View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #871

    Corazon Aquino's Proclamation 214: More Relevant than Ever Before

    PROCLAMATION 214, 3 February 1988

    Whereas, the UN Declaration on Rights of the Child provides that 'the Child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth';

    Whereas, Section 12, Article 2 of the Constitution provides that it is the policy of the State to 'protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception';

    Whereas, available statistics detail the frightening losses of innocent human lives by abortion; and

    Whereas, in pursuance of the above constitutional mandate and in support of the UN universal declaration and in order to instill the same, as well as the value and sacredness of human life, in the minds and hearts of the Filipino people and thereby help reverse the above statistical trend, it becomes imperative to set aside a period of time for them to ponder and focus attention on their moral and constitutional obligations to protect human life or one's inherent right to life;

    Now, Therefore, I, Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the second week of February 1988 and every year thereafter as "Respect and Care for Life Week" under the auspices of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and Pro-Life Philippines, and other involved entities or organizations."

    Text is also at:


  2. #872
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    and even if Fr Bernas said, "the assumption is that contraception is fertilization...we have to take the safer approach" is just an assumption, an opinion, or a suggestion.
    That is NOT what is documented. Fr. Bernas stated an unequivocal FACT, not some mere suggestion. The Commission's intent was to protect life from fertilization. It assumed such because it wanted to take the safer approach. These are NOT mere suggestions; he has stated these as FACTS. It's all there in black and white, which I will quote AGAIN so everyone can see:

    "The intention is to protect life from its beginning, and the assumption is that human life begins at conception, that conception takes place at fertilization." (p.78 Bernas, J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Manila: 1996 ed.)

    What part of the above statement can't you understand?

    u have to accept the fact that not even all people believe life begins at conception. some even believe life begins even before conception. so if we all follow that other assumption, even the use of condoms would make it unconstitutional!
    The Constitution does NOT follow that "other" assumption, so ther eis no problem. It does not say "before conception." The Constitution follows the assumption stated above by Fr. Bernas. It assumes that life begins at fertilization so as to take the safer approach. It says "from conception".

    You are making a nonsensical argument, You are clearly getting desperate now.

    i wasn't there. were u? at least i got copies of the original transcript of the Con Com deliberations. u don't.
    Having the transcript does NOT make you more credible than Fr. Bernas. That is the issue. The issue is NOT your opinion against Wakkanakka's; it is your opinion against the clear statement of fact from Fr,. Bernas.

    And in that contest, YOU LOSE!

    if u say family size and poverty has no correlation, then why the hell are u even discussing and promoting NFP in the first place?
    We do NOT promote NFP for population control. YOU and the pro-RH fanatics are the ones who want population control. So, as a compromise, NFP is proposed. It does not mean we believe that there is a need for population control, but since YOU and your pro-RH fanatic cohorts want population control, this is the only morally acceptable means to accommodate your side.

    and sa kadugay na nato diri, wa gihapon ka ka gets between the difference between causal relationship and correlation?
    We are not all philosophers here. As far as practical life is concerned, there is no real difference between a strong, regular correlation and a cause. See the Merriam-Webster dictionary. I posted the link earlier.

    wala lagi ko gaingon nga pop control is needed to lessen poverty coz we do not know which is the cause and which is the effect but due to their strong correlation, the gov't has to acknowledge that correlation. mao mao rana sa pag correlate gud between corruption and poverty. we don't know which is the cause and which is the effect, but nevertheless, we have to acknowledge the relationship.
    If all you want is acknowledgment of a meaningless strong correlation, you don't need the RH bill at all. What the bill actually assumes is a specific kind of strong correlation wherein large family size (or population or whatever) has the effect of raising poverty (or poverty gap, etc.). But it precisely this kind of correlation that is NOT established.

    You have just admitted you don't know which is the cause and which is the effect. Therefore, why should the government attempt to lower family size through contraceptives? if there is no need to lower family size, then why the nationwide contraceptive promotion in the RH bill? Why waste billions on promoting contraceptives? You are not making sense

    well, yes manny is gay. that remains a fact unless she err he himself denies it.
    Oh, all I need is to deny it? Well, ok. I am NOT gay. So by your logic, you have been proven wrong. You now owe me an apology for making an unfounded accusation. But perhaps you'll be too gay to make that apology. It takes a real man to do so.

    and mind u, babaye akoang gusto, dili lalake...that is a fact.
    That's just what you say. The truth could be very different. And you haven't answered my question: Does your wife know you want to make her into a porn star? Oh, and since you have this inexplicable compulsion to show of your "ehem", are you a gay exhibitionist as well?

    by the way, i was wrong on the source of Fr Bernas statement. it was actually taken from the rest came from other sources.
    You still have not given us your geocities source. Why are you AFRAID to do so?

    so u mean to say the Catholic schools are the only ones who do the right kind of teaching?
    You're now putting words into another person's mouth. He said that the Church had the right kind of teaching fopr children. He did not say it was the ONLY good teaching. The point is that abstinence education works while contraceptive-promoting s3x education does NOT work (and it even is counterproductive).

    Another very important point is that the RH bill seeks to impose its program of contraceptive-promoting s2x education on ALL schools. This was pointed out in a primer distributed to legislators, which I quote:

    The RH Bill: An Act of Religious Persecution

    In Section 12 of the RH Bill, we find that the POPCOM is mandated to enforce a common “reproductive health” curriculum in ALL schools (public and private), for Grade 5 to 4th Year High School. This curriculum, among others, will cover “Reproductive health and sexual rights” and “attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual development, sexual behavior and sexual health”.

    Since when has it been the government’s task to impose a common curriculum on ALL schools (and, therefore, on all students) and to dictate what our young and impressionable children should THINK and BELIEVE regarding ***?

    Not even in the most liberated Western countries do we see anything like this!

    What is more frightening is that the curriculum will be imposed on ALL schools, without respect for the religion or philosophy of that school. Therefore, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Buddhist schools will all be FORCED to teach the SAME BELIEFS about *** and “reproductive health”. Furthermore, this curriculum and the beliefs contained in it will be dictated by POPCOM – an institution known for its public and systematic criticism of the Catholic Church, affiliated with ideologues from UP Diliman (who are not known for their friendliness to religions of any and all stripes).

    c'mon. don't get self-righteous here. do u have a kid @wakkanaka? does @manny have a kid?
    That is an Idiotic argument. Many of the pro-lifers who oppose this bill have kids too. That alone totally sinks your *****ic argument!

    then he further said "The RH bill is by no means a perfect document...Neither, however, is the bill totally bad..."
    We don't say it is TOTALLY bad either. If it were, it would never have even gotten past the committees. Hardly any bill is totally bad unless it contains only one provision (and that provision is bad). The problem is that the most important provisions of HB 5043 are bad. And Lagman and his pro-RH fanatics aren't willing to delete those provisions except maybe for some minor ones. The coercive and immoral provisions include Sections 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, and 23 of the bill as written here.

    So, when will you give us that geocities source? And when will you answer my questions about your deviant sexual proclivities?

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 08-07-2009 at 07:34 PM.

  3. #873
    Friday, October 24, 2008
    First Things First: THE GOSPEL, ACCORDING TO SWS

    Now come the latest SWS surveys.

    These are a fitting climax to the high-octane propaganda campaign on reproductive health (RH). In numerous forums, RH propagandists had repeatedly bragged about alleged surveys showing popular support for HB 5043, and warning politicians against the wrath of the voters should they fail to support it. They will never get reelected, according to the propagandists.

    It is an old con game. In 1992, before the seat of my pants ever touched my chair in the Senate, I attended a workshop for newly elected senators. Out of the blue appeared SWS’s Mahar Mangahas with an alleged survey claiming that if a senator did not support the government;s family planning, he would never get reelected.

    Then Mangahas said, “You see, Senator Tatad, there’s no such thing as a Catholic vote.”

    To which I replied, “In a Catholic country where most candidates are Catholic, there is no such thing as a Catholic vote. But try running a candidate whose program is to destroy the Catholic faith, and you’ll have a Catholic vote against that candidate.”

    That was 16 years ago, but very little has changed. The population control lobby is poorer now, with the collapse of the global financial system. But it can still fund surveys, and remains as determined as ever to change our concept of human life, marriage and the family, and prevent us from becoming a threat to the security and economic interests of our richest friends. And the local conscripts proliferate.

    Their claim of popular support has no factual basis at all. In 2007. the biggest voter-getter among the party-list parties was “Buhay” which won the most number of seats in the House of Representatives on its pro-life, pro-family program. No other party won a single seat on the basis of an anti-life, anti-family program.

    HB 5043 is losing ground, and SWS had to shore up its sagging fortunes. But the survey questions were so skewed that one wonders why they were made public at all. All you have to do is read those questions, and wonder why SWS failed to report a 100% support for the bill.

    The question SWS asked about the HB 5043, according to SWS Media Release, is as follows:

    Ang “Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2007” ay isang panukalang batas sa mababang kapulungan ng kongreso na magbibigay ng katungkulan sa gobyerno na magtaguyod ng programa ukol sa responsableng pagpapamilya o responsible parenthood sa pamamagitan ng sapat na impormasyon sa publiko at pagkakaroon ng mga ligtas, legal, mura at de-kalidad na serbisyong pang-reproductive health sa mga taong may gusto nito. Kayo ba ay PABOR o HINDI PABOR sa panukalang batas na ito?

    It is devious. It neither mentions the basic provisions of the bill nor does it define the basic terms used. People expect “reproductive health” to promote reproduction, but in the bill it is meant to promote contraception instead. The intention to deceive is patent. SWS must have been disappointed it did not get a 100-% endorsement.

    In the survey reportedly commissioned by Forum for Family Planning and Development, SWS asked the following questions (OpenDNS

    1) “The usage of legal contraceptives like condoms, IUDs and pills can also be considered as abortion. Agree or disagree?”

    It is also a devious one. While HB 5043 describes “artificial contraceptives” as “modern”, SWS describes them as “legal.” This subtly endorses the contraceptives as unobjectionable. Now, IUD is an abortifacient, some pills (not all) are also abortifacient, condoms are (barrier) contraceptives with a high rate of failure. No one is saying the use of condoms, IUD or pills is abortion; but by asking that question, SWS is suggesting it is one of the points of contention. Thus, SWS is able to claim points for contraceptives, etc. simply by creating a strawman for everyone to shoot down.

    2) “There should be a law that requires gov’t to distribute legal contraceptives like condoms, IUDs, and pills to people who want to avail of them. Agree or Disagree?”

    Again, “legal.” The respondent’s normal inclination is to think that if the contraceptives are legal, then the government should be able to distribute them. It is a clever way of skirting the moral and constitutional issues altogether. Again, the intention to deceive is patent.

    3) “If family planning would be included in their curriculum the youth would be sexually promiscuous. Agree or disagree?”

    Once more, it is an exercise in deception. No one is objecting to “family planning,” properly understood. What is objected to in this instance is the proposed“mandatory *** education” for children from Grade V until high school, without parental consent.” What is at issue is not just the kind of *** “education” to be imposed, but above all the right of parents as the primary educators of their children to decide what kind of *** education their children will get, where, and from whom?

    The core issue is not about family planning at all. It is whether or not we shall allow the State to stamp its boot on our most basic human rights in the name of population control. This involves moral and constitutional issues which cannot be decided by any opinion survey, especially one conducted by pollsters who are themselves advocates of population control.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  4. #874
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    We do NOT promote NFP for population control. YOU and the pro-RH fanatics are the ones who want population control. So, as a compromise, NFP is proposed. It does not mean we believe that there is a need for population control, but since YOU and your pro-RH fanatic cohorts want population control, this is the only morally acceptable means to accommodate your side.
    what? u don't promote population control? unsa man diay nang NFP nga gipanghambog ninyo mannygirl? is it not a population control policy of pro-life phils and Gloria? i guess u don't have a good grasp of its definition after all!

    besides, it is even a misnomer to call the RH Bill a “birth control” measure. The bill is principally about rights, health and sustainable human development.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    We are not all philosophers here. As far as practical life is concerned, there is no real difference between a strong, regular correlation and a cause. See the Merriam-Webster dictionary. I posted the link earlier.
    what? there is no real difference between a strong correlation and a causal (cause & effect) relationship? are u making ur own dictionary now?

    FACT: there is real difference! but connected, true! do we have to go back discussing this again?!?

    per wiki: In the mathematical sense, it is always correct to say "Correlation does not imply causation". However, the word "imply" in casual use loosely means suggests rather than requires. The idea that correlation and causation are connected is certainly true; correlation is needed for causation to be proved.

    However, in logic, the technical use of the word "implies" means:

    To be a sufficient circumstance.

    This is the meaning intended by statisticians when they say causation is not certain. Indeed, p implies q has the technical meaning of logical implication: if p then q symbolized as p → q. That is "if circumstance p is true, then q necessarily follows."

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    If all you want is acknowledgment of a meaningless strong correlation, you don't need the RH bill at all. What the bill actually assumes is a specific kind of strong correlation wherein large family size (or population or whatever) has the effect of raising poverty (or poverty gap, etc.). But it precisely this kind of correlation that is NOT established.
    do u even know that it is not only the strong correlation between family size and poverty why the legislators are pushing for a legislation on reproductive health?

    in case u forgot, there are other valid reasons: human rights, high maternal and infant mortality, escalating incidence of abortions, lack of s3x education, non-access to all forms of family planning including information thereof, per capita, lack or women empowerment, etc.

    Reproductive health is a basic human right.
    * RH is about the right of mothers and children to good health.
    * RH is about the right of women not to die from childbirth or pregnancy-related causes.
    * RH is about the right of children to improved quality child care and better development outcomes.
    * RH is about the right of parents to have the prospect of investing more on the health and education for their children.
    * RH is about the right of women for more income generating activities and educational opportunities as they are liberated from unremitting pregnancies.
    * RH is about the right of women to avoid making the unbearably painful decision of having an abortion because they and their husbands simply cannot afford to raise another child.
    * RH is about everyone’s basic human right to exercise reproductive self-determination.
    * RH is about people-centered development that upholds human dignity.

    The RH bill is a health measure. RH ensures sustainable development.

    but of course u want to deny those to our people by opposing any reproductive health bill that comes your way isn't it? u turn a blind eye to the Pulse Asia survey telling us that 6 out of 10 Pinoys support the RH Bill? u turn a blind eye that local polls support the Rh Bill? instead, u bash the SWS survey when in fact it has just almost the same result as that of Pulse Asia?

    that's how u listen to the demand of the times?

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    You have just admitted you don't know which is the cause and which is the effect. Therefore, why should the government attempt to lower family size through contraceptives? if there is no need to lower family size, then why the nationwide contraceptive promotion in the RH bill? Why waste billions on promoting contraceptives? You are not making sense
    that's because ur question is wrong in the first place. that is just second to your wrong question asking why the gov't has to "manipulate" family size...

    the gov't is not attempting to lower family size thru contraceptives. HELL NO! the gov't is attempting to encourage and promote family planning noting the ideal size is 2. it is also attempting to encourage birth spacing. but it does not impose 2-child policy nor punish those who makes babies more than that. bisan pa usa pa ka dosena! there's a big difference there.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Oh, all I need is to deny it? Well, ok. I am NOT gay. So by your logic, you have been proven wrong. You now owe me an apology for making an unfounded accusation. But perhaps you'll be too gay to make that apology. It takes a real man to do so.
    hahaha. of course u can deny it anytime even though it's not the truth. but remember, a picture paints a thousand words mannygirl...and i don't intend to offer any apologies coz I know u r gay.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That's just what you say. The truth could be very different. And you haven't answered my question: Does your wife know you want to make her into a porn star? Oh, and since you have this inexplicable compulsion to show of your "ehem", are you a gay exhibitionist as well?
    hahaha. u just can't distinguish between an exagge and fact do u? well, we can meet here in Cebu anytime just to validate the truth, me as male and u as shemale...u r in Cebu ryt? ok let's walk the talk, agree?

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    You still have not given us your geocities source. Why are you AFRAID to do so?
    i already said i was mistaken on posting the source. it was from

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    You're now putting words into another person's mouth. He said that the Church had the right kind of teaching fopr children. He did not say it was the ONLY good teaching. The point is that abstinence education works while contraceptive-promoting s3x education does NOT work (and it even is counterproductive).
    well, sorry but it seems that was the message intended. let @wakkanaka say it is not, but not u. unless u r now his legal defendant perhaps?

    and how do u know the Church had the right kind of teaching for children? are u basing it from moral standards or statistical effectiveness? coz if we base it on statistics, teenagers studying in Catholic schools has 5 times higher incidence of abortion than those in secular schools. and that is not a lie!

    as u already know well, religion cannot prevent abortion my friend. statistical correlations have already shown that. what can prevent abortion is giving them proper values and information about their sexuality thru "AGE-APPROPRIATE" s3x education...

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Another very important point is that the RH bill seeks to impose its program of contraceptive-promoting s2x education on ALL schools. This was pointed out in a primer distributed to legislators,

    Since when has it been the government’s task to impose a common curriculum on ALL schools (and, therefore, on all students) and to dictate what our young and impressionable children should THINK and BELIEVE regarding ***?

    Not even in the most liberated Western countries do we see anything like this!

    What is more frightening is that the curriculum will be imposed on ALL schools, without respect for the religion or philosophy of that school. Therefore, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Buddhist schools will all be FORCED to teach the SAME BELIEFS about *** and “reproductive health”. Furthermore, this curriculum and the beliefs contained in it will be dictated by POPCOM – an institution known for its public and systematic criticism of the Catholic Church, affiliated with ideologues from UP Diliman (who are not known for their friendliness to religions of any and all stripes).[/INDENT][/INDENT]
    ever heard of DepEd?

    now that is a scare tactic and ad hominem attack. no good an argument.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That is an Idiotic argument. Many of the pro-lifers who oppose this bill have kids too. That alone totally sinks your *****ic argument!
    well, is this pro-life group u r bragging about have the authority as legislators mannygirl?

    @wakkanaka said he is worried about kids being given s3x education as mandated by the bill. that comment is in fact subjective. so it is only in good sense to counter it by being subjective too! well, does he have kids? how does he/she know how to worry when he doesn't have any kids at all? how do u know how to worry when u urself doesn't even have kids? u don't have any credibility even to talk about that!

    that's why u downplay by saying it is *****ic argument coz ur credibility on this matter is ZERO! u r not even a parent!

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    We don't say it is TOTALLY bad either. If it were, it would never have even gotten past the committees. Hardly any bill is totally bad unless it contains only one provision (and that provision is bad). The problem is that the most important provisions of HB 5043 are bad. And Lagman and his pro-RH fanatics aren't willing to delete those provisions except maybe for some minor ones. The coercive and immoral provisions include Sections 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, and 23 of the bill as written here.
    ows, u say it is not totally bad but u vehemently rallied for petition to discredit it entirely? is that double talk?

    why don't u go to Congress and talk about ur concerns with them? that way, certain things in the bill could be ironed out. but i guess u won't, just like those arrogant priests who rejected the invitation for a dialogue huh? do u want Pia Cayetano, Hontiveros, Lagman, and all those in support of the bill maoy mo anha ninyo ug makigstorya? well, that could be possible but unsa mo special and VIP?


    let me end this talk w/ some quotes from Rep Edcel Lagman during his speech:

    "This bill is not solely about pills, condoms and IUDs. Neither is it about ***, morality or religion no matter how desperately its oppositors claim it is...The bill is principally about rights, health and sustainable human development. The bill is fully transparent. There is no hidden agenda. There are no caveats.

    We must appreciate free choice because freedom is the bedrock of republicanism and democracy. We must appreciate women, the cradle of life whose maternal health must always be paramount. We must appreciate life, whose quality and sustainability must not be wasted in neglect, squalor, want and abject poverty.While the bill may not be the panacea to all our ills, it is definitely not the source of baseless paranoia."
    Last edited by giddyboy; 08-08-2009 at 11:55 AM.

  5. #875
    Who's life will be cost if abortion is legalized... they don't have any sin and it not there fault they are born why take them....

  6. #876
    The Lord God said not to kill. Abortion is killing. simpliest answer to the question is no to Abortion because it is againsts Gods will.

  7. #877

  8. #878
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    what? u don't promote population control? unsa man diay nang NFP nga gipanghambog ninyo mannygirl? is it not a population control policy of pro-life phils and Gloria?
    Pro-life Philippines does NOT espouse population control. its policies are not the same as the GMA administration's. Natural Family Planning is proposed IF there is a need for it, but it does NOT mean the need actually exists all over the country. Do you have the brains to tell the difference?

    besides, it is even a misnomer to call the RH Bill a “birth control” measure. The bill is principally about rights, health and sustainable human development.
    Spare us the BS. The so-called RH bill is mainly about population control. it does NOT grant any new rights. In fact the RH bill SUPPRESSES EXISTING RIGHTS such as freedom of conscience (section 17 and section 21, number 5) and freedom of speech (section 21, part e).

    what? there is no real difference between a strong correlation and a causal (cause & effect) relationship? are u making ur own dictionary now?
    Here is what the Merriam-Webster dictionary says:

    causality - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

    1 : a causal quality or agency
    2 : the relation between a cause and its effect or between regularly correlated events or phenomena

    correlate - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

    1 a : to establish a mutual or reciprocal relation between <correlate activities in the lab and the field> b : to show correlation or a causal relationship between

    In other words: causality (in the practical sense) = regularly correlated events or phenomena.

    And in case you forgot, the Merriam-Webster dictionary is far more authoritative than wikipedia (a source that can be edited by anyone).

    You just shot yourself in the foot again!

    do u even know that it is not only the strong correlation between family size and poverty why the legislators are pushing for a legislation on reproductive health?
    Of course. Their other motive is MONEY. That should be obvious.

    High maternal mortality will not be alleviated through birth control. The cause of high maternal mortality is the lack of basic facilities and health care personnel (such as midwives). Perhaps over 90% of maternal mortality cases will be eliminated through improving these alone, and these cana slo be used for other needs as well (such as providing basic health care and hygiene). Pregnancy is NOT a disease that causes maternal mortality.

    The RH bill is a health measure. RH ensures sustainable development.
    It is neither. The RH bill is a DEATH measure and DIVERTS resources away from real needs.

    instead, u bash the SWS survey when in fact it has just almost the same result as that of Pulse Asia?
    We have examined the questions and they clearly introduce bias. Is that how you inform yourself: through flawed surveys? No wonder you are impossibly ignorant.

    the gov't is attempting to encourage and promote family planning noting the ideal size is 2.
    That's the same BS. Why is there an "ideal" family size if the family size cannot be shown to cause a change in poverty gap (or whatever other factor)? You are not making sense.

    and i don't intend to offer any apologies coz I know u r gay.
    Well that only proves you aren't man enough and that YOU are really gay. I pity your wife. Have you confessed to her that you sleep with other men yet? I'm sure she will take that... "seriously".

    well, we can meet here in Cebu anytime just to validate the truth
    Are you still overly eager to show off your "ehem" and turn your wife into a porn star? That's hilarious, girlygay. Should I bring an audience with cameras?

    i already said i was mistaken on posting the source. it was from
    So where's the URL? You are STILL not providing it. Why are you so afraid to do so? Liar.

    well, sorry but it seems that was the message intended. let @wakkanaka say it is not, but not u. unless u r now his legal defendant perhaps?
    You made a stupid error, and I pointed it out.

    ever heard of DepEd?
    The DepEd allows schools to create their own programs. Or are you irresponsibly ignorant of that fact as well?

    So the objection remains and you have not been able to answer it. Let me repeat it so others can see.

    The RH Bill: An Act of Religious Persecution

    In Section 12 of the RH Bill, we find that the POPCOM is mandated to enforce a common “reproductive health” curriculum in ALL schools (public and private), for Grade 5 to 4th Year High School. This curriculum, among others, will cover “Reproductive health and sexual rights” and “attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual development, sexual behavior and sexual health”.

    Since when has it been the government’s task to impose a common curriculum on ALL schools (and, therefore, on all students) and to dictate what our young and impressionable children should THINK and BELIEVE regarding ***?

    Not even in the most liberated Western countries do we see anything like this!

    What is more frightening is that the curriculum will be imposed on ALL schools, without respect for the religion or philosophy of that school. Therefore, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Buddhist schools will all be FORCED to teach the SAME BELIEFS about *** and “reproductive health”. Furthermore, this curriculum and the beliefs contained in it will be dictated by POPCOM – an institution known for its public and systematic criticism of the Catholic Church, affiliated with ideologues from UP Diliman (who are not known for their friendliness to religions of any and all stripes).

    well, is this pro-life group u r bragging about have the authority as legislators
    Theyu do not need it. They are parents as well. And that totally sinks your *****ic argument.

    why don't u go to Congress and talk about ur concerns with them?
    That has been done several times. But the hardliners like Lagman and his cohorts are too fanatical and greedy to budge. Fortunately, pro-lifers have had better luck with the more reasonable legislators.

    So, we can come to several conclusions (from this post and previous ones)

    • The RH bill promotes abortifacient contraceptives
    • You are gay.
    • The RH bill is useless
    • The RH Bill is coercive
    • The SWS surveys are flawed (since 1992)
    • You are a liar.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 08-11-2009 at 02:16 PM.

  9. #879
    Reckless and irresponsible
    By Jo Imbong

    REP. EDCEL LAGMAN, THE PRINCIPAL AUTHOR OF THE proposed Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008 asserts, among others, that the bill is neither antilife nor antifamily, that contraceptives are not life-threatening and that the bill does not impose a two-child policy.

    Prolife? To value human life is to respect and protect life in all its seasons. “Human life begins at fertilization.” (Records of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. IV, Sept. 18, 1986, pp. 761, 801) hence, “the State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.” (Constitution, Article II, Section 12). Lagman said in a House hearing that the bill would protect human life “from implantation.”

    By that token, the zygote not yet in the mother’s womb is not protected. Pills and the IUD hinder implantation of the embryo in the uterus, thereby precipitating the embryo’s destruction. That is abortion. And yet, “every child ... needs appropriate legal protection before as well as after birth (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).

    Not life-threatening? Records are rife of perforation of the uterus and serious pelvic infections in women with IUDs that public midwives have refused to extract. The Mayo Foundation found that oral contraceptives are associated with an increase risk of breast cancer. DepoProvera increases a woman’s risk for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Oral contraceptives containing cyproterone increase risk of deep venous blood clots.

    Levonorgestrel is banned in this country as the Bureau of Food and Drugs found it to be abortifacient. Life-threatening ectopic pregnancies occur in mothers long after undergoing tubal ligation, particularly those sterilized before age 30.

    Contraceptives as essential medicines? Contraceptives do not treat any medical condition. Fertility is not a disease. It attests to health! The bill targets “the poor, needy and marginalized.” This is most unkind to them whose real needs are jobs, skills, education, lucrative opportunities, nutrition, and essential medicines for anemia, tuberculosis, infections and childhood diseases.

    Remember, every citizen has the right to health (Art. II, Sec.15), hence, the State has a duty to protect the citizens against dangerous substances (Constitution, Art. XVI, Sec.9), and protect women in their maternal function (Art. XIII,Sec. 14).

    Family friendly? The “encouragement” to have two children is manipulation both brazen and subtle. It can set the stage for a stronger application of the recommendation through legislative amendments. Spouses have a basic, original, intrinsic and inviolable right “to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood” (Art. XV, Sec. 3 [1]). This includes their right to progeny.

    The bill mocks parents with fine and imprisonment in refusing to expose their children to mandatory “age-appropriate” reproductive health education starting Grade 5 outside the loving confines of home and family.

    Vulnerable and malleable, our children will be taught “adolescent reproductive health” and “the full range of information on family planning methods, services and facilities” for six years. This is child abuse of the highest order. And yet, “every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and strengthening of his character.” (Child and Youth Welfare Code)

    The ... care and nurtur[ance] of the child reside first in the parents (Article II, Sec. 12, Constitution), whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the state can neither supply nor hinder. (Brantley v. Surles, 718 F. 2d. 1354,1358-59) The State did not create the family, and “the child is not a creature of the State.” (Pierce vs. Society of Sisters, 268, U.S. 510, 535.) That is the law of nature, and no human institution has authority to amend it.

    Quality of life? The bill wants to “uplift the quality of life of the people.” Population control started in 1976 “to increase the share of each Filipino in the fruits of economic progress.” In other words -- to eliminate poverty. Has it?

    The General Appropriations Act of 2008 earmarks an enormous amount for “family planning and reproductive health services,” including contraceptives. For the Department of Health it is P3.19 billion; for Popcom -- P386.5 million, quite apart from funds for other agencies of government and local government units for the same programs. Add $2.4 million from the United Nations Population Fund for population and development and reproductive health for 2008, plus $2.2 million for 2009.

    Today’s average family has three children compared with seven in the ’70s. But the billions of pesos spent have not reduced poverty or benefited the poor.

    If Congress passes this bill, it wagers the future of the country. Citizens have a right to resist misplaced and irresponsible exercise of authority because the good of the people is the supreme law. Salus populi est suprema lex.

    The path of irresponsible legislation is a dreadful path: If an act is made legal, it will be perceived as moral. If an act is perceived as moral, it will become a norm. If it is observed by all as a norm, then it is too late. By then, you will have changed the culture. That is not simply reckless. It is the ultimate breach of public trust.

    (Jo Imbong, a lawyer, is the executive secretary of the Legal office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and consultant to the CBCP Episcoal Commission on Family and Life.)

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 08-11-2009 at 05:41 PM.

  10. #880
    grabiha gud ge proposed og legalize ang abortion... wa xa kulba.i ana? naa na s 10 commandments...

    tabla ra xa ni ingon na " ayaw mog tuo s ginoo"

    tsk tsk tsk

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