Originally Posted by
and the RH Bill nor the schools doesn't take away the responsibility of parents to their kids.
Wrong. That is EXACTLY what the RH bill will do.
In Section 12 of the RH Bill, the POPCOM will impose a common RH curriculum in ALL schools (public and private), for Grade 5 to 4th Year High School, covering “Reproductive health and sexual rights” and “attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual development, sexual behavior and sexual health”. It therefore DICTATES ONE way of thinking on these issues, without regard to the widely disparate views on these matters. Communities and groups with different beliefs will not be able to teach their own children according to their own sacred, religious or non-religious beliefs.
As noted in the paper "The RH Bill: An Act of Religious Persecution"(
What is more frightening is that the curriculum will be imposed on ALL schools, without respect for the religion or philosophy of that school. Therefore, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Buddhist schools will all be FORCED to teach the SAME BELIEFS about *** and “reproductive health”. Furthermore, this curriculum and the beliefs contained in it will be dictated by POPCOM – an institution known for its public and systematic criticism of the Catholic Church, affiliated with ideologues from UP Diliman (who are not known for their friendliness to religions of any and all stripes).
The RH bill's provisions of s3x education are highly COERCIVE and TOTALITARIAN.
let's take cognizance of the US gov't findings...
Yes, lets! As proven beyond doubt, abstinence education works. It is the contraceptive-based s3x education that has failed miserably. That is why Obama's changes are in trouble. People have realized that his program has little scientific basis and that
he is just paying off political debts to pro-abortion groups.
- CDC Figures Show Teen Abortions Lower in States Accepting Abstinence Funds
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new report relying on data from the Centers for Disease Control finds the states that accepted abstinence education funding saw greater reductions in teen abortions compared to states that didn't. The information provides another argument in favor of funding abstinence education programs.
- “Comprehensive” S3x Education is Ineffective: Abstinence Works, Major National Study Shows
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June 13, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A major report on teen *** education, released by Dr. Stan Weed of the Institute for Research and Evaluation in Salt Lake City, shows why
abstinence is the most successful method of preventing physical and emotional complications resulting from pre-marital sexual activity. His research is based on the results of many studies that have followed the education and behavior of over 400,000 adolescents in 30 different states for 15 years (see
- Abstinence Education Works - New Report Offers More Evidence
Contraception educators have been lying to kids for decades says leader
SIOUX FALLS, SD, December 10, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Amidst cries for scientific proof and medical accuracy the National Center for Health Statistics (CDC) released two reports today offering more evidence that abstinence education works.
Don't believe in the underhanded attempts to discredit abstinence programs. Abstinence works! Contraceptive-based, "comprehensive" s3x education programs, on the other hand, don't work! In fact, they are counterproductive.
More info on abstinence and purity at
True Love Waits Philippines
Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)