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of course it can't. but the RH Bill can. The RH Bill is not all about "birth control" u know. and this was confirmed by Likhaan saying the Reproductive health bill could reduce maternal mortality in Philippines.
That's just propaganda. The RH bill is practically all about POPULATION CONTROL through artificial and coercive means -- and little else!
For example, it was pointed out in An International Open Letter in Response to the 14 Signatories of the Ateneo Statement that the bill's fancy words on Maternal and ObGyn health were just lip service:
“Finally, it must be emphasized that there are two sections in the bill that should be applauded and expanded. Both Section 6 and Section 7 call for the expansion of midwives and birth attendants, as well as greater access to obstetric care. Such measures are critical to reducing maternal mortality and making progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, particularly MDG 5 (maternal health) and MDG 4 (infant health). Healthy mothers are the critical factor in assuring infant and child health.[11]
”Unfortunately, these two sections are the weakest in the bill. Most of the reproductive health proposals of the bill are mandatory and supported through financial means, as well as through the creation of new government agencies to assure implementation. Sections 6 and 7 of the Bill, which provide the only concrete health care and services to prevent or eliminate maternal mortality, are not mandatory, and the bill earmarks neither institutional support systems nor finances for their implementation. The POPCOM, which is established in Section 5 to implement and oversee the commitments outlined in the bill, has nine specific areas related to reproductive health and reproductive health services, yet no explicit mention of any responsibility in the area of maternal and ObGyn care. This most important section of the bill – and the only section actually consistent with Catholic social teaching – has been entirely neglected in the allocation of responsibilities to the agency established to oversee its implementation.
and labeling the RH Bill as a "birth control" measure is a misnomer. The bill is principally about rights, health and sustainable human development. and if u call this BS,
That's because it IS all BS. This was even recognized as such by a consensus of medical experts:
Med experts slam birth-control bill
BIOETHICS experts, doctors, and other health professionals criticized Reproductive Health Bill 5043 for reducing maternal health into a matter of “pregnancy prevention” or fertility control and for styling itself as anti-abortion while promoting birth-control methods that are “potentially abortifacient agents.”
Their Consensus statement on Reproductive Bill 5043 states:
2. There is a need to address the present problems in reproductive health. We are all of the same intention in protecting the mother during her reproductive years. This bill, however does not address/answer these problems in a holistic manner. It focuses mainly on pregnancy prevention. It must consider the rights of others involved specifically the unborn and those tasked with their care.
well, u just answered it yourself! well, only partially though. but not only that. it's also the lack of family planning and knowledge thereof.
Wrong again. Those are NOT the primary causes of high maternal mortality. The bill focuses on the MOST INEFFECTIVE means of addressing the problem (if it addresses them at all) while almost ignoring the most effective ones. Again, the medical experts spoke out on this:
Med experts slam birth-control bill
The experts added the bill paints an exaggeratedly bleak picture of maternal mortality to press the need for birth control.
Dr. Victoria Edna Monzon, chairwoman of Medicine’s Department of Bioethics, said that based on Department of Health figures in 2007, “nowhere could you find maternity problems as part of the top seven diseases that kill mothers.”
While not addressing the top maternal diseases, the bill would rather focus on fertility control, Monzon said.
“The bill is anti-poor, anti-family, anti-couple, anti-parent, anti-nature, and above all, anti-life,” she said.
Citing World Bank data, Monzon said that the most common causes of maternal mortality are malnutrition and the absence of pre-natal and post-natal check-ups.
“These causes are the things that (lawmakers) have to look into instead of legislating a birth-control bill,” she said.
Fr. Fausto Gomez, O.P., president of the Southeast Asian Center for Bioethics and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life of the Holy See, said maternal health problems should be solved not by an “anti-birth policy” but by “means that are socially and economically based.”
So, the RH will NOT effectively address high maternal mortality at all!
What are the primary causes of maternal deaths?
Look at your own list. NOWHERE does it cite pregnancy as a disease or main cause of maternal mortality.
The RH Bill is a health measure...and by improving that rights and health, you are also improving the lives of the Filipino people!
If the RH bill were a REAL health measure, that would be great. But as the doctors have pointed out, HB 5043 is really a POPULATION CONTROL measure disguised as a health measure.
HB5043 is an anti-health measure that sucks up billions of pesos that could have been spent fighting real killer diseases, and instead WASTES them on purely ELECTIVE (not medically necessary) devices and concoctions things that do NOT cure any disease.
The RH Bill is a matter of national policy and not of faith.
Public policy must be moral policy that truly benefits the people, not just a few greedy trapos and foreign-backed NGOs.
The RH bill is idiotic, greedy, and deadly policy. It is a rotten deception to get public money into the pockets of population control NGOs and their lapdog trapo politicians. It is up to people of faith to point out the bill's immoral and unconstitutional provisions, its coercive means, and to say NO!
I don't mean like a fistfight, a gun duel or something like that but just like an EB, perhaps over coffee.
Well, that's not a problem as I am very easy to find. I wonder, however, how will it disprove the mutual accusations? But sure, let's see how it works out.

Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)