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  1. #1

    Default unsaon man para naa sa taas pirmi atong thread (buy/sell)?

    can anyone answer? unsaon man nga ma pirme naa sa taas ang atong i post nga thread (buy/sell)? naa ba subscription para ana? kung naa pila man, dili ba mahal?


  2. #2
    C.I.A. cliff_drew's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
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    If you mean that your post/thread will be stickied, that's not possible. In Buy and Sell section, you are only allowed to have 3 threads on the first page to give other sellers' post/thread their chance to be seen.

  3. #3
    actively participate in your own thread.

    what i notice with people who post in BSTC is that after they've made their initial post (pics, price, offer), they leave it alone and answer their customers through PMs. Why not answer their questions in the thread itself instead? also, if someone has bought from you acknowledge them by saying "thank you, (place username here) for purchasing" instead of just posting "UP".

  4. #4
    monitor imong post sa buy and sell.. if ma bury na siya e up balik para mabalik siya sa 1st page.

  5. #5
    thnx for the answer guyz

  6. #6
    ... and remember

    • Excessive bumping of threads is strictly prohibited. A maximum of 1 bump every 12 hours is tolerable.

    I think that sums it all up.

    thread closed.
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  7.    Advertisement

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