View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #931

    i am not in favor of it...

  2. #932
    This thread is just a treasure trove of misinformation and propaganda from the Catholic propaganda machine.

  3. #933
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    Yes yes I'm quite aware what your judgmental mind must be thinking because I failed to live up to your stupid "true love waits" philosophy that is the butt of many jokes. I mean really, I don't care, I'd rather you judge me to be some immoral person than for me to end up being a 40 year old, scratch that, 50 year old virgin like certain people...

  4. #934
    Yes to RH bILL and magnacarta for women...

    NO to social double standards
    NO to multiple burden of women
    NO to violence against women

    NO to hypocrisy

  5. #935
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    This thread is just a treasure trove of misinformation and propaganda from the Catholic propaganda machine.
    i agree they make the rh bill synonymous with abortion but its really not...

  6. #936
    And this guy is just completely out of touch with reality. He claims that abstinence education works but any Pinoy guy knows that this is totally UNTRUE. Guys from my high school used to hang out at Catholic schools especially STC in Mango because the girls there were much easier than the girls from non-sectarian schools. They even called it S3x Training College...

    Abstinence education is going to lead to more premarital (worse, TEEN) pregnancies. I just hope the priests will be kind enough to give these unwanted children shelter in their churches because I've seen so many times the kindhearted priests shooing street kids away from the church or telling them to go beg somewhere else. Ah the love of the hypocrites... so astounding and fantastic to behold...

  7. #937
    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    This thread is just a treasure trove of misinformation and propaganda from the Catholic propaganda machine.
    Ad hominem. Well, people can look at the facts presented here and make their decisions. Of course, iof the RH bill is passed, some freedom to choose will be greatly diminished.

    Anecdotal "evidence", while valuable to the person experiencing it, cannot be a basis for public policy. Let's look at the facts: abstinence education for the youth works. That's the reality. Now for older ones who have already made up their minds... oh well.

    By the way, not all pro-lifers are catholic. One of the most outspoken ones I know of is an avowed atheist.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 08-17-2009 at 11:32 PM.

  8. #938
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Anecdotal "evidence", while valuable to the person experiencing it, cannot be a basis for public policy. Let's look at the facts: abstinence education works. That's the reality.
    No offense but are you even Filipino? And are you really a male Cebuano who lives in Cebu Don't take this personally but you just do not seem to be a regular or even normal pinoy guy to me... I'm frankly confused by your statement that it is merely anecdotal as if to imply that my experience is somehow rare. No, I'm afraid you're just out of touch with reality.

    Do you even have male friends, because what you are implying is frankly laughable. I guess this whole argument is just weirding me out you know.. because I have never met a Cebuano guy who doesn't realize that what I've said about Catholic high school girls (especially the ones at STC) is true. Maybe you're a saint or something, or spent your entire life as a monk? I'm not joking, I'm really curious to know your story. If you are a virgin, and that is the result of abstinence education, then you'd be the first one I've encountered at an age above 25... that's hardly evidence that it works.

  9. #939
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Using the alleged authority of Obama and the US Congress to justify the RH bill is Argumentum ad Verecundiam. Neither Obama nor Congess are scientific experts. They are POLITICIANS. And politicians pay off political favors.
    No, in this particular discussion, I am using authority of Obama to justify s3x ed. and by justifying s3x ed, i am partly justifying the RH Bill.

    Yes, Obama nor Congress are not scientific experts but they rely on scientific experts. ay sus political favors are a given. don't give me that holier-than-thou crap by pro-life advocates coz they are in fact political lobbyists too.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The recent push by the Obama administration for contraceptive-based education is a POLITICAL decision, not a scientific one.
    as been said in news reports and quote from Congress, it is an new evidence-based approach by combining both abstinence and contraceptive ed.

    and by u saying it is only a political decision and not a scientific decision is only ur opinion as a critic and is not shared by everybody. the Congress and proponents of this new s3x ed approach even says it is "science ahead of politics".

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Obama in particular has a long record of being pro-abortion on any issue related to abortion.
    so what? does that make him a lesser human? just look at your pro-life websites. Instead of love and compasion, it reeks of hate. and i'm beginning to believe that this kind of group is becoming more of a "hate group" nowadays.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    We have to rely on the evidence, and their is no reason whatsoever to accept your conclusion.
    not my own conclusion but I am just re-iterating Obama and Congress: ABSTINENCE-ONLY ED SHOWED LITTLE SUCCESS! and by eliminating funding thereof, the losing lobbyist sour-grapers can only whine a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Again, given a situation where the evidence has not resolved the issue, we must take the safer approach.

    That safer approach is to allow people to CHOOSE. This is the real issue.
    safer approach to s3x education based on Catholic dogma? remember, being predominantly Catholic doesn't make the Phils a Catholic country.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The real issue is whether we should allow non-elected officials (the POPCOM) to IMPOSE a SINGLE way of thinking about one of the most personal issues facing persons: s3x and values.

    The real issue is: should parents determine what we should teach children, or the government?
    again, it's not only Popcom. it's also DepEd and PCVF. and I am about to discuss this on the next paragraph.
    I know that parents should be on the front seat about teaching sexuality to their children, but that is assuming all parents can well teach their kids that issue. Reality check: I don't think so. mao btaw naay concept of a 2nd home which is the school.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    The Philippine Constitution has the answer in Article II, Section 12:

    Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the support of the Government.

    The government should NOT take away this natural and primary right and duty of parents by IMPOSING on ALL private and public schools a MANDATORY s3x education program. But that is exactly what the RH Bill will do.

    In fact, even SUPPORTERS of the RH bill have spoken out against this totalitarian imposition.

    For example, Prof. Felipe Medalla, at the joint general membership meeting of the Makati Business Club held at the Peninsula Hotel last October 17, 2008, stated that although he supports the RH bill and the inclusion of s3x education in the intermediate and high school curricula, he said it should NOT BE MANDATORY. He said that parents should have the right to demand that their children be exempted from s3x education classes.

    But that right is trampled upon by the RH Bill. This is just one of the many provisions of the RH Bill that violate our natural human rights. Even supporters of the Bill have objected to it. And yet Lagman and his pro-RH fanatics just won't budge.

    The s3x education provision in the RH bill is not only dangerous to our values and families, but also to our civil rights. Igt is the first step in imposing a form of control similar to what the Nazis and Communists tried to do. We must defend our democracy and should reject the RH bill.
    oh c'mon. I don't buy that scare tactic crap. even long before the RH Bill was even proposed, DepEd had already been bent on teaching *** education in the high schools.

    as early as 1972 until early 2000's, DepEd (before it was DECS) has been proposing, implementing and revising s3x ed modules.

    and in March of 2008, the revised modules include teaching notes on:

    • Pre-marital ***, commercial ***, abortion and homosexuality.

    • “Risky ***.” Class discussions on the long-term health and social consequences of sexual risk-taking among adolescents.

    • Feelings of admiration for one person of the same or opposite ***. In small group discussions, students will be asked to discuss what they think about dating, boy-girl relationship, how to ask for a date and proper behavior while dating, among others.

    • Filipino adolescents’ high awareness but poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS.

    Adolescents’ sexual abstinence. Class discussions on the advantages of delaying sexual activities during adolescence.

    asa man kunoy dili maayo ana? even the militant Alliance of Concerned Teachers believes the DepEd is on the right track.

    The DepEd is awaiting the go-ahead from the Presidential Council on Values Formation (PCVF) which is currently reviewing the secondary teachers’ “adolescent reproductive health manuals".

    The council was created on April 30, 2004, by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo under Executive Order No. 314.

    The Office of the President-attached body is tasked to “serve as the lead agency by which govt may work hand in hand with civil society and the private sector in the establishment of a strong foundation for moral value formation in the government bureaucracy.”

    here's the full article:
    DepEd set to launch *** education in public schools -, Philippine News for Filipinos

    let's remember sa kadugay na nga ga dominar sa Catholic religion diri sa Pinas (plus the hundreds of Catholic schools), it did not prevent high premarital s3x and high teen abortion rates in the Phils. S3x ed in the Phils have been obstacled by interference of the Church.

    and as what somebody said here, just take observation from the Catholic schools in Cebu as an example...if you are a true blue Cebuano, you will know what I'm talking about...

    let's also consider teenagers between 16-18 yrs old in nursing and medical courses. their curriculum is the perfect scenario to have a complete knowledge regarding s3x and family planning methods. did they become more curious and sexually active than those having engineering, or other non-medical degrees? i don't think so.

    NO to Abortion!
    Let's solve high teen abortion in the Phils. Take action!
    YES to age-appropriate s3x education! IT'S HIGH TIME!
    YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 08-18-2009 at 01:52 AM.

  10. #940
    i don't like this so i am not in favor of this

  11.    Advertisement

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