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since I joined theosophy and read stuff about it, gradually my being dogmatic has eroded.
so What if they mock Allah and Jesus or Islam and Christianity? In the bible Jesus was being flogged and tortured but he did not struck the people with lightning. Yes he drove out all the money changers in the temple for reason that they made the house of God a market place not because they were gamblers or thieves ( sinners ).
In Islam, there was a time when Muhammad was stoned and the angel Gabriel appeared before him and told him if he wish he (gabriel) would lift the mountain and smash it to his persecutors. But Muhammad said No, so the angel asked him what should be done to this people? Muhammad said, leave them because there will come a time that these people will become muslims. Right now the people who lived in that area are all muslims.
People must learn to accept the fact that in each religion naa jud kalahian.. if they want to mock your religion, pray for them. who knows that someday you'll see these people in heaven.
me im enjoying my theosophy.
Selling Theosophy. hmmm! init pani?