway. what the school should do is reinforce by teaching them info the age-appropriate way and incorporate abstinence values...
    Last edited by giddyboy; 08-21-2009 at 08:50 PM.

  3. #983
    for me dapat dli e legalize ang abortion coz luoy kaayu ang mga fetus....

  4. #984
    he principle "what you don't know won't harm you", won't anymore apply to this digital age. maayo rana sauna nga panahon pa ni Voltes V. high school teens know what a condom is. they got that from the internet, tv, and other media. u cannot anymore suppress information in schools coz most likely they can get the info from other sources anyway. what the school should do is reinforce by teaching them info the age-appropriate way and incorporate abstinence values...
    totally agree with this!!!

  5. #985
    its not about overpopulation!! its all about womens health. your all just closing your eyes. please read more about the reproductive health bill. you all didnt experience 16's or 14's getting pregnan by rape or anything.. pag naa mo kaila, i ask kuno sila gus2 ba sila sa bata.. no choice ila answer? dat means i pity this child!

  6. #986
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    we still don't know yet what DepEd can offer in their new s3x ed module, yet some people are very fast to get paranoid.
    If the RH bill will just let people CHOOSE then it would not be as big a problem. But it doesn't. That is what peopel are so mad about. It forces all schools to teach just the POPCOMN program, even if it is against the beliefs of the school. And it forces parents to make their kids attend that program. If they want alternative, they will spend extra.

    I know the DepEd can set standards for schools, but there naa limits. When the DepEd will force schools to violate their own basic beliefs then they have to come up with a justification for that violation of religious freedom. So far, there is no reason why there should be only one mandatory program, and why religious or private schools should be forced to teach things that are against their basic beliefs.

    no doubt that abstinence ed works better than contraceptive ed. but the combination of both makes it more better.
    I think very clear according to the sceintific evidence that combining them will make it worse! The two don't mix because they teach opposite things. How can you tell a child to abstain, and then say indirectly "we know you won't, so here's how to use pills"? It makes weaker the message on abstinence. Contraceptive ***-ed is a failure. It causes more teen pregnancies as shwon by the many evidences. Just because Obama likes it doesn't erase the scientific evidence.

    Tsk, tsk... You shouldn't start acting like a boor. it does NOT advance your cause any. Please grow up and try to remain rational. Lame Insults do not advance the discussion any further.
    Bitaw! This @raski is such a child. Have the mods seen his posts?

    its not about overpopulation!! its all about womens health.
    Look at the evidence bro. Contraceptives don't cure diesease and they won't stop mothers from dying. More and better health fascilities and trained midwives will save more women. Don't waste billions and billions on contraceptives that don't cure anything. Instead, use it to for free medicines that are used to cure diseases like TB, heart disease, etc. More women will be saved with that than with uselsss contraceptives.

    Yes to freedom!
    No th RH bill!

  7. #987
    Quote Originally Posted by CatstevenBetonio View Post
    Do the right thing! BAN ABORTION!
    Not only should we ban abortion (which is already a crime under the laws of the Philippines) but also ban those contraceptives that can cause abortion. These abortifaceint contraceptives are how the RH bill is secretly supporting abortion. Lots of scientific evidence already shows that this kind of contraceptives cause abortions.

    Yes to freedom!
    No to abortion!
    No to RH bill!

  8. #988
    ang ako lang pangutana kay kanag rh bill ba ang tumong ba ana kay ihatag na alng sa sa mga atw ang contracetives bisan wala sila nag-ask sa ila health center or kahinanglan pa sila mismo ang mnagayo sa ila ehalth center?

    are they forced to ask for it or will it be their free will to ask for the contraceptives?

    lahi man gud ang isagpa sa goibyerno sa mga anwng sa mga taw ang contraceptives and for ce them to use it ug kanabg mu-pana ra ang gobyerno naa condom ug pills sa inyo mga helath center bahala namu kung ganhan mo gamit or dili..

    ingon ana lang ako pangutan kay kung ang bill forces people aginst their free will to use contraceptive sayop.. pero if the bill just gives people the opportunity to choose unsa mna sayop ana? kang kinsa right gi-violate?

    lets not go sa statistics sa effectivity sa contraceptive vis-a vis be it being an abortificient.. why? beacuse the number of health officers saying its abortificient is the same number as saying its not... tabla ra...

    mayna lang ang akong tax ipalit ug condoms ug pill para sa mga helath center kesa ikaon sa mga hakug ug gahaman na mga opisyal sa gobyerno

  9. #989
    Quote Originally Posted by wakkanakka View Post
    If the RH bill will just let people CHOOSE then it would not be as big a problem. But it doesn't. That is what peopel are so mad about. It forces all schools to teach just the POPCOMN program, even if it is against the beliefs of the school. And it forces parents to make their kids attend that program. If they want alternative, they will spend extra.
    if we let all people choose, maabtan kag siyam siyam. we might even have to spend big for a referendum for that. now that will be a waste of money.

    ang pamaagi sa DepEd dili pina martial law. its policies in implementing is based on a feedback mechanism. let's remember it's not the RH bill that will implement the s3x ed programs but DepEd.

    and what people who are so mad about? the church hierarchy and pro-life peeps? or people in general? pls kindly specify who they are. coz AFAIK, surveys shows that 6 out of 10 Pinoys favor the RH Bill. and even the remaining 4 of the 10 doesn't all say they're against the bill.

    and what belief will be trampled upon aber? by giving high school students info on their sexuality other than abstinence the age-appropriate way? you might be referring to the "taboo" that is imposed by Catholic schools my friend. coz even the mere mention of the words "condom" or "s3xual intercourse" is not allowed in some Catholic schools.

    heck, even mingling w/ the opposite *** is a taboo to some Catholic schools that's why they have the boys high and the girls high. and that is not in any way related to belief but only related to their school policy my friend.

    as i earlier said, "what you don't know won't hurt you" won't anymore apply to this day and age...statistics have already shown that.

    Quote Originally Posted by wakkanakka View Post
    I know the DepEd can set standards for schools, but there naa limits.
    there u said it yourself! naay standards pero naay limits. did u even wonder why DepEd kept revising their high school s3x ed modules for the nth time since 1972? dili man sab cguro mga bogo ni cla noh?

    let me ask you, what is wrong w/ this newly revised module man diay that include teaching notes on:

    • Pre-marital s3x, commercial s3x, abortion and homosexuality. (coz the mere mention of "abortion" and "being gay" is taboo to some schools?)

    • “Risky ***.” Class discussions on the long-term health and social consequences of sexual risk-taking among adolescents. (i can't even think this is wrong)

    • Feelings of admiration for one person of the same or opposite ***. In small group discussions, students will be asked to discuss what they think about dating, boy-girl relationship, how to ask for a date and proper behavior while dating, among others. (i can't even think this is wrong)

    • Filipino adolescents’ high awareness but poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS.

    • Adolescents’ sexual abstinence. Class discussions on the advantages of delaying sexual activities during adolescence.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 08-24-2009 at 12:56 PM.

  10. #990
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The scientific evidence clearly shows that this kind of program works. I have cited the evidence here before. To state that these program don't work is manifestly dishonest. You know the evidence exists. You just don't like it.
    Obama Budget Abstains from Abstinence-Ony *** Ed. the reason? it's not because he is dishonest, nor he doesn't like the idea of abstinence-only ed. it's because the Bush administration's Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) program is just out-of-date and ineffective. It's as simple as that.

    it will now be his (and the Congress') word against the abstinence-only ed advocates. so who should we believe more? you? I don't think so.

    you might already know that to receive federal funding, abstinence-only programs must meet eight criteria set down in 1996. Among these is the stipulation that abstinence until marriage be taught as the “expected standard of human sexual activity.”

    Only a handful of studies have examined the effectiveness of such programs, and the results have been mixed, according to an editorial published with the study.

    now if abstinence-only ed advocates have their figures to refute Congressional findings, why are they not barking at the tree? why resort to the internet?

    Abstinence-only *** ed not as effective
    Teens taught comprehensive *** education had a significantly lower risk of pregnancy than students who got abstinence-only or no *** education, says a University of Washington study published in April's (200 Journal of Adolescent Health. It adds to a body of recent research in recent years suggesting that abstinence-only programs have limitations. The new study found that teaching about contraception did not increase the risk of sexual activity or sexually transmitted diseases. It also found that abstinence-only education did not reduce teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection and did not delay first ***. The analysis of 2002 federal data from the National Survey of Family Growth looked at the records of 1,719 heterosexual teens ages 15-19, of whom 67% received comprehensive *** ed, 24% received abstinence-only *** ed and 9% received no *** education.

    Abstinence Ony *** Ed - Not

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    At the best, all you can honestly claim is that the issue is unresolved. In which case, we should take the safer approach: allow parents and schools to choose. Let them sink ior swim without government interference.
    for decades, we have been allowing parents and schools to choose their own style of s3x education (or lack thereof). we have been allowing them to take the safer approach. but what did the statistics say? teen abortion is now at an all time high. teen pregnancy is at an all time high. simply put, your perceived safer approach didn't work!

    Just teaching abstinence remains unproven as a way to stop teen ***, while programs that both discuss contraceptives and urge teens to wait have better track records.

    In the U.S. ,even if they continue funding abstinence-only instruction, only a couple of programs that exclusively focus on abstinence have yielded even "modestly encouraging results."

    However, many studies have shown that combining the abstinence message with explicit discussions of birth control "is a realistic, effective approach that does not appear to confuse young people.

    As a father of soon-to-be teenager, I want my kid to be taught about abstinence, but I also know that that's not enough.

    Yes to age-appropriate s3x education!
    Yes to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 08-24-2009 at 01:33 PM.

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