Originally Posted by
Therein lies the danger because overpopulation is a very real concern not just nationally but globally.
I would suggest you brush up on the subject. Those views date back to the 1960s (and have their roots in the 1800s). You are relying on an old myth. The world is
NOT overpopulated. People have already begun to recognize that "overpopulation" is a hoax, an unfounded, unscientific myth.
You must show clearly, for example, how establishment of a national curriculum counter to one's moral belief is an undue and arbitrary exercise of police power.
That is
absurd. The RH Bill has not been passed and challenged in court so there cannot yet be any jurisprudence on the matter.
Then why do we force students to learn Jose Rizal's works in our national curriculum?
You forget that schools are still allowed much leeway in what they teach about Rizal and the reference materials they use. They are NOT required to revere him and are quite free to analyze and even criticize Rizal. But in the case of the RH Bill, the POPCOM will decide what is to be taught. Even more to the point, history is not a personal matter. Sexual mores are. There are very divergent views on what constitutes proper matter. Why should the government -- which had never displayed any expertise on the matter of morals -- be the one to
monopolize what can be taught on a very controversial issue?
You should also note that many other countries allow parents to opt out of these s3x education programs. They can take their children out and choose alternative programs.
There is no provision for that in the RH Bill. You can read the text of the proposed Bill. There is no way to choose.
The authority therefore is not express but conditional and not protected by the law.
I disagree. It is quite express. People have to actually believe in the authority of the Church for any of its ecclesiastical penalties to have any meaning or force. Your concerns of intimidation by the Church are, quite frankly, misplaced and paranoid.
They have no real force other than that force you give them. And you can take away that force just as easily.
The RH Bill, on the other hand, comes with real COERCIVE force: imprisonment and fines. These will be imposed upon those who speak out against the Bill.
If you're going to rely on the Constitution itself, there is very strong wording there for the separation of Church and State.
It seems you do not understand what is meant by separation of Church and state. The Constitution itself clearly states what it means. In Article III, Section 5, the Constitution states:
No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
That's it. There is absolutely
NO prohibition whatsoever against persons from any religious group running for office or engaging in public or government work. There is no prohibition against religiin influencing government or requiring government personnel to suspend their religious beliefs in public service.
The purpose of the separation of Church and state is to protect religion from government control and interference. The idea is to KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF RELIGION, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
More of my views on the separation of Church and state are at:
Persuasion is protected but active interference with by threats or intimidation are not.
Show me the prohibition please.
There is none. The threats and intimidation you speak of are quite
overstated. They are only moral and do NOT involve any actual force.
On the other hand, imprisonment and fines are real and actual threats, and these are the coercive means used by the advocates of the RH Bill. The Church cannot wield these means, but the RH Bill does!
You have not convinced me and are not likely to convince anyone that parent's choice will be suppressed by RH Bill.
Well, you have not been able to convince me and many others that the RH Bill will not usurp parents' rights. If you choose to remain blind to the threat, then you're right: no one can convince you. But the threat is quite clear in the text of the RH Bill itself. Try reading section 12 of the proposed Bill.
The RH Bill FORCES schools to teach only one way of thinking about s3x. And you, as a parent, will not be able to opt out of. It is a MANDATORY program. You can try teaching the opposite, but you will end up sending confusing messages top your child. Who will he follow? The authoritarian parent or the supposedly scientific school instructor? It is a lop-sided battle.
Abstinence education already has massive funding in the form of Church funding and Christian interest groups funding.
What massive funding? Let's be honest here. Abstinence education in most Catholic schools is a joke. In fact, many of their teachings (if any) are decidedly
against Catholic doctrine. Ateneo de Manila, for example, had no real abstinence program when I was there, but instead many of the professors taught relativistic morals and some even advocated the exact opposite of abstinence.
There is no "massive" funding of real abstinence education in the Philippines. Even TLW Philippines (not a Catholic program) is perennially under-funded and this and similar group cannot ever hope to even come close to matching the funding that is contemplated in the RH Bill. There are only a few pockets of good programs and a whole slew of half-hearted attempts mixed with contraceptive education. That is
NOT even consistent abstinence education. Catholic schools have dropped the ball when it comes to abstinence education. That's their fault, but let's not pretend that here is any massive funding because their isn't,
That is a moral question and not one that should be considered in a policy issue. There are many people who would disagree with you as there are people who would not care about the kind of behavior contraceptives MIGHT encourage. Do not ever assume that pre-marital *** is universally considered morally reprehensible in our society, it only is to the Catholic church, not to everyone.
Why do you think governments are trying to lower the number of teen pregnancies? It is not because they are Catholic.
Such moral questions ARE the concern of public policy.
Prove that no choice would exist. Prove that the Church would be forced to abandon abstinence-based education. You cannot, because the RH Bill does not prevent that.
Read the text of the Bill.
ALL schools must adhere to the s3x education program of the POPCOM, which will involve the use of artificial and abortifacient contraceptives. Thus, no school can have an abstinence-only program. And do you think private schools can afford to run two programs simultaneous that contradict each other? You are dreaming. QED.
The bottom line is that parents and schools should have a choice. Why is it the pro-RH people you are all about choice but suddenly backtrack when it comes to this issue? Contradiction indeed!
And lest we forget, the many child molestation crimes...
Oh please stop with this irrelevant and childish ad hominem tactic. Sweeping generalizations have no place in an intelligent discussion. You are reverting to your Mr. Hyde self again. Try to keep this discussion rational. We have already made progress. Don't drag it down into the mud again, OK?

Originally Posted by
if grade five is too young manny, isnt a seven year old too young also to be raped or allow old men to touch her private parts because these older people tells her they have the right to do so?
But how is your program going to prevent child molestation?
It WON'T. If anything, the RH Bill will probably lead to more such crimes because of the general degradation of sexual mores that will be the result of increased contraceptive usage and contraceptive-based s3x education.
As posted here before, there is much scientific evidence that show that increased contraceptive usage and contracpetive-based s3x education increases the number of unwanted pregnancies and number of partners (sexual promiscuity). Your RH Bill will therefore probably make the problem worse.
Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)